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Name: ____________________________.

Q1. Fill in the blanks using the words from the box below:

coughing – epidemic – fatal – influenza – injection – interfere – laboratory – minor

– outbreak – respiratory system – risk – sneezing – spread – symptoms – tissue

1. If you want a medication to be absorbed rapidly, then you should take it by

2. One of the symptoms of polio is stiffness.
3. Giving up smoking reduces the risk of heart disease.
4. A flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow.
5. His injuries were relatively minor, so he was released from the hospital within a
couple of hours of being admitted.
6. He wiped his sweat with a tissue and continued to speak nervously.
7. There is a new outbreak of COVID-19 in the capital city.
8. They all had colds and were sniffing, sneezing and coughing.
9. The new drug will be tested on different animals in this laboratory.
10. She suffered a fatal heart attack. There was no way to save her.
11. Smoking interferes with your body's ability to process oxygen.
12. These gases would seriously damage the patient's respiratory system.
13. Influenza is an illness caused by a virus. The symptoms are like those of a bad cold,
but more serious.
14. Her notes were spread all over the desk. She studied hard.

Teacher’s name: Ms. Nora Mashhour Academic Supervisor

Mrs. Nadia Ahmed

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