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Our form of government is presidential democracy, our stem is the federal system, and
our economic system is a mixed economy. However, we will benefit the government
because the Apeople will be able to grow and be prosperous using our numerous
natural resources we will provide. We will help with trade, protection, comfort,
equality, and riches for all. Your voice will be heard. The monarchy will still be in
power due to their socio-economic status. The monarchs will be wealthy with power in
check. But they won’t have the chance to abuse their power and they will work for the
better of the people. Military leaders will have a lot of power, influence, and money.
You control a vital part of the Country and we respect you. We will gladly give you
natural resources and have you provide what you think is best for the safety of our
country. For the religious leaders, there will be absolute religous freedom. We are
aware of how important you are for freedom and belief in our country. You will be
respected and held to the highest esteem with our resources in your disposal. The
Nupeople which is already a prosperous country will have a steady income of natural
resources with our respect and utmost priority of their voice and opinion. However, the
business leaders will no longer have access to our natural resources. I am sure that
you have noticed that they seem to think that they should be able to abuse their money
and power for the self servement of solely them. They pose a danger to us all as they
are the most powerful and rich with seemingly no moral compass or benefits for the
wider people. The poor people have been disporoportionatley effected by the business
leaders prioritizing only the business leaders, we will provide you witht the comfor,
natural resources, and riches you want. Your voice will be heard and your opinion will
be considered. Vote for your freedom. As your opinion will be considered in everything.
Why you want us on your side: We are residing in an area that is rich in all of the
natural gases. Without us your money and life would be depleted. We are happy to sell
desert crops such as gold, silver, iron, lead-zinc ore and uranium. Without these
materials, you will be in financial distress and won’t be able to live comfortably as you
do now. The gas that resides in our country gives you heat and electricity, are you okay
with losing those things and having to prevail throughout hard times without basic
human necessities? The business leaders are abusing our land and resources. However,
we will cut them off to provide equality for all. Each and every one of your groups
exempting the Business leaders will be provided with our natural resources and riches.
The business leaders have proven to prioritize their needs over the needs of us the
people, with your vote we will make sure that they won’t abuse their power and
exuberant income. Fairness, comfort, riches, and equality for all!

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