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Pak Prabowo

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, peace be upon you, and may the
mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you all, greetings to everyone, shalom, om swasti
astu, Namo Buddhaya, greetings of goodness. Thank you for the opportunity given to me to
convey my vision and mission. We prioritize law, human rights, improving government
services, and eradicating corruption. Protecting all groups in society is crucial, therefore, in
our vision and mission, these matters are placed at the top. I have been aware, and since a
young age, I have taken an oath to uphold Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. In the 1945
Constitution, our nation's founders established a republic based on law and the sovereignty
of the people. That has been my struggle all along, and I have risked my life and soul to
defend democracy, law, and justice. We understand there are still many shortcomings, but
we must be grateful that amidst a world full of challenges and uncertainties, where wars and
civil conflicts are rampant in many countries, Indonesia remains safe, peaceful, and under
control. Prices are still manageable, and the economy for our people is still stable. Why?
Because of leadership, because of successful state management. My fellow citizens, among
280 million people, is it possible to have no shortcomings? But we must be wise, mature,
and not hypocritical. Leaders must set an example. Gibran, we will improve what needs to
be improved. Our programs are good, our goals are good, our intentions are good. Let us do
good for our people; we need unity and harmony. We don't need to incite, criticize, or insult
each other. For the sake of our beloved people, we need calmness, tranquility, and harmony.
We are a diverse nation, with hundreds of ethnic groups and various religions. Leaders must
be cool-headed, leaders must be mature.

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