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Adam Lasri

In a world where the sky was not just a backdrop for my human dreams, but a living entity
with which it was necessary to dialogue, I found myself faced with an ardent desire: to be the
first man to live on the moon. She represented to me more than a natural satellite, she was the
symbol of everything that was out of reach, an ideal that seemed so close and yet so far,
similar to the invisible borders that separate individuals from each other. My quest began at
dusk, under the benevolent gaze of this vast and conscious sky. He questioned me without
words, his changing colors reflecting my own doubts and aspirations. The Moon, with its soft
and comforting light, seemed to taunt me with its quiet assurance, reminding me of the deep
but often complicated emotional connections we have with our own dreams and those around

I therefore embarked on an initiatory quest, to achieve this dream, and each step towards the
Moon forced me to confront the barriers that I had erected around my heart. These barriers,
similar to the sky that separated the earth from the moon, were both protective and restrictive,
shaped by experiences and fears accumulated over time.
The sky, then witness to my struggle, transformed step by step. He was no longer merely a
spectator but a guide, his clouds weaving patterns that seemed to speak to me of perseverance
and the hidden beauty that the journey itself constituted. Through this silent interaction, I
learned that reaching the Moon required not only overcoming the physics of space but also
navigating the complexities of introspection.
As I progressed, each star seemed to align with me, forming a luminous path through the
black pitch. However, just when I thought I had finally understood the message sent by this
sky, a new challenge rose before me. The ground beneath my feet trembled, a harbinger of
imminent transformation, not only in the world around me but, most importantly, within

The Moon, which had always seemed so pure and accessible to me, suddenly took on a new
aura, revealing hidden facets that were previously unknown to me. And in that moment of
revelation, I realized that the journey was not just about reaching a destination but about
attaining a deeper understanding of the connection between souls, a quest that transcends
physical boundaries to touch the very essence of our humanity.
As I stared at the starry sky, ready to cross the last threshold, a soundless voice came to me,
carried on the wind: a whisper promising me that this was only the beginning, that each end
is, in reality, only a new opening onto infinity.
Thus, my story hangs in the immensity of space, on the edge of a discovery that could
redefine not only my own existence but also our way of perceiving the distances that separate
us. And reminding us that the greatest journey is the one that leads to understanding the other,
regardless of the obstacles that seem to keep us away from it.

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