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Voice-activated change:

Marketing in the age of artificial

intelligence and virtual assistants
Received (in revised form): 29th May, 2018

is curious about what is next. That curiosity fuelled an award-winning career at advertising agencies from Chicago to
San Francisco, the creation of her own digital marketing consultancy, and a move to academia. She is now an Assistant
Professor of Advertising and Public Relations at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Journalism and Mass
Communications. She brings over 15 years of expertise in integrated marketing communications, digital media
strategy and analytics from Starcom, Fox Interactive, IBM, and her consultancy into her research and teaching. She
now funnels her curiosity into research that focuses on the intersection of digital media, innovation and culture. She
holds a master¹s degree in integrated marketing communications from Northwestern University.
Valerie K. Jones

The Internet of Things promises to make relationships with technology more personal than ever.
Voice-controlled virtual or artificial intelligence assistants such as Amazon’s Alexa or Google Assistant
execute the commands of their users, providing information, entertainment, utility and convenience while
enabling consumers to bypass the advertising they would typically see on a screen.This ‘screen-less’
communication presents significant challenges for brands used to ‘pushing’ messages to audiences in
exchange for the content they seek in hopes of creating preference. It also raises ethical questions about
data collection, usage and privacy. Little is known about the role marketing will play in the increasingly
connected, voice-controlled home.This case study will explore critical cases to describe the implications,
applications and opportunities for voice-controlled personal assistants in marketing and advertising in
the USA.

Internet of Things, virtual assistant, voice assistant, marketing, advertising

‘SECRETS ARE LIES. SHARING IS 10 million Amazon Echos have been

CARING. PRIVACY IS THEFT.’1 sold.3 According to Matt Thompson, chief
product officer of Bitly, ‘Voice is the new
OS’4 or ‘operating system’. This means
INTRODUCTION that access to information, entertainment
Over 100,000 people say ‘good morning’ and content of whatever sort will increas-
to Alexa every day.2 Alexa, of course, is not ingly be provided and controlled through
a person; she is a voice-controlled virtual the voice assistant.
assistant built by Amazon. These assistants are designed to be on
Valerie K. Jones Voice-controlled virtual assistants and all of the time, constantly listening for
University of Nebraska-Lincoln,
341 Andersen Hall,
their connected devices are gaining pop- their names, ready to fulfil the needs of
P.O. Box 880443,
Lincoln, NE 68588-0443,
ularity. The leader is the Amazon Echo the user. The more interaction there is
USA device, with the Alexa virtual assistant, with the user, the more the assistant learns
Tel: +1 (402) 472 3824
E-mail: released in 2014. Estimates indicate that and the more personalised it becomes.


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This presents multiple challenges for mar- Technology is moving much faster than
keters. Access to content will come to be academic literature. Few studies have been
curated by the virtual assistants, rather published about the IoT or voice assistants
than selected by the user from, for exam- in the area of marketing and advertising,
ple, the results of an Internet search. And a surprising gap.8 One commentary pro-
users will only be exposed to what they vides vignettes about the IoT and recom-
request, what they want or need, rather mendations for updating the service logic
than an array of advertisements that paradigm in marketing, a model of value
underwrite the content. Both of these co-creation.9 A graduate project published
challenges are significant shifts for market- in the computer science area focuses on
ers. Further, content that is available and implications of automation and artifi-
regularly accessed through the assistants cial intelligence in the home and strate-
is very limited. In fact, Matt Thompson, gic recommendations for companies to
chief product officer of Bitly, says that 69 take advantage of technologies such as
per cent of Alexa skills have zero or one Alexa.10 A quantitative study examines
user.5 This indicates that marketers and the effect of ‘smart’ interaction on brand
advertisers are still learning about how attachment. Still, considering the growing
voice-activated virtual assistants matter, IoT and voice assistant trend, there is cer-
how they are relevant and what they mean tainly a gap in knowledge. There is also a
for marketing. gap in methodology; despite how little is
These assistants may seem like a niche understood about these new technolog-
novelty, but they are attracting a lot of ical developments, no qualitative studies
attention. The Consumer Electronics exist in marketing and advertising that the
Show (CES) is the biggest trade show author could find.
in the Western hemisphere and a show- A number of audiences will benefit
case for the most cutting-edge and from this research. Brands will gain a bet-
future-forward technology. There were so ter understanding of the affordances, chal-
many Alexa-compatible devices at CES lenges and ethical concerns involved with
in 2017 that David Pogue, tech guru for virtual assistants. Marketing and advertis-
Yahoo!, declared Alexa ‘the star of the ing professors can also benefit from the
show’.6 Pogue summarised CES in one new knowledge generated in a rapidly
acronym: ARCHIVE, which stands for developing, under-studied area. Finally,
Alexa, Robotics, Cars, Health weara- consumers can benefit from understand-
bles, Internet of Things (IoT), VR — ing the perspectives of marketers and
and Everything Else. implications for their privacy.
The attention these assistants are get-
ting is certainly notable. What is most
significant from the marketing perspec- PURPOSE OF THE STUDY AND
tive, however, is that with an always-on DEFINITION OF TERMS
virtual assistant in the home, marketing The purpose of this instrumental case study
shifts from the traditional start/stop cam- is to discover the implications, applications
paign-driven activities of the last century and opportunities for voice-controlled
to a constantly running, highly individual- personal assistants for brands in the USA.
ised, adaptive activity rooted in the notion Important terms used in this study include
that markets are truly conversations.7 the following:


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Voice-activated change

Voice-controlled virtual personal ●● How do they create challenges for mar-

assistants: These are also called keters?
voice-controlled virtual assistants, ●● How do they create opportunities for
AI (artificial intelligence) personal marketers?
assistants or AI helpers, and terms ●● What does it mean to create a relevant
can be used interchangeably. These experience?
virtual assistants include Amazon’s ●● What are the ethical and privacy impli-
Alexa, Google’s Assistant, Apple’s cations, particularly for the data?
Siri and Microsoft’s Cortana, but ●● What is the future of voice-controlled
the primary focus is on Alexa and devices and virtual assistants?
Voice-controlled virtual assistant
devices: These are devices con- LITERATURE REVIEW
nected to, or serving as the con- As noted earlier, there are four pri-
duit for, virtual assistants. They mary voice-controlled virtual assistants:
include the Amazon Echo, Google Amazon’s Alexa, Google’s Assistant, Apple’s
Home speaker, Apple iPhone and Siri and Microsoft’s Cortana. Each of
Windows PC. these voice-controlled virtual assistants,
IoT: This refers to networkability (and also called AI personal assistants or AI
smartphone apps) for household helpers, is connected with a device: the
gadgets such as dishwashers, refrig- Amazon Echo, Google Home speaker,
erators, lights, door locks, doorbells, Apple iPhone or Windows PC. They are
security cameras, thermostats, show- designed so that the interface, or the way a
ers, bikes, clothes and sports equip- user would access them,‘almost disappears’,
ment.11 It brings the intelligence of according to the director of product man-
the Internet to physical products,12 agement for the Alexa personal assistant.15
making them smart, intercon- Creators such as Amazon want people to
nected13 and able to communicate interact with them as they would with
autonomously.14 friends.16 These devices are constantly
listening for their names. They respond
to natural language — a user does not
RESEARCH QUESTIONS have to learn any specific commands —
The central research question is: how has and through machine learning, they get
the emergence of voice personal assistants better at understanding requests as they
affected advertising and marketing? are used.
Follow-up questions include the What is significant about these virtual
following: assistants or AI helpers is that they are posi-
tioned to be the gateway to the connected
●● Why do these voice-controlled, con- home, the IoT. In fact, technologist David
nected devices such as Echo and Home Pogue declares that Alexa will be ‘what
matter to marketers? saves the Internet of Things’.17 Rather
●● What is their promise, potential, lure or than having to control one’s lights through
appeal? a specific app on one’s phone, which
●● What kind of shift does this represent requires unlocking the phone, opening
for marketers? the app and then performing the desired


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action, a user can just ask Alexa to turn consumers to access connected devices
on the lights.Virtual assistants are not only with their voices rather than a specific app
getting better at talking to other apps and on their locked phone.26 And these IoT
services but also emerging on the hard- devices are capable of maintaining a rela-
ware of other companies, so the user will tionship with users,27 acting as extensions
no longer need specific devices (iPhone, of users themselves.28
Windows PC, Amazon Echo or Google Little academic research has been con-
Home speaker) to interact with them.18 ducted about how these devices are actually
Companies such as Amazon and used by consumers or what they think of
Google want to ‘establish AI ecosystems’ them. One recent study examining percep-
with ‘widespread device and developer tions and uses of the Amazon Echo among
support’.19 For example, Amazon Echo is pre-service teachers revealed appreciation
designed to continuously add new capa- of the AI tutor’s ability to learn from its
bilities. The Amazon Skill Kit (ASK) and audience and give swift up-to-date answers
Alexa Voice Services (AVS) enable any to inquiries, as well as the user’s ability to
developer interested in creating new Echo create customised apps.The ability to input
capabilities (also known as skills) to do so.20 and output information solely through
This helps the ecosystem grow and helps voice, and the potential for both formal and
‘ensure their virtual assistants stay rele- informal learning, were also appreciated.29
vant’.21 If they do, they will gather more The value exchange of sacrificing
and more data about users, becoming privacy for information, access or some
more personalised, embedded in daily life rewards has been shifting for decades. For
and relevant, and also increasing their eco- example, we willingly join loyalty pro-
system of connected/compatible products. grammes at the grocery store, exchang-
In fact, 2017 has been declared the year ing our shopping data for rewards. These
that the ‘virtual assistant wars get real’.22 devices present the latest questions about
Currently, Alexa has more than 7,000 what privacy is worth, since they con-
skills.23 Amazon just launched an Alexa stantly monitor a customer’s home for
hub to help marketers build those skills. spoken commands.30 This can make con-
As noted earlier, very few skills are actu- sumers feel creepy, or ‘feel like a guinea
ally used. The top four Alexa skills are pig with this technology’.31 Data is stored
very practical: the Kitchen Timer, as 51 in the cloud, and it is unclear how it will
per cent of all Echos are in the kitchen; work in the future if government, police
TuneIn, a native news app that will read or other companies want to access the
news to you; Spotify, a music streaming data. In a recent murder case in Arkansas,
app; and Amazon Music, another music police asked Amazon for audio recorded
streaming app.24 from the suspect’s home hub, the Echo.32
The IoT has been talked about for Amazon refused, but the suspect eventu-
years, but the masses have not been buy- ally complied. Scott Stein, senior editor
ing into it.25 For the most part, consumers at CNET, says: ‘There is an element of
have not seen a great need for things to be how much of an open world are we living
networkable. It has also been a hassle to, in and how much of that should we be
for example, unlock one’s phone and find comfortable with being out there?’33 He
an app simply to turn on the lights.Virtual also notes that people have already been
home assistants such as Alexa and Assistant, getting more and more comfortable with
however, take away that hassle, allowing ‘being out there’.34


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Voice-activated change

Brands are interested in having con- emergence of voice personal assistants

versations with audiences through voice has affected advertising and marketing.
assistants for a number of reasons. Recent Qualitative designs are used to understand
research suggests that friend-like interac- the experiences of people and the mean-
tion with voice assistants (Siri, in this case) ing they attribute to those experiences.40
can result in positive brand warmth and Such designs move beyond the ‘what’ of
positive brand attachment.35 Brand warmth quantitative research and explore questions
refers to the customer’s perceptions of a of ‘how’ and ‘why’. Philosophically, qual-
brand’s intentions.36 Brand attachment itative research is rooted in the ontologi-
refers to the strength of the bond connect- cal assumption that multiple realities exist,
ing the customer with the brand. and that understanding and reporting these
Research has also shown that the realities is valuable. From an epistemologi-
perceived ability of a brand to fulfil an cal perspective, getting close to participants
individual’s need for competence enhance- and assembling the data they provide is the
ment facilitates brand attachment.37 foundation of knowledge — as Creswell
Competence results when people feel that says,‘knowledge is known through the sub-
they have the skills and abilities needed for jective experiences of people’.41 Qualitative
a certain social, academic or athletic cir- research, then, fundamentally enables the
cumstance .38 Proksch notes that there is creation of knowledge.
some evidence indicating that need fulfil- There are many different approaches to
ment in general may lead to attachment.39 creating this knowledge. Qualitative case
studies are designed to provide greater
understanding of a case and capture both
Researcher reflexivity ‘the uniqueness and complexity’ of it.42 The
It is important to acknowledge the author’s two principal uses of case study, as defined
perspective and positioning in this study. by Stake,43 are to obtain both the descrip-
The author’s own bias is that she was tions and the interpretations of others.
a digital media strategist in advertising An instrumental case study begins with a
agencies before becoming an assistant pro- research question, stemming from puzzle-
fessor of advertising. She was part of the ment or a need for general understanding.
radical shift towards digital, data-driven Here, the researcher seeks to understand
advertising and has run digital advertising something else; the inquiry is considered
campaigns with Google on behalf of cli- the instrument to understand.The empha-
ents for years. She now teaches courses in sis on interpretation is important, as is the
branding, media strategy, and digital insight emphasis on preserving ‘multiple realities,
and analytics, all of which are relevant to the different and even contradictory views
this paper. She thinks this topic is impor- of what is happening’.44
tant because she wants her students and
clients to understand the opportunities
and implications of these voice assistants. Ethical considerations
Ethical practices and appropriate treat-
ment of participants are always of great
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY concern. The informed consent form
Rationale for qualitative design was sent to a participant via e-mail once
A qualitative approach will be used to the participant responded and showed
shed light on this question of how the interest. The participant was asked to


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sign it, scan it and e-mail it back to the cases that are easy to access and open to
author. The purpose of this form is to our inquiry.47 With this in mind, purpose-
inform participants about the goals and ful criterion sampling was used to identify
procedures of the study, the purposes cases in the Lincoln/Omaha market. The
and uses of the data, and their rights to main criterion for sample selection was
withdraw at any time without negative determining ‘what advertising leaders can
consequences. Each participant did sign I access who successfully create innovative
the informed consent form and agree to digital content on new platforms?’ Criteria
be recorded. included a director role at an advertising
Confidentiality and protection of data agency that engaged in digital content
are also a priority. The participant inter- marketing and had received advertising
views were recorded on the author’s industry awards, called Addys, for inno-
iPhone, which is password-protected, as vative digital work. An extremely limited
well as on her desktop computer in her number of people have developed content
locked office. The author was the only for voice-controlled assistants because the
person who had access to the recordings. platform is so new. So, rather than includ-
They will be destroyed within one year of ing development of content as a criterion,
completion of the study by deleting them consideration of content was included.
from the device. The case was bounded by the instrument
All records were kept confidential of study, as well as the criterion that par-
by assigning an alias rather than specific ticipants had to have been considering, in
names on each record. All interview data the past six months, developing content
was edited to remove references to spe- for voice-controlled assistants.
cific people to ensure complete confiden-
tiality of interview data. Only the author
had access to the information provided. DATA COLLECTION, ANALYSIS AND
She had a physical (not digital) list link- PRESENTATION
ing names and aliases that she kept in her Semi-structured interviews were con-
locked file until the completion of the ducted with pilot study participants. Each
study. The list will then be shredded. No participant was interviewed once for
real names will be used in any computer about 45 minutes. Interview is a common
files or stored on any server. data collection procedure across all forms
Most of the material is in aggregate of qualitative research. This data collec-
form. Individual quotes were used from tion approach is considered by Stake to
some participants, however, and were be the main road to multiple realities.48
also identified by their alias and general The questions asked in an interview
description (title and organisation type). are open-ended and seek to aggregate
­perceptions or knowledge across all par-
ticipants in the interview process. The
Sample selection procedures questions asked provide a framework for
As Stake points out, ‘case study research the interview discussion and are devel-
is not sampling research’.45 Cases are not oped in advance; however, there is greater
easily generalised, and that is not the goal. flexibility in this data collection method
The goal is to maximise what we can than in other forms, including quantita-
learn.46 Given that time is always a lim- tive research. The researcher should keep
itation, Stake also recommends selecting careful records of the interview by taking


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Voice-activated change

notes and/or recording the discussion. Organisation in writing the report is just
Then the researcher should transcribe and as important as organisation in data col-
interpret the discussion as soon as possible lection, so Stake51 presents a seven-step
following the commencement of the par- plan to identify the sections important in
ticipant interview. the writing of the case study. Those steps
Another important method of data col- include entry vignette, issue identification,
lection discussed by Stake49 is document extensive narrative description, develop-
review, which involves examining news- ment of issues, descriptive detail including
papers, annual reports, correspondence or documents, quotations and triangulating
meeting minutes, among other documents data, assertions and closing vignette.52
relevant to the object, the case or those Stake notes that with instrumental case
seeking understanding. These resources studies, in which the case helps elucidate
often supplement the information col- the phenomena or relationships within it,
lected through other forms of data collec- the researcher needs more categorical data
tion, providing a wider lens to examine and measurements than in intrinsic studies.
the case. Direct interpretation is still an important
A variety of documents and digital analytics strategy as well. The author first
content were reviewed to provide this read through her very detailed handwrit-
wider lens. The author read numerous ten notes, identifying important phrases
online articles about content marketing and issues. She then put them into Excel,
and current usage of voice-activated assis- with responses in a column with the ques-
tants in marketing. She also reviewed the tion. She then listened to the interviews
websites of the primary digital assistants, again to add any important detail that she
Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa, and might have missed in her notes. She wrote
their primary devices, Google Home and down themes that were prominent in each
Amazon Echo, and explored the content column, and then uploaded the Excel
available to users of these devices. document into a word cloud program
To analyse the data, the author attempted called TagCrowd. This enabled her to see
to ruthlessly ‘winnow and sift’ through the the frequencies of words in the responses.
information in order to stay focused.50 (See Figure 1.)

Figure 1 Frequency analysis of terms from interviews


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Validation strategies agency. He was eager to talk and leaned

A number of validation strategies were forward often; this seemed to be a topic
employed to help document the ‘accuracy’ that excited him. A fairly early adopter,
of this study.53 First, triangulation was used; John had experience with Amazon Alexa
the author studied evidence from multiple as a user, and that experience presumably
sources to illuminate the perspectives and helped inform his responses.
themes uncovered in the study.The sources The author interviewed ‘Will’ over
included multiple participants who have Skype. He is a self-described ‘dot-com
experienced this case as well as other doc- veteran’ who led the interactive depart-
uments, such as online articles and digital ment of an advertising agency before
content, to help serve as a check. launching his own agency. He does not
Rich, thick description is a cornerstone consider himself to be a particularly early
of qualitative research, and care was taken adopter. He was more measured about vir-
to provide abundant detail in this study. tual assistants, seeing them as another way
This enables the reader to understand the to deliver convenient content, and more
transferability of the study.54 Researcher philosophical about their role in market-
bias was also clarified through researcher ing and society more broadly.
positioning earlier in this study.
In the future expanded study beyond
this pilot, member checking will also be Consumer-orientation and
used to help evaluate the accuracy and individualisation
credibility of the preliminary findings or The theme of ‘consumers’ came up more
analyses. In this process, the researcher often than any other except ‘home’.While
connects with participants again and this is not shocking, it is still worth not-
seeks out their views on the interpreta- ing. In the advertising and marketing
tion of the account thus far. This is gener- world, the term ‘consumers’ is virtually
ally regarded as a critically important step synonymous with ‘humans’ or ‘audiences’.
in qualitative research, since the whole Historically, advertising and marketing
goal of qualitative research is to under- focused on the brand, the product. Now
stand the experiences of people and cre- the audience is empowered, fuelled by vast
ate knowledge rooted in those subjective amounts of information available at one’s
experiences. In fact, of all commonly used fingertips, voices distributed and amplified
validation strategies, Lincoln and Guba by the megaphone of social media. This
(1985) cite member checking as ‘the most shifts the focus for marketers from product
critical technique for establishing credi- to audience. As ‘John’ said,
bility’.55 This process can be done in many
different ways: by e-mailing transcripts, With these kinds of virtual assistants and
devices, it’s a unique challenge to understand
summaries of interviews or preliminary
the inputs and that data. Ultimately it comes
analyses to participants and asking for
back to ‘do we understand this type of
feedback, or by participant focus groups.56 consumer’ and ‘how should we respond to
them.’ It becomes a creative challenge, too;
that response could vary by the individual.
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Instead of one brand message, it could
The author met ‘John’ in the author’s be crafted more towards what the brand
office. ‘John’ is an executive and direc- knows about you or me, the individual.The
tor of digital strategy at an advertising conversation could go a bunch of different


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Voice-activated change

directions. It’s a challenge to understand better at knowing the user’s needs, prefer-
what the conversation needs to be and ences and intentions. As ‘John’ said,
how it should be phrased. It’s not even just
personalization; it’s how are you connecting Consumers aren’t stupid. I think that they
with that one individual. understand that the more inputs that they
are giving to this thing, it’s actually making
the experience better, for them. These
Better and smarter devices learn from their behaviors, and
Given that this study focused on what the Google and Amazon have always been the
emergence of voice-activated personal leaders in that area, from the inception of
assistants means for marketing and adver- Web 2.0.This is just another way to do that,
tising, it is significant that the term ‘better’ but it’s putting it right into their homes.
came up so many times. Just as technology
always promises something better to con-
sumers — a way to improve life, perform Conversation → data → experience
a task more efficiently or get information Conversations with the device create data,
more easily — it has also promised some- and data drives the experience. As ‘John’
thing better to brands — better, smarter noted earlier, the more inputs or conversa-
ways to use data and connect with audi- tions there are, the more data there is, and
ences in a more personalised, contextual- the better, more relevant the experience
ised way. Doing so requires better content can be. The theme of experience reflects a
and integration from advertisers, and a big shift from the traditional advertiser per-
better understanding of audiences and spective of distributing a ‘message’ about
data. These devices and experiences have the product or brand. ‘Will’ points out:
the potential to enable consumers to make
smarter, better decisions, and to enable Advertisers have been wising up for years
marketers to deliver better, smarter con- that their message should feel less intrusive
tent, but they also require that marketers and more integrated in an experience. If
do a better job of understanding consum- the advertising is relevant, and technology
ers and the data. ‘Will’ said: will increase relevance, and seamlessly
integrated into the experience, it’s not as
Technology has been getting better off-putting or jarring. People will pay
and better when it comes to seamlessly to filter ads out of their lives, or feel like
integrating into people’s daily lives. From they are. That makes our job a lot more
wearable technology to things like Alexa challenging. We have to find ways from
where it’s integrated into your home and it product placement to content sponsorship
doesn’t even feel like technology so much to this to integrate into experience. We’re
anymore as it does sort of part of your life, a still in the industry figuring that out.
utility, something you use and have to think
less and less about it. So, I think in terms of An essential element of figuring it out
seamless integration into people’s lives and is analysing the data and inputs from the
making them easier and easier, it has a lot assistants. As ‘John’ says,
of potential. And for the most part, that’s
probably a good thing. They are going to provide a level of business
intelligence based on consumer interaction
Further, a central promise of the at the home level, the very personal level;
voice-controlled, AI, machine-learning- brands are going to understand so much
driven assistants is that they continually get more about their consumers. It’s the data


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and inputs that are being provided to these When Internet search engines emerged,
devices and how that might be shared with marketers became excited about being
brands — that is where Google and Amazon able to get into the minds of consumers by
are going to make hay. Having access to understanding what they search for. With
that kind of data for brands is going to be social media, marketers could understand
super important as marketing continues to
what consumers thought about. But this
become more of a one to one relationship.
always-on, immediate-response assistant
The process of marketing becomes even
provides an unprecedented opportunity
more conversational, more personal. People for marketers.
are having conversations with these devices; As ‘John’ says,
these devices speak back to them in ways
which are much different than how a search Pinpointing those exact times when brands
engine or website gives a response to a user. or needs pop into a consumer’s mind,
contextually, when those types of things
happen, is going to be of importance to
Personal connection a brand. That’s a shift; it’s no longer about
The word cloud (Figure 1) was helpful, tactics; it’s about how we’re reaching
consumers based on their behaviors in
but it missed some important terms in the
everyday life. Not a specific touchpoint in
conversations that were important to
a consumer decision journey, but more or
the meaning of the case. The immediacy, less, dialing in on how they think, how they
the convenience, the relevance and the process during the course of the day.
learning/AI all contribute to the opportu-
nity to create a deep, personal connection,
something marketers have always sought Trade-offs; the value exchange
and rarely achieved. John says: All forms of technology have trade-offs,
however.There is a value exchange, some-
The allure is that it’s no longer waiting to thing a user is willing to sacrifice in order
conduct a search or process a thought. It’s all to receive a benefit they perceive as greater.
in the immediacy of how quickly you can It is important to understand the implica-
think, how quickly you can speak, to actually
tions of such technology. ‘Will’ says:
get tasks or things that you want done, done.
There’s the potential for advertising to get
There is no distance between the user more Big Brother-y, more creepy than it
and the technology; the interface virtu- already is, and that’s something we should
ally disappears. And with it, the distance be concerned about. The optimist in me
between device and human, machine and sees the potential for advertising to get
friend, starts to disappear as well. ‘John’ better, add more value to people’s lives,
notes that a voice-activated assistant to help people make better decisions, find
the information they need, be inspired or
[c]reates a deeper personal connection motivated in some way that’s positive. The
because you’re rising to the immediacy of more it’s integrated into experience in that
what consumers want in that moment. It way, the better.
opens up doors creatively by being there in
the moment of truth when you’re looking I distinctly remember hearing about
for something. You could order something this [intelligent homes] in the early 90s
and have it delivered to your house in two and 2000s. There’s something for whatever
hours. reason that’s fascinating to people, intriguing


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Voice-activated change

about intelligent homes — that they can became more digital as well. This trans-
do all of these things for you, make your lated into being first on a list of Google
life easier. But it remains to be seen. Is it search results, matching intent with con-
making people happier, smarter, safer, more tent, so that users could decide what they
informed, better citizens, humans? I don’t wanted.With the rise of AI and an increas-
know. It has the potential to make things
ingly connected home, however, that user
a lot worse in a lot of ways. What I feel
like often doesn’t happen is that we don’t
decision may be taken out of the equation
stop to think. Technology is evolving so and replaced with devices that make deci-
rapidly that we don’t have time to stop and sions for us, provide curated answers, talk
take stock of what’s happening, think about to each other, and employ machine learn-
what it means to us, to our culture. It wasn’t ing to become more and more personal-
that long ago that people were asking these ised. Marketers may be marketing to these
kinds of questions about television, and devices instead.
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