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Ann gets a guardian

Play by 8 C students

Man and Superman by George Bernard …

Narrator - Anvi
Ann - Navya hy
Ramsden - Priyanshu
Octavius - Priyansh
Tanner - Mahesh

Narrator- good morning to one and all present

here, today we, the students of 8 C are going
to present an extract from the Play “Man vs
Superman”. Let me introduce you to our
characters :
Narrator - Anvi
Ann - Navya
Ramsden - Priyanshu
Octavius - Priyansh
Tanner - Mahesh
So, without any further ado, let us begin.
Narrator - The setting is a study in Portland Place,
London. Onstage is Roebuck Ramsden, an old
respectable man who believes in old-fashioned
views. He is opening his morning letters when the
maid arrives with a visitor’s card.

Ramsden- Show him up.

Narrator- Mr. Robinson.

Narrator- Octavius Robinson is a nice looking

fellow. Upon seeing him, Ramsden welcomes him
just like a father welcomes his son. Octavius’s face
is overcome by grief. Ramsden know the reason
behind this.

Ramsden- Well well Octavius, we all must face this

someday. Have a seat.

Octavius - Yes Mr. Ramsden, you’re right. But I

owe a lot to Mr. Whitefield. He cared for me and
my sister like his own daughters. Oh sire! I always
intended to thank him, but never got the
opportunity. And now- now he’s dropped dead
without a moment’s warning! He will never know
what I felt.
Ramsden- Come now Octavius, don’t grieve.
Maybe he knew that. We cannot tell. Now let me
tell you something which will console you. The last
I saw him, he praised you and said “Tavy is a
generous lad and had the soul of honour. After
seeing how other men get little consideration form
their sons, I realize that he’s been better than a
son” Don’t you feel much better?

Octavius - But mr. Ramsedn, he told me that he

had met only one man in the world with the soul of
honour and his name was Roebuck Ramsden.

Ramsden- Oh he must’ve said that as we are

good old friends. But there is something else he
said about you. Should I tell you or not?

Octavius- You know best

Ramsden- He said that he was glad that you were

not his son, because he thought that someday
Annie and you might………. Hmm maybe I
shouldn’t have told you that.

Octavius- You know that I’m not after things like

money or position. However, on the other hand,
Ann thinks that a person’s character is incomplete
if he’s not ambitious. Even if she married me, she
will be ashamed of me for not being a successful
man. So, it’s impossible that she will accept me.

Ramsden- Nonsense my boy! She does not know

the value of men at her age. Besides, she’a dutiful
girl who won’t do anything against her father and
mother’s wishes.

Octavius- Well I can’t ask her to marry me

because her father wished for it, Mr. Ramsden

Ramsden- Yes, then why don’t you win her on

your own merits? She will happily marry you as it
will fulfill both her father’s and her wish. She will
accept you, however, you have one great

Octavius- What drawback, mr ramsden?

Q `Ramsden- I have in my hand a copy of the
most scandalous book ever, The revolutionist’s
Handbook and Pocket Companion by John Tanner.

Octavius- But Jack…….

Ramsden- Don’t call him jack under my roof
(throws the book violently on the table )
mr.whitefield was right that you’re a generous lad.

Octavious- Mr. ramsden he is my schoolfellow

Ramsden- I know and you feel bound to stand by

him but i will ask you to consider the altered
circumstances . you were treated as a son in my
friend’s house . You lived there and your friends

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