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Pathogens and Infectious Disease


Let’s find out how much you know about pathogens and infectious diseases. Pair up the statement on
the left to the correct term from the word bank below.

Virus Antibiotics Protozoa Helminths Fungi Pathogen Prions

Vaccines Bacteria Improved sanitation

Statement Term
1. The most recently discovered and possibly the smallest pathogen, which Prions
cause normal proteins to adopt its abnormal shape.

2. Typhoid, tetanus, cholera, and gastroenteritis are all caused by bacteria

3. Infection with macroparasites can be reduced by Improved sanitation

4. A microbe composed of genetic material and protein that cannot Virus

replicate by itself

5. Can be used against bacterial infections Antibiotics

6. Cause infections on the body’s surface and sometimes internally, but Fungi
many have a useful function

7. An example of a pathogen that is visible to the naked eye and may Helminths
complete part of its life cycle in the human body

8. Can be used to fight viruses Vaccines

9. A biological agent that causes diseases Pathogen

10. Large, single-celled organisms which often have a cyst stage to protect Protozoa
them during their time between hosts

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