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"It's better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war." A man who

controls his own emotions can control his world.

Imagine 2 versions of yourself 10 years from now.

One version keeps being friends with the girl who rejected you. She meets a guy or
multiple guys over the years and they have sex and form relationships. Maybe one
day she gets married and has kids. And all the while youre her "friend". Cause
thats the right thing to do, right?

Another version stops being friends with the girl, and instead of spending time
talking to or thinking about the girl, he spends a lot of time trying to work on
himself and becomes proficient and respected at something in life and eventually
meets a new girl.

See the thing is, being guy number 2 isnt guaranteed to happen if you dont talk to
the girl anymore. But I think thats where most modern politically correct analysis'
would end, and I think thats a shame. Sure, not talking to your old romantic
fixation wont guarantee you become a cool guy..

BUT I think I can almost guarantee that you definitely will NOT become that guy if
you keep talking to her and hanging around someone who rejected you but who you
expressed interest toward. Simply because it is not good for your self confidence
and belief in yourself and belief in your value and belief in your potential if you
keep hanging around with someone who you sort of offered yourself to but who was
like "nah im good".

Also simply think in terms of time. Imagine theres another girl youre going to meet
in a 5 months and youre going to be extremely attracted to her. And 3 other guys
are going to meet her at the same time. And shes probably going to have a favorite.
Just like if you met 4 girls, youre probably going to have a favorite. And we dont
choose which one we like the most, in the sense that we dont choose what were
attracted to. We just like what we like. So ignore any thoughts about what is
"supposed" to happen or "should" happen. Point is, you want to be the guy that she
likes the most. You dont want her to choose the other guy while you have to sit
there and watch. And you dont want to be the one she chooses cause she cant get the
other, and now you always wonder if she'll stay with you.

now lets imagine you and the 3 other guys are identical- except that you still hang
out with the girl who rejected you, and they dont. Well I think thats an easy way
to rank you below them right there. Of course, you wont be identical, but the point
of this imagination exercise was to drive home that this isnt helping you. and so
not only is it a waste of your time, but its also actually probably decreasing your
value. In other words, time you spend with her isnt just lost, its actually
probably harmful.

In short, I think this is diminishing your spirit, and wasting your youth. You
tried, she didnt bite. Now whatever guy she does choose probably is going to have
something you dont. Whether thats any number of things but I dont think you staying
around while she slowly meets another dude is going to be good for your path toward
like respecting yourself. Also, whether she realizes it or not, she gets a big
confidence boost and other stuff by you being around. She'll probably act like that
doesnt matter, but it does. And without that she'll be forced to recognize your
value and the lack of commitment from other guys who just for example do not want
to hang out with her when shes.. sad that her cat died. Or struggling with her
annoying job and wants someone to vent to. most guys already have lives and shit to
do and dont really care. You actually want this girl, so youd probably let her
talk. And then she'll actually be able to psychologically cope with having a
distant boyfriend who doesnt actually spend any time doing the hard stuff, because
youll be there filling that void. Thats not right, lol. You need to just let her
have her life. She prob will meet a guy who she feels more attracted to. But its
doubtful that guy ever spent any time doing what youre doing for some girl, and
thats probably part of a pathology of prioritizing his own interests, and that
pathology has probably led to him being a somewhat impressive man today, and that
is why she likes him, because he is impressive. I think I covered the important
angles there.

Validarea unui C.N.P. constă în calcularea componentei C și compararea acesteia cu

valoarea primită a aceleiași componente. Dacă acestea sunt identice, înseamnă că
C.N.P. verificat este valid.

Calcularea componentei C se face folosind constanta "279146358279", după cum


fiecare cifră din primele 12 cifre ale C.N.P. este înmulțită cu corespondentul său
din constantă
rezultatele sunt însumate și totalul se împarte la 11
dacă restul împărțirii este mai mic de 10, acela reprezintă valoarea componentei C
dacă restul împărțirii este 10, valoarea componentei C este 1

Richest in the world , not afraid to lose anything.

Maybe it’s like the song said. “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to
lose.” Hitting bottom means there’s no place to go but up. Currently, I find myself
with no home, no prospects, no plan beyond going day to day, a temp job, no
relationships, no-thing. I can’t even anesthetize my demons anymore for health

I find the whole notion invigorating.

When you have nothing, everything counts for something.

I can honestly say that, at this moment, everything I do, everything I say,
everything I think, everything I CHOOSE is mine alone. I bear sole responsibility
and sole blame.

I’ve narrowed down my interests and concerns so that I know what I’m pursuing is
for my own agenda, and not that of someone else. I study what I want, I work at
what I want, and most importantly, I’ve figured out what I want as opposed to what
I think others might want.

I feel like I’m closer to my true self, now. Not there yet, but closer.

And yes, it’s cost me. A lot. Yes, I’ve lost. A lot. Yes, it hurts. A lot. But I’m
still breathin.’ And I feel stronger and readier for the effort. And more sure.

There’s another old song lyric I like.

“We’ve got two lives. One we’re given and the other one we make.”

I’m making this one. And it’s hard work. But it feels good.

The truth is... maybe I'm ok.. maybe I'm not. For sure if i want to live.. i don't
want to know the answer; so just don't think too much about it. Just do what you
need to do guys. Stay strong and be aware... in the end you probably'll by alone
so.. stay stay strong. Be yourself

So, the solution--easier said than done--is to go slowly. Don't allow yourself to
get too invested unless you can see that the person you're interested in has some
degree of interest in you. Don't indulge yourself in fantasies of how things will
be once you've turned them. Live in the present. Judge the budding relationship for
what it is, not in terms of what you want it to be. As you feel a mutual caring
grow, then allow yourself to invest more into it. It will be better for you, better
for the other person, improve your chances at making the relationship work and make
for a better relationship.

This is no science though, so figure that any relationship involves some risk. Just
know that a good relationship is like a tree. It takes a long time to mature, and
you can't rush it. So go for it, but just don't go too fast.

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