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I- TECHNOLOGY.............................................................................................3
1- Definition.....................................................................................................3
2- History..........................................................................................................3
1. Introductory step:.........................................................................................4
2. Growth stage:...............................................................................................4
3. Maturity stage:.............................................................................................4
4. Stage of obsolescence:..................................................................................4
III- THE IMPACTS OF TECHNOLOGY.......................................................5
1- Positive Impacts..........................................................................................5
Positive impacts of technology on health........................................................5
2- Negative Impacts..........................................................................................6
Musculoskeletal problems................................................................................6
Psychological problems....................................................................................6
Negative effects on children.............................................................................6
Impact on hearing............................................................................................6


In the context of our increasingly interconnected world in the 21st century,

technology takes an important place in our daily lives at school, work and at
home. Today's rapid technological changes have consequences on the means
that students have to learn and those that educational professionals have to
In our presentation, we will together discover what Technology is, what its
impacts are on our lives.

1- Definition
Technology is the study of tools and techniques. The term designates
observations on the state of the art in various historical periods, in terms of tools
and know-how. It includes art, crafts, trades, applied sciences and possibly

2- History
The history of technology is a fascinating subject that traces the development of
various inventions and innovations over time. From the invention of the wheel
to the modern computer, technology has been a major factor in the advancement
of human civilization. It's interesting to look back and see how far we've come
in terms of technological advancement.
The history of technology is filled with stories of revolutionary inventions and
discoveries. From the invention of the printing press to the development of the
Internet, each new advancement has had a profound impact on the way we live
our lives. It is important to understand the history of technology to appreciate
the current state of technology and to be able to anticipate future developments.
By studying the past, we can gain insight into the future of technology and its
potential to shape our lives.
Technology: the word was used by Cicero to designate a particular form of
knowledge. It is the rediscovery of this word, during the Renaissance, then its
successive transformations in the modern era that this study outlines. Four
milestones are thus established: Ramus, who seized the term during the
Renaissance, within the framework of a reasoned grammar; the philosopher
Johann Heinrich Alsted, who made it a science of properties; the puritan
William Ames who shifted technology into the sciences of action; and finally
Christian Wolff, philosopher heir to Leibniz, who makes it the tool of his
practical philosophy. Its European origins thus traced, technology, as a concept
of a general philosophy of knowledge, sheds light on the approach that men of
the modern era could have had to mechanical knowledge.

1. Introductory step:
In this first stage, a new technology is designed and begins to be introduced to
the market. In this phase, the technology is innovative and revolutionary, with
unique characteristics that distinguish it from those existing on the market.
During this phase, production costs can be high and consumer adoption can be
slow. However, those who adopt the technology at this stage can reap significant
benefits, such as competitive advantages and greater efficiency.
2. Growth stage:
During the growth stage, the technology begins to gain acceptance and
popularity among consumers. During this phase, technology becomes more
accessible, prices drop, and adoption accelerates. Additionally, improvements
and updates to existing technology are made to meet changing user needs. At
this point, competition could also intensify as more companies enter the market
to take advantage of the growth and demand for technology.
3. Maturity stage:
At the maturity stage, the technology reaches its peak in the market and
stabilizes. Adoption is becoming widespread and competition is intensifying. In
this phase, prices tend to be lower due to greater competition and greater
production efficiency. Additionally, technological improvements and upgrades
can become more incremental and less disruptive. During this stage, consumers
have a wide range of options and the technology becomes a standard in its
4. Stage of obsolescence:
In the final stage, technology becomes obsolete and is replaced by new
innovations. In this phase, the technology loses its relevance and demand due to
the emergence of new, more advanced solutions.


1- Positive Impacts
Positive impacts of technology on health
It’s not all bad with technology. It can indeed have a positive impact on health in
different ways. For example, digital devices or apps can help us improve our
diet, track our physical activities, remind us to get up and move, or take our
medications. There is a wealth of credible, well-researched medical information
online that allows people to research their own health (although misinformation
exists and searching for information about health symptoms online can cause
unnecessary worry).
Additionally, technology helps healthcare professionals provide better patient
care, improve patient relationships, and deliver medical results directly to their
Technology has a huge impact on modern society, and overall, this impact is
quite positive. It has transformed our daily lives in many ways, bringing
significant changes to the way we interact, communicate and work.
One of the most obvious positive impacts of technology on society is improved
communication. Thanks to advancements in technology, it's now easier than
ever to connect with people around the world. Geographic distances are no
longer a major obstacle to interacting with our loved ones, our colleagues or
even strangers.
Additionally, technology has also made access to information easier. Thanks to
the Internet, knowledge and resources are now available at your fingertips.
People can quickly find answers to their questions, train themselves and stay
informed on a variety of topics. This promotes personal development and
continuous learning.
Another positive impact of technology on society is its role in improving
healthcare. Technological advances have enabled significant progress in the
fields of medicine, research and diagnostics. New medical technologies have
helped save lives, improve treatments and speed up patient recovery.
Finally, technology also plays an important role in solving global problems. It
makes it possible to address environmental, economic and social challenges
using innovative and sustainable solutions. For example, technology can help
reduce carbon emissions, improve energy efficiency and promote sustainable

2- Negative Impacts
Here are some health problems caused by technology:
Musculoskeletal problems
Staying hunched over with your eyes glued to an electronic device for long
periods of time can cause pain in the neck and back, but also in the elbows,
wrists and hands. Indeed, the use of smartphones and laptops can be
accompanied by unergonomic postures. In addition to back pain linked to poor
posture in front of the computer, elbow pain linked to selfies (selfie elbow) as
well as thumb pain linked to writing text messages (texting thumb) have also
Psychological problems
Too much screen time can harm mental and emotional well-being. For example,
a person may be anxious because someone didn't respond to their message
quickly enough or because they keep checking their social media to see how
many likes their last post received. It is easy for children and adults alike to
devalue themselves in relation to others on social media, which can lead to a
state of anxiety.
Negative effects on children
Technology abuse can have a significant impact on children and adolescents.
Because their brains are still developing, they are more susceptible to the effects
of technology overconsumption than adults. For example, some studies suggest
that too much time spent in front of screens and on social media harms their
social skills, creativity and attention span, and leads to delays in their language
learning and emotional development. . Furthermore, the problems described
above – poor posture, eye fatigue, disturbed sleep and lack of physical activity
leading to obesity – also apply to children.

Impact on hearing
Prolonged use of earphones, headsets, and earbuds at high volumes can cause
hearing loss. The World Health Organization estimates that 1.1 billion young
people worldwide are at risk of hearing loss due to unsafe listening habits, such
as listening to music at high volume through headphones or earpieces. Exposure
to noise is one of the most common causes of hearing loss.


In conclusion, technology has brought many positive impacts to modern society.

It has improved communication, facilitated access to information, contributed to
medical advancements and helped solve global problems. However, it is
important to note that technology can also have negative effects, such as over-
reliance and impact on employment. It is therefore essential to find a balance
between the use of technology and maintaining a balanced and healthy life.

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