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Sentence Transformation:

 Active: Trees clean the air we breathe.

 Passive: The air we breathe is cleaned by trees.

 Active: Solar panels produce clean energy.

 Passive: Clean energy is produced by solar panels.

 Active: We recycle plastic bottles to reduce waste.

 Passive: Plastic bottles are recycled to reduce waste.

2. Story Completion:

The sun shines brightly. Solar panels on rooftops turn its energy into electricity. Homes and schools are
powered by this clean energy. The air becomes cleaner as fewer fossil fuels are burned. This helps the

Complete the story using passive voice sentences:

 Birds are protected by new wildlife reserves.

 Water is saved by using drought-resistant plants.
 Renewable energy sources are developed all around the world.
 The future of our planet is made brighter by these actions.

3. Guess the Agent:

1. Trees are planted in cities to reduce pollution. (Who plants them?)

2. Energy consumption is being monitored carefully. (Who monitors it?)
3. Waste is collected and recycled every week. (Who collects and recycles it?)
4. New laws are being introduced to protect endangered species. (Who introduces them?)


 Write a short paragraph about an environmental issue like deforestation or water pollution, using only
passive voice sentences.
 Challenge yourself to come up with more complex passive voice sentences related to sustainable

Remember, while passive voice can be useful, active voice is generally clearer and more concise. Use
your judgment about when to use each form effectively.

I hope these exercises help you practice passive voice with simple vocabulary related to sustainable
Ancient trees, once protectors of soil and guardians of rivers, are felled with relentless axes. Their
emerald crowns, havens for countless creatures, are turned to dust. In their wake, barren scars etch
across the land, leaving fertile rivers choked with eroded earth. Deprived of their leafy guardians,
streams run dry, and once vibrant ecosystems gasp for breath in the suffocating heat. The delicate
balance, painstakingly woven by eons, is unraveled thread by thread, leaving behind a silent testament
to the devastation wrought by human hands. Only the echoes of forgotten songs whisper through the
emptiness, a mournful reminder of what has been lost, and a desperate plea for what might yet be

Once vibrant rainforests, teeming with life, are now scarred landscapes. Ancient trees, their roots
ripped from the earth, lie silent. Rivers, once clear and teeming with fish, are choked with plastic waste,
their waters dulled by chemical spills. The air, once crisp and clean, hangs heavy with the fumes of
industry, a silent cough upon the planet's lungs. The earth, its delicate balance disrupted, cries out
through the whispers of the wind, a plea for change before all is lost

Untamed rivers, once teeming with life, now flow sluggish and choked. Their vibrant colors, masked
by a film of industrial waste, are a silent testament to the toxins that seep into their veins. Fish, gasping
for oxygen in the poisoned water, rise belly-up, their scales reflecting the sun's dying light. Each fallen
tree, stripped bare and left to rot, becomes a scar upon the earth, its once vibrant canopy replaced by a
desolate expanse of dust and silence. The song of the forest, once a lullaby of rustling leaves and
chirping birds, is replaced by the mournful howl of the wind, lamenting the loss of what was and the
uncertainty of what remains;;;;; ;;;;;

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