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If I had $200 less than my started amount, I would cut my entertainment such as the streaming plan

because is not a need is more of a want. If I had $200 more, I would’ve added this extra to a more
expensive car since it would be more like a treat having a better car.

Managing my monthly payment of $4,081 to allocate my resources to maintain a balanced budget. The
first priority in my budget is housing, as it constitutes a significant portion of my monthly expenses. With
an apartment rent of $1,185, including water which is $35, I ensure that I have a safe and comfortable
living environment. This expense is non-negotiable as it provides me with shelter and security, essential
for overall well-being. Next, I allocate my payment towards transportation expenses, the monthly
payment ($148) and insurance ($191) for my car. While owning a car it needs additional costs, such as
insurance and maintenance, it provides me with mobility and convenience. By carefully budgeting for
these expenses, I ensure that I can afford reliable transportation without overspending.

Utilities, such as the monthly electric bill ($139), are another essential expense that I prioritize in my
budget. Maintaining basic utilities ensures that my living space remains functional and comfortable. Debt
repayment is also a significant consideration in my budget, particularly my student loan debt. Putting
money towards debt repayment reduces my debt burden and my goal to work towards financial
freedom. With a debt of $7,387 and a monthly payment of $98.53. Groceries and personal expenses are
essential for my daily living and maintaining a hygienic and quality of life. I budged $413.18 for groceries
including hygiene products and $299 for personal expenses each month, I ensure that I have divided the
money to cover essential items such as food and personal expensive and hygiene.

Communication and entertainment expenses, such as internet, phone, and streaming services, are also
included in my budget, they contribute to my work and entertainment. By budgeting $80 for internet,
$60 for phone, and $159.99 for a streaming plan.

By prioritizing needs such as housing, transportation, utilities, and debt repayment, I maintain financial
stability and work towards long-term goals such as a trip to Italy and emergency funds. In Conclusion,
managing a monthly payment of $4,081 involves thoughtful prioritization in need rather than wants. I
managed to allocate my money towards essential needs such as housing, transportation, utilities, and
debt repayment, while also considering expenses such as groceries, personal expenses, and
entertainment, I kept in mind to maintain a balanced budget.

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