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Tick the correct option.

1. This dress is …… than that one, but it is much …… .

(A) more expensive … more nice

(B) expensiver … nicer

(C) most expensive … nicest

(D) more expensive … nicer

2. Kate is …… her mother, but she is …… than her father.

(A) as taller as … shorter

(B) as tall as … shorter

(C) taller as … shortest

(D) as tallest as … shortest

3. Travelling by coach is …… travelling by train.

(A) least comfortable than

(B) less comfortable

(C) less comfortable than

(D) least comfortable

4. The Beatles are probably …… band ever.

(A) the most popular

(B) most popular

(C) most popular than

(D) the more popular

5. J. K. Rowling is one of …… writers in the world.

(A) the richer

(B) the richest

(C) the most rich

(D) the more richest

© Areal Editores 1

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