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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Tuboran National High School

Mathematics 7

Name: ________________________________ Year/Section: ________________ Date: _____________ Score: ____________

LRN : _________________________________

I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. ____________, it means changing the order of two numbers that are being added does not change the sum?
What property of the operation on integers satisfy the phrase?
a. Closure property c. Additive property
b. Commutative property of addition d. Commutative property of multiplication
2. ( a+ b ) +c=a+(b+c ) Is _________property?
a. Distributive property c. Multiplicative inverse property
b. Associative property of multiplication d. Associative property of addition
3 1
3. + , solve the given problem.
4 2
4 3
a. c. 1
6 8
10 1
b. d. 1
8 4
4. According to your answer in number 4, what is the value of your answer to fraction?
a. 0.05 c. 1.35
b. 1.75 d. 1. 375
5. 0.111 The upper bar found in number 1, signifies what?
a. The next number is 2, 3, and 4 c. non-terminating number 1
b. The next number is 1, 2, and 3 d. terminating number 1
6. Which property is used in the following expression? 3(6 + 5) = 18 + 15
a. Associative property of Multiplication c. Commutative property of Addition
b. Associative property of Addition d. Distributive Property
7. Which property of Addition does 3 + 0 = 3 illustrate?
a. Zero Property c. Identity Property
b. Adding one d. Distributive Property
8. Which operation will not change the value of nonzero number?
a. Dividing by Zero c. Multiplying by One
b. Adding one d. Multiplying by Zero
9. Which of the following does not show the Commutative Property?
a. xy – 9 = xy c. yx = xy
b. x + y = y + x d. 3 + y = y + 3
1 1
10. The multiplicative inverse of a number, a is so that a ( ¿ = 1, then what is for 25?
a a
1 25
a. c.
48 1
1 2
b. d.
25 25
11. The fraction which is not equal to is
40 16
a. c.
50 20
12 9
b. d.
15 15
12. When is written with denominator as 12, its numerator is?
a. 3 c. 24
b. 8 d. 12
5 19
13. On subtracting from , the result is
9 9
24 14
a. c.
9 18
14 14
b. d.
9 0

14. Which of the following fractions is the smallest value?

7 3
a. c.
8 8
9 5
b. d.
8 8
4 15
15. Sum of and is?
17 17
19 19
a. c.
17 34
11 2
b. d.
17 17
16. ______ is the distance between that number and zero on the number line.
a. Absolute Value c. Rational number
b. Irrational number d. Integers
17. _____ are numbers we used in counting things.
a. Irrational number c. Counting number
b. Rational number d. Integers
18. _____ are numbers that can be expressed as a quotient of two integers.
a. Irrational number c. Counting number
b. Rational number d. Integers
19. In what century BC Egypt people used their body parts to determine measurements of things?
a. 3rd c. 5th
b. 4 d. 6th
20. ______ is the amount of space an object contains or occupies.
a. Mass\weight c. Length
b. Volume d. none of the given choices
21. ______ it is considered as half cubit.
a. Hand span c. forearm length
b. Palm d. none of the given choices
22. The English System of Measurement was widely used until when?
a. 1900s c. 1700s
b. 1800s d. none of the given choices
23. What is the formula of cone?
1 2 1 2
a. πr h c. πr h
3 5
4 2
b. πr h d. none of the given choices
24. 12 inches is equal to _____?
a. 3 feet c. 1 foot
b. 2 feet d. none of the given choices
25. 1 yard is equal to _____?
a. 3 feet c. 1 foot
b. 2 feet d. none of the given choices
II. Convert the following fractions into decimals:
III. Convert Decimal to Fraction
1. 0.75
2. 4.75
3. 0.125
IV. Solve the following, use the multiplication and division as operation

1. ( )
3 −2
4 3

3 ( 5 )
−5 −3

8 (5)
10 2

V. Solve the following, use the addition and subtraction as operation

1. ( −23 )+( 13 )
2. ( 34 )+( 14 )
3. ( −26 )+(−56 )

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