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Advantage/Disadvantage soft stacking

Rules change; If circumstances cause a roll to have both advantage and disadvantage, you are
considered to have neither of them, and you roll one d20. This is true even if multiple
circumstances impose disadvantage and only one grants advantage or vice versa. In such a
situation, you have neither advantage nor disadvantage. the player counts each one. The player
then determines the majority for advantage or disadvantage on their respective roll.

For example, a character has 3 sources of advantage and 1 source disadvantage while
attacking with a sword determines he would have advantage on their attack roll (the roll would
not be flat)

Better Criticals
When you score a critical hit, roll for damage normally. Then determine the maximum damage
you can roll with your attack before applying any modifiers. Combine the maximum result with
your rolled damage, and then add any modifiers. This is your critical hit damage.

For example, a character wielding a longsword with 16 Strength (1d8+3 damage) who scores a
critical hit would deal 8 + 1d8 + 3 (STR mod) damage.

Bloodied Condition
The “bloodied condition” is a descriptive condition when the character/monster’s hit points are
equal to or less than one-half the character's maximum hit points, rounded down. One-half the
character's maximum hit points, rounded down, is referred to as the character's bloodied value.

For example, a character with 50 maximum hit points has a bloodied value of 25, and is
bloodied whenever the character's hit points are equal to or less than 25.

Note: this game may expand this to have home-brew monsters, spells, class features which can
only be used while blooded, or have additional effects when used against a bloodied creature.

Page 251 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide describes the optional Flanking rules which will be
used for the game. This system encourages teamwork and tactical positioning in combat.

Rather than advantage, flanking provides a flat +2 bonus to attack rolls against a flanked

Potion Use
● Drinking any potion is a Bonus action.
● Administering a potion to someone else requires an Action.
● Drinking a potion during a short or long rest gives a character the maximum amount on
any dice rolls.
For example, a character drinking a potion of healing (2d4+2 HP regained) during a short rest
would regain 10 HP of damage.

5x movement speed if forfeit all normal actions in their turn (action, movement, bonus) but must
move in a straight line. All attacks against the sprinter are at advantage until the beginning of
their next turn. When you are hit with an opportunity attack while sprinting, your speed becomes
0 for the rest of the turn.

Hidden Death Saves

Death Saving throws are rolled in secret without knowledge from any players.

Help Actions
Normally, you can aid a friendly creature in attacking a creature within 5 feet of you. You feint,
distract the target, or in some other way team up to make your ally’s attack more effective. If
your ally attacks the target before your next turn, the first attack roll is made with advantage.In
order, complete this help action, you must end your turn adjacent to the target.

No Full HP Recovery at Long Rest

At the end of a long rest, a character regains all lost hit points. A character can spend one or
more Hit Dice just like at the end of a short rest, up to the character’s maximum number of Hit
Dice, which is equal to the character’s level. The character also regains spent Hit Dice, up to a
number of dice equal to half of the character's total number of them (minimum of one die). For
example, if a character has eight Hit Dice, he or she can regain four spent Hit Dice upon
finishing a long rest.

Restrained Grappling
When you want to grab a creature or wrestle with it, you can use the Attack action to make a
special melee attack, a grapple. If you’re able to make multiple attacks with the Attack action,
this attack replaces one of them.

After you have successfully grappled your opponent, you can use the Attack action to make a
special melee attack to give your opponent the restrained condition (see Conditions).

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