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There were two childhood friends who were very close to each other. One morning
they went to a park to play, and suddenly they heard a girl singing like a bird. They
were amazed at the beauty of the woman's voice, so they stopped playing and listened
carefully to the woman's voice. After the woman sang, she also left, and the two
children went back to playing until they didn't realize the time. It was late at night
when the two children came home sweaty and dirty. when they got home they
immediately showered and went to sleep the next day the two children decided to go
to the park again because they were hoping to see the girl with the beautiful voice
again, they didn't see the woman so all they did was play and play the whole time
until one of them accidentally tripped and hit his head on the iron immediately his
friend panicked and screamed for help as he saw a lot of blood lost, his friend
immediately heard that the woman was asking for help, she approached the children
and was also surprised after she saw the child had a lot of blood on his head, the child
saw that the woman who approached was the one they meant in the park and
immediately asked for help. The boy became conscious and saw the woman
accompanying him and his friend. Immediately, the woman asked why they were still
in the park at night. The boy instantly replied that they were meant to listen to her. It
sounded like a bird, and the woman was surprised by what the child said. She told
them not to leave the house or go far, especially without their parents. The child's
parents found out what happened to them, which is why they immediately went to the
hospital for their children. When they arrived at the hospital, the mother of a child
was surprised by what happened to her child, and they asked the children what
happened. Their parents were surprised because they left the house without their
permission. The next day, the parents told their children not to leave the house and go
far away again without their consent. The children promised that they would never do
it again, and they pledged to their parents that every time they left the house, they
would tell them.

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