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1. Mr.

Denisse reports losing his job, not being able to sleep at night, and feeling upset with his
wife. Nurse Ernest responds to the client, “You may want to talk about your employment
situation in the group today.” The Nurse is using which therapeutic technique?
a. Observations
b. Restating
c. Exploring
d. Focusing

Answer: (D) Focusing

Rationale: The nurse is using focusing by suggesting that the client discuss a specific issue. The
nurse didn’t restate the question, make observations, or ask further questions (exploring).

2. A male client is admitted to the emergency department following an accident. What are the first
nursing actions of the nurse?
a. Check respiration, circulation, neurological response.
b. Align the spine, check pupils, and check for hemorrhage.
c. Check respirations, stabilize the spine, and check circulation.
d. Assess level of consciousness and circulation.

Answer: (C) Check respirations, stabilize the spine, and check circulation

Rationale: Checking the airway would be priority and a neck injury should be suspected.

3. Nurse Tala attends an educational conference on leadership styles. The nurse is sitting with a
nurse employed at a large trauma center who states that the leadership style at the trauma
center is task-oriented and directive. The nurse determines that the leadership style used at the
trauma center is:
a. Autocratic.
b. Laissez-faire.
c. Democratic.
d. Situational

Answer: (A) Autocratic.

Rationale: The autocratic style of leadership is task-oriented and directive.

4. Noynoy with diabetes mellitus must learn how to self-administer insulin. The physician has
prescribed 10 U of U-100 regular insulin and 35 U of U-100 isophane insulin suspension (NPH) to
be taken before breakfast. When teaching the client how to select and rotate insulin injection
sites, the nurse should provide which instruction?
a. "Inject insulin into healthy tissue with large blood vessels and nerves."
b. "Rotate injection sites within the same anatomic region, not among different regions."
c. "Administer insulin into areas of scar tissue or hypotrophy whenever possible."
d. "Administer insulin into sites above muscles that you plan to exercise heavily later that day."

Answer: (B) "Rotate injection sites within the same anatomic region, not among different regions."
Rationale: The nurse should instruct the client to rotate injection sites within the same anatomic region.
Rotating sites among different regions may cause excessive day-to-day variations in blood glucose level;
also, insulin absorption differs from one region to the next. Insulin should be injected only into healthy
tissue lacking large blood vessels, nerves, or scar tissue or other deviations. Injecting insulin into areas of
hypertrophy may delay absorption. The client shouldn't inject insulin into areas of lipodystrophy (such as
hypertrophy or atrophy); to prevent lipodystrophy, the client should rotate injection sites systematically.
Exercise speeds drug absorption, so the client shouldn't inject insulin into sites above muscles that will
be exercised heavily.

5. Nurse Pinty is supervising a group of elderly clients in a residential home setting. The nurse
knows that the elderly are at greater risk of developing sensory deprivation for what reason?
a. Increased sensitivity to the side effects of medications.
b. Decreased visual, auditory, and gustatory abilities.
c. Isolation from their families and familiar surroundings.
d. Decrease musculoskeletal function and mobility

Answer: (C) Isolation from their families and familiar surroundings.

Rationale: Gradual loss of sight, hearing, and taste interferes with normal functioning.

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