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Name: Vidya Janani V

Register Number: 913121205090

Ex. No: 03 Feature Extraction with Correlation (Bivariate) Analysis and

Date: 04.03.2024 Categorization Using Python/R


To Perform Feature Extraction with correlation (Bivariate) Analysis and categorisation using


1. Data Preparation:

• Import necessary libraries (pandas', 'seaborn', and 'matplotlib').

• Load your data from a CSV file into a Pandas DataFrame.
2. Correlation Matrix:

• Create a correlation matrix for specific columns related to air quality indices
3. Visualize the correlation matrix:

• Create a heatmap of the correlation matrix, enhancing visual understanding.

• Customize the heatmap with annotations, color palette, and grid lines.
4. Display the correlation heatmap:

• Show the heatmap with correlations between the air quality indices, helping identify
5. Feature selection based on the correlation matrix:

• Calculate correlations between all columns and the "PM2.5 AQI Value."
• Sort and select features with correlations greater than 0.25 in absolute value.
• Print and display the selected features, helping identify which variables correlate significantly
with the target variable.
Importing the dataset and formation of the Co-relation Matrix
Python Code:
import pandas as pd

# Load the dataset into a DataFrame

# Replace 'your_dataset.csv' with the actual path to your dataset
job_placement_df = pd.read_csv('job_placement.csv')

# Display the first few rows of the DataFrame to understand its structure

# Compute the correlation matrix

corr_matrix = job_placement_df.corr()

21PCS02 – Exploratory Data Analysis Laboratory Dept of IT

Name: Vidya Janani V
Register Number: 913121205090

# Display the correlation matrix

print("Correlation Matrix:")

Visualizing the correlation matrix

Python Code

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load the dataset into a DataFrame

# Replace 'your_dataset.csv' with the actual path to your dataset
job_placement_df = pd.read_csv('job_placement.csv')

# Compute the correlation matrix

corr_matrix = job_placement_df.corr()

# Plotting the correlation matrix using seaborn heatmap

21PCS02 – Exploratory Data Analysis Laboratory Dept of IT

Name: Vidya Janani V
Register Number: 913121205090

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
sns.heatmap(corr_matrix, annot=True, cmap='coolwarm', fmt=".2f", linewidths=.5)
plt.title('Correlation Matrix of Job Placement Dataset')


Displaying the correlation heatmap:

Python Code

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load the dataset into a DataFrame

# Replace 'your_dataset.csv' with the actual path to your dataset
job_placement_df = pd.read_csv('job_placement.csv')

# Compute the correlation matrix

corr_matrix = job_placement_df.corr()

# Plotting the correlation heatmap

21PCS02 – Exploratory Data Analysis Laboratory Dept of IT
Name: Vidya Janani V
Register Number: 913121205090
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
sns.heatmap(corr_matrix, annot=True, cmap='coolwarm', fmt=".2f", linewidths=.5)
plt.title('Correlation Heatmap of Job Placement Dataset')


Feature selection based on the correlation matrix:

Python Code

import pandas as pd

# Load the dataset into a DataFrame

# Replace 'your_dataset.csv' with the actual path to your dataset
job_placement_df = pd.read_csv('job_placement.csv')

# Compute the correlation matrix

corr_matrix = job_placement_df.corr()

# Display the correlation matrix

print("Correlation Matrix:")

# Setting a threshold for correlation

21PCS02 – Exploratory Data Analysis Laboratory Dept of IT
Name: Vidya Janani V
Register Number: 913121205090
# You can adjust this threshold based on your requirements
threshold = 0.5

# Selecting features highly correlated with each other

# Here, we remove one of the features from each pair of highly correlated features
correlated_features = set()
for i in range(len(corr_matrix.columns)):
for j in range(i):
if abs(corr_matrix.iloc[i, j]) > threshold:
colname = corr_matrix.columns[i]

print("Correlated Features:")


21PCS02 – Exploratory Data Analysis Laboratory Dept of IT

Name: Vidya Janani V
Register Number: 913121205090

21PCS02–Exploratory Data Analysis Marks

Observation ( 20 )

Record ( 5 )

Total ( 25 )

In this Experiment , Feature Extraction with correlation (Bivariate) Analysis and
categorization using Python/R was implemented and the output is verified successfully.

21PCS02 – Exploratory Data Analysis Laboratory Dept of IT

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