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“constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes
misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate” by Albert Schweitzer.
We all know much about kindness but only a few of us understand its true
meaning. What is kindness? Simple answer- it is an act of friendliness, consideration,
and generosity towards another without expecting anything in return. Kindness is a
kind of happiness; it is an example of true happiness and this kind of happiness is not
the one that can be bought but the one that can be felt. Kindness is where the act of
giving or philanthropy begins. Have we ever wondered why mother nature is so kind?
No one knows the answer even today but the amount that she has contributed is an
amount that cannot be paid back. Many organisations like WWF are working on it and I
believe they will succeed in it but what can we as students do? well we can also
contribute by using the 4R’s which will reduce the tension of pollution and planting
more trees. it sounds like we are helping ourselves rather than mother nature. Of
course, this is the beauty of kindness: you get more than what you give. Lets all become
kind this year for it a hard time for all of us and philanthropy towards the patients who
cannot afford their treatment and towards the doctors, nurses and police officers who
work all day and night for our comfort.

Thank You



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