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The reporter will lead the prayer.


After the prayer, the reporter will greet his students.

Classroom Rules

 Respect
 Raise your hand if you want to answer.


a. Food, Health, and Nutrition

b. Personal Finance and Family Resources


 Explain the importance of food, health, and nutrition in human; and

 Identify the personal finance and family resources


Before the reporter begin to the main discussions, the reporter will conduct an activity
this activity called “EAT ME”. The learners will be divided into 3 groups and every will have
two representatives to do the activity, while the remaining members of every group will take note
the nutrients/beefits that we get from banana.


What is Food

is a nutrient that all living organisms consume to maintain growth and perform important
activities as they provide us with energy. Food is required for living things to survive. It
nourishes trillions of cells in our bodies, allowing
them to function properly, speeding up biological
processes and assisting in growth. While it is important to
eat food, it is just as crucial to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet.

refers to a state of overall well-being and the absence of disease or illness. It encompasses
various aspects of physical, mental, and social well-being.
are macromolecules that the body needs to stay healthy and to grow. Carbohydrates,
lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and other essential elements are required by human bodies.
These nutrients are broken down by several chemical processes in our bodies to produce energy,
aid cell division, and growth, among other things. All of these nutrients are present in the food
we eat, but a balanced diet is one in which all of the nutrients are present in sufficient amounts as
required by our body. Excess fats and carbs in the body produce a variety of problems and have
an impact on numerous body sections. As a result, before consuming a food, it is necessary to
check its nutritional content.

Components: Nutrients of Food

Carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and water are the basic food components.

 Carbohydrates: A primary source of energy for our

bodies are carbohydrates. Its sources are rice, bread,
potatoes, maize, bananas, mangoes, and other foods.

 Fats: Fat is a great source of energy as well. Fat aids in

the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D, and K by the
body. Walnuts, salmon, vegetable oils, butter, beef, and
other healthful fat sources are examples.
 Protein- Protein is a necessary component in the
development of muscle mass. Pulses, milk, grams,
eggs, meat, poultry, and other protein-rich foods
are examples.

 Vitamins- Vitamins aid in the development of our

bodies and ensure that they work properly. Green
leafy vegetables, nuts, eggs, oily fish, meat, dairy
products, plant-based oil, soya beans, and other
foods are good providers of vitamins.

 Minerals- Minerals are necessary for the creation

of bones and teeth, as well as blood. Iron, calcium,
phosphorus, potassium, iodine, chloride, and other
minerals are essential for human bodies.
Mineral-rich foods include meat, grains,
seafood, fruits and vegetables, nuts, and so on.

 Fiber- Fiber is necessary for a healthy digestive

tract. It aids in reducing the likelihood of constipation.
Whole grain goods, fruits, vegetables, beans, peas,
legumes, nuts, and other fiber-rich foods are examples.

 Water- Water makes over 60% of the adult

human body. It is a necessary component
for our bodies to work properly. It aids in the
transfer of digested food to our body cells as
well as the elimination of waste from our bodies


What is Personal Finance?

is the process of planning and managing personal financial activities such as income
generation, spending, saving, investing, and protection. The process of managing one’s personal
finances can be summarized in a budget or financial plan. This guide will analyze the most
common and important aspects of individual financial management. Areas of Personal Finance
In this guide, we are going to focus on breaking down the most important areas of personal
finance and explore each of them in more detail so you have a comprehensive understanding of
the topic.

1. Income
- refers to a source of cash inflow that an individual
receives and then uses to support themselves and their family. It
is the starting point for our financial planning process.
Common sources of income are:
 Salaries
 Bonuses
 Hourly wages
 Pensions
 Dividends

These sources of income all generate cash that an individual can use to either spend,
save, or invest. In this sense, income can be thought of as the first step in our personal
finance roadmap.
2. Spending
includes all types of expenses an individual incurs related
to buying goods and services or anything that is consumable (i.e.,
not an investment). All spending falls into two categories: cash
(paid for with cash on hand) and credit (paid for by borrowing money). The majority of
most people’s income is allocated to spending.
Common sources of spending are:
 Rent
 Mortgage payments
 Taxes
 Food
 Entertainment
 Travel
 Credit card payments

The expenses listed above all reduce the amount of cash an individual has available for
saving and investing. If expenses are greater than income, the individual has a deficit.
Managing expenses is just as important as generating income, and typically people have
more control over their discretionary expenses than their income. Good spending habits
are critical for good personal finance management.
3. Saving
refers to excess cash that is retained for future investing or spending. If there is a
surplus between what a person earns as income and what they spend, the difference can
be directed towards savings or investments. Managing savings is a critical area of
personal finance.
Common forms of savings include:

 Physical cash
 Savings bank account
 Checking bank account
 Money market securities

Most people keep at least some savings to manage their cash flow and the short-term
difference between their income and expenses. Having too much savings, however, can
actually be viewed as a bad thing since it earns little to no return compared to
4. Investing
relates to the purchase of assets that are expected to
generate a rate of return, with the hope that over time the
individual will receive back more money than they originally
invested. Investing carries risk, and not all assets actually end
up producing a positive rate of return. This is where we see the
relationship between risk and return.
Common forms of investing include:
 Stocks
 Bonds
 Mutual funds
 Real estate
 Private companies
 Commodities
 Art
Investing is the most complicated area of personal finance and is one of the areas where
people get the most professional advice. There are vast differences in risk and reward
between different investments, and most people seek help with this area of their financial

5. Protection
Personal protection refers to a wide range of products
that can be used to guard against an unforeseen and adverse

Common protection products include:

 Life insurance
 Health insurance
 Estate planning
This is another area of personal finance where people typically seek professional advice
and which can become quite complicated. There is a whole series of analysis that needs
to be done to properly assess an individual’s insurance and estate planning needs.

What is Family Resources?

Resources can be defined as anything we use to achieve what we want (our goals). In
other words, they are the materials and human attributes which satisfy our wants. Resources are
the ones matters people and households want to gain their needs. Using Resources accurately
enables households to perform their goals. Anything which satisfies our wants or needs is called
resource. Family resources are those matters which assist in attaining the own circle of relative’s
dreams. Without having resources, dreams cannot be achieved. All resources are scarce and want
Family Resources Importance
Resources are important for us as we utilize them to satisfy our wants. Many minerals
like iron, copper, mica etc. are used in industries for manufacturing various goods. Minerals like
coal and petroleum are used for the generation of electricity. Natural resources like water and air
are indispensable for human life.
Types of Family Resources
The Family resources are broadly classified in to three, namely
1. Human Resources
2. Non-Human Resources
Human Resources
are the ones characteristics which a character possess. Human
Resources Are Parts of a character; they exist inside that character
and might best be utilized by the character. Also, these resources are
personal and unique to each person as human resources are existing
within an individual. They have the excessive ability to gain what
we need and lots of an instance won’t be cultivated or made available. Most of the time,
households underestimate those sources and are ignorant of them. Human resources include,
1. Knowledge
2. Skill
3. Attitude
4. Interest
5. Human Energy
6. Time

 It is vital to be conscious of factors if you want to gain what we need.

 If we need to shop for a T.V we want to realize what capabilities to appearance for,
manufacturers available.
 This will assist in shopping for a higher great product.


 These are inherited and acquired.

 These may also encompass capabilities like cooking, decorating, gardening. Each
character has unique talents with which he/ she will be able to attain his/her goals.
 These capabilities also can be advanced with the aid of using systematic getting to know
and practice.

 These are reviews or feelings someone has toward an aspect which might also
additionally preclude or assist in achieving his goals.
 A high-quality mindset might also additionally assist someone acquire what he/she needs
while a terrible mindset might also additionally hinder him/her in attaining what he/she

 It is regular for everyone, 24 hours a day.

 The manner someone man-a while and makes use of her time is her personal choice.
 A pupil might also additionally end all of the paintings earlier than going to play; some
other might also additionally waste his time watching tv or speaking at the cell phone.
Human Energy
 This is each intellectual and bodily strength of a person.
 To gain goals, one desires to plan, organize and subsequently put into effect the plans.
 This could require each intellectual and bodily energy.

Non-Human Resources
already known as Material resources. which is exist outside the people or the family, but
they can be controlled by the family. Material or Non-human sources are money, possessions and
equipment. They make own circle of relatives works easier. These sources belong to the own
circle of relatives, own circle of relative’s individuals have proper over them, manage and
employ them the manner they want. Examples of non-human resources include: houses, cars,
books, tools, refrigerators, gas, etc. Material sources supply happiness and satisfaction. Proper
use of fabric sources makes existence easier. These are substantial and are more identifiable.
These non-human resources classified as:
1. Money
2. Material Goods


 is one of the very important resource that can

be used to get most of the family need.
 is used to measure the value of the property
that an individual has.
 additionally, be used for future use and for
this reason offers an experience of protection
security to the family.

Material Goods

 Material goods consist of long-lasting items

or perishable items used and owned through
an own circle of relatives of their normal use.
Land, house, fixtures and car are examples.
 These assist to make existence simpler and
extra snug for all own circle of relative’s members.
Durable items like land also can assist households
to earn or store cash.
 If veggies are grown on land, the own circle of relatives can store cash on shopping for
veggies or promote those veggies to earn cash.


Ulfath, S. (2023). India’s Best Learning & Prep Site for Job Skills. Retrieved:

CFI TEAM. Empowering Finance Leaders of Tomorrow. Retrieved:
Grover, J. (2024). Food Chains and Webs: Producers, Primary, Secondary and Tertiary
Consumers. Retrieved:

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