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Gambling Among Secondary School Students

This report is about the prevalence of gambling amongst teenagers, primarily secondary school
students, who have been exposed to gambling ads or seen it being done by other students.
Gambling has become popular among high schools 1in 3 students have gambled with most of
these gambling students are older males. Over half of all the students who have gambled have
bet on horse or dog racing and bought raffle tickets. These two are clearly the most common
forms of gambling in this survey. Gambling is also linked to tobacco, alcohol and illicit drug use
which highlights the addictive capabilities of gambling.

This gambling is extensive to the point that 35% of students knew someone who gambled and
another 35% had visited a gambling venue in the past month but worst of all 73% of students had
seen a gambling ad in the past month. A large amount of student said they would “definitely” or
“probably” gamble in the future with 30% of boys and 17% of girls this is an extremely high rate
for adolescent men which could lead to dramatic ramifications down the line.

This shows the dangers of youth gambling and the possible road to addiction which is terrible. I
put these ads and glorification of gambling as the route cause

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