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Theory of wages (6) The bargaining theory of wages

There are two key theories that explain why (7) Behavioral theories
salaries are the way they are in a particular
Now let us discuss the theory of Wages in
field. These two theories are:
1.Traditional Theory of Wage
(1) Subsistence theory
This theory, also known as ‘Iron Law of
In this theory the law of supply and demand
Wages,” was propounded by David Ricardo
dictates salary. These days programmers
(1772-1823). This theory (1817) states that:
are in short supply and are in great demand
“The laborers are paid to enable them to
thus they will command a higher salary.
subsist and perpetuate the race without
Likewise doctors and lawyers whose increase or diminution.”
specialized skills people need command a
The theory was based on the assumption
high wage. If you looked at the bill my
that if the workers were paid more than
electrician gave me you would know he is
subsistence wage, their numbers would
in demand!
increase as they would procreate more; and
2. Theory of Negotiated Wages this would bring down the rate of wages.
Those employees who work in unions In economics, the subsistence theory of
where the union negotiates salary on behalf wages states that wages in the long run will
of all workers fit into this theory. Since I am tend to the minimum value needed to keep
a teacher my salary is set by collective workers alive. The justification for the
bargaining with my union. I may be the best theory is that when wages are higher, more
teacher in the world sought after by many workers will be produced, and when wages
students and parents but it wouldn’t matter. are lower, some workers will die, in each
case bringing supply back to a subistence-
However, different methods of wage
level equilibrium.
payment are prevalent in different
industries and in various countries. There 2. Wages fund Theory
may be payment by time or payment by
This theory was developed by Adam Smith
results, including payment at piece rates.
(1723-1790). His basic assumption was that
Wages are fixed mainly as a result of wages are paid out of a predetermined fund
individual bargaining, collective of wealth which lay surplus with wealthy
bargaining or by public or State regulation. persons - as a result of savings.
How wages are determined has been the
This fund could be utilized for employing
subject of several theories of wages. The
laborers for work. If the fund was large,
main elements in these theories may be
wages would be high; if it was small, wages
summed up as follows:
would be reduced to the subsistence level.
Below is mentioned the theory of Wages: The demand for labour and the wages that
could be paid them were determined by the
(1) Subsistence theory
size of the fund.
(2) Wages fund theory
3. The Surplus value theory of Wages
(3) The surplus value theory of wages
This theory owes its development to Karl
(4) Residual claimant theory Marx (1818-1883). According to this
theory, the labour was an article of
(5) Marginal productivity theory commerce, which could be purchased on
payment of ‘subsistence Price.’
The price of any product was determined by 7. Behavioural theories
the labour time needed for producing it. The
Many behavioral scientists - notably
labourer was not paid in proportion to the
industrial psychologists and sociologists
time spent on work, but much less, and the
like Marsh and Simon, Robert Dubin, Eliot
surplus went over, to be utilized for paying
Jacques have presented their views or
other expenses.
wages and salaries, on the basis of research
Marx himself considered his theory of studies and action programmes conducted
surplus-value his most important by them. Briefly such theories are:
contribution to the progress of economic
The Employee’s Acceptance of a Wage
analysis (Marx, letter to Engels of 24
August 1867).
This type of thinking takes into
4. Residual claimant Theory
consideration the factors, which may
Francis A. Walker (1840-1897) induce an employee to stay on with a
propounded this theory. According to him, company. The size and prestige of the
there were four factors of production/ company, the power of the union, the wages
business activity, viz., land, labour, capital and benefits that the employee receives in
and entrepreneurship. proportion to the contribution made by him
- all have their impact.
Wages represent the amount of value
created in the production, which remains The Internal Wage Structure
after payment has been made for all these
Social norms, traditions, customs prevalent
factors of production. In other words,
in the organization and psychological
labour is the residual claimant.
pressures on the management, the prestige
5. Marginal productivity Theory attached to certain jobs in terms of social
status, the need to maintain internal
This theory was developed by Phillips
consistency in wages at the higher levels,
Henry Wicksteed (England) and John Bates
the ratio of the maximum and minimum
Clark (USA). According to this theory,
wage differentials, and the norms of span of
wages are based upon an entrepreneur’s
control, and demand for specialized labour
estimate of the value that will probably be
all affect the internal wage structure of an
produced by the last or marginal worker. In
other words, it assumes that wages depend
upon the demand for, and supply of, labour. Wage and Salaries and Motivators
Consequently, workers are paid what they Money often is looked upon as means of
are economically worth. The result is that fulfilling the most basic needs of man.
the employer has a larger share in profit as Food, clothing, shelter, transportation,
has not to pay to the non-marginal workers. insurance, pension plans, education and
other physical maintenance and security
6. The bargaining theory of wages
factors are made available through the
John Davidson propounded this theory. purchasing power provided by monetary
Under this theory, wages are determined by income - wages and salaries.
the relative bargaining power of workers or
Merit increases, bonuses based on
trade unions and of employers. When a
performance, and other forms of monetary
trade union is involved, basic wages, fringe
recognition for achievement are genuine
benefits, job differentials and individual
differences tend to be determined by the
relative strength of the organization and the
trade union.
Wage structure like they are fairly compensated along their
career path.
Also known as a “wage structure” or
“salary structure,” a compensation structure 4. Look at External Inequalities
is the strategy use to determine how each
Ideally, every employee, in every position,
employee in company is paid. It considers
feels that they are being compensated
information like the length of employment,
fairly. Sometimes, some positions are being
industry minimums and maximums, and
paid differently (in comparison to market
rates) than others. If your sales team is
How to Set Up a Wage Structure earning close to what other sales
professionals in the same industries are
1. Establish Value for Each Position
making, but your customer service reps
Determine what each job title in your aren’t, this can cause a rift among workers
company is worth. You will likely want to and lead to employee’s dissatisfaction.
use market pricing (including that research
While no one sets out to have these types of
we mentioned above) to figure out what a
inconsistencies, they can happen when the
particular job description should get paid. If
market changes quickly and your pay
you haven’t refreshed your salaries in a
practices haven’t caught up. Take this time
while, be prepared for some surprises. Also
to compare all of your positions against the
remember to compare job duties and
responsibilities and not rely on job titles
alone. 5. Create Company Salary Structure
2. Consider the Company’s Competitive You’re now ready to make that
Posture compensation plan. Use the data you
collected to make pay grades, including
Where does your business compare to the
starting wages and salary caps for every
rest of the pack? Do you pay more than
position in your business. Another
other companies in your industry? Or do
alternative is to group job titles that have
you pay less? If there is a considerable
the same pay rates into one group for easier
difference in pay, why? You may find that
tracking and documentation.
your attempts to pay more than others isn’t
getting you a good ROI. You could also 6. Match Current Employee Pay to New
discover that your workers are grossly Structure
underpaid for the unique talents they
With a new plan in place, you’ll need to
implement it for existing workers. You’ll
3. Define Compensable Leverage for likely find that some employees are
Company underpaid, with others making more than
what they should under the new plan. For
Once you decide how attractive your base
those who are underpaid, put them on track
salary is for new workers, you need to
to earn what they should as soon as it is
determine your “compensable leverage.”
financially possible. If the gap is small, you
This term refers to salary rate increases and
can bump them up right away. Other gaps
how they match up to market averages.
may take multiple pay raises to get the job
When an entry-level programmer moves up done.
a pay grade, are they still getting paid
Wage fixation
competitively? The difference between pay
grades should be influenced somewhat by Wage Fixation: The act empowers the
the market, so that those progressing appropriate government (central or state) to
through the ranks of your business still feel fix and revise the minimum wages for
different categories of workers. The 4.Often includes benefits and bonuses
minimum wages can be fixed based on Benefits and bonuses may be limited
time, i.e., hourly, daily, monthly, or on a
5.Generally negotiated during the hiring
piece-rate basis.
processSubject to legal minimum wage
Factors Considered for Fixation: When regulations
determining minimum wages, the
6.Suitable for positions with regular
appropriate government takes into account
working hours Common in industries with
factors such as the skill level required for
fluctuating work schedules
the job, the nature of work, prevailing rates
of wages in similar employments, cost of 7.Commonly associated with white-collar
living, and other relevant factors. jobs Frequently associated with blue-
collar jobs
Components of Minimum Wages: The
minimum wages include the basic wage, 8.Provides stability and financial
which is the minimum rate fixed by the predictability Reflects immediate
government, and any additional allowances compensation for work performed
such as dearness allowance, house rent
allowance, or other special allowances 9.Typically paid on a monthly or semi-
monthly basis Paid on a weekly, bi-
Wage payment weekly, or monthly basis
Wages and salaries are the payment for 10.Payment is unaffected by time taken off
work agreed between an employee and his work Absences directly impact the
or her employer under the contract of amount earned
employment in the private sector and for
contractual agents in the public service, or
employment for civil servants Basis for compensation fixation
Salary Administration 1. Organization’s ability to pay
Wage and salary administration is a Companies with good sales & profits tends
collection of practices and procedures used to pay higher compensation. In the long run
for planning and distributing company- it is important because in prosperity time,
wide compensation programs for employers pay high to carry profitable
employees. These practices include operation. But in depression wages &
employees at all levels and are usually compensation are cut down due to non
handled by the accounting department of a availability of funds. Where ever minimum
company wages legislation is applicable organization
Difference between salary and wages should pay, irrespective of their capacity to
Points Salary Wages
2. Supply & Demand of labor
1.Fixed amount paid on a monthly basis
Hourly or daily rate of pay Labor market condition always operate at
National, Regional& local level. Higher
2.Typically paid to employees in a demand & low supply of skilled person
professional or managerial role Primarily results in rise in compensation. Lower
paid to non-executive or hourly workers demand & higher supply results in decrease
in compensation.
3.Consistent amount regardless of hours
workedVaries based on the number of
hours worked
3. Prevailing Market rates 9. Pay for Performance Linking Pay to
Performance Jobs & Work Flows
Also known as Comparable wage or Going
Continues Appraisal Incentive Methods
wage rate. Going rate system involves
fixing wage/salary rate in tune with what is 10. Skills level available in market
paid by different units of an industry in a
with growth of Industries, Business &
locality. Going rates are generally paid in
Trades all over the world results in
the initial day of company and plant
Shortage of Skilled Resources
Technological Advancement Automation
4. Trade Unions Bargaining Power of Work Process Computerization.
Generally stronger & more powerful the Components of Wages
trade union, higher the wages and
1. Basic wage: 1. a wage or salary based on
compensation. But the concept is changing
the cost of living and used as a standard for
with collective bargaining and strong
calculating rates of pay.
Industrial relation.
2. a rate of pay for a standard work period
5. Job Requirements More difficult the job,
exclusive of such additional payments as
Higher the Wages & Compensation.
bonuses and overtime.
Measure of Job difficulty, used with
relative value of job to another 2. Overtime wages: Overtime wages refers
Organization (Comparison).Job Grading to the compensation you receive for
Relative Skills Efforts Responsibility Job working beyond normal working hours.
3. Dearness allowance: Dearness
6. Managerial Attitude Decisive Influence Allowance is paid by the government to its
on Compensation Management employees as well as a pensioner to offset
the impact of inflation.
Whether Firm should pay Below Average
Rate above Average Rate What Job Factors 4. Time-rate wages: Time-rate wages
used to reflect Job worth Performance or compensate workers based on time spent
Length of Service These matters requires working rather than output or productivity.
approval of Top Executives.
5. Efficiency Based Wages: Efficiency
7. Cost of Living Known as Automatic wages refer to employers paying higher
Minimum Equity Pay Criteria than the minimum wage to retain skilled
workers, increase productivity, or ensure
Based on Cost of Living Index and CCA are
the Integral Part of it Negative Effect
Increase in Cost of Living usually possess 6. Incentive Schemes: incentive plan or
additional burden on Employer without incentive schemes an arrangement under
corresponding improve in Productivity which additional payments are made to
employees as a means of increasing
8. Productivity Measured in terms of
Output per hour Negative
7. Individual bonus schemes: Individual
Technical Improvement Better
bonus schemes are based on the personal
Organization & Management Better
achievements and results of each employee.
Methods of Production Greater Skills by
They are usually tied to specific metrics,
Labor Negative Productivity Calculation &
such as sales, productivity, quality, or
Definitional Measurement and Conceptual
customer satisfaction.
8. Group bonus schemes: Team-based Before processing an employee’s first
bonus schemes are based on the collective paycheck, you should also have these
achievements and results of a group of documents on hand:
employees who work together on a
• Job application: Even if the
common project, task, or goal. They are
employee never filled out a formal
usually tied to team-level metrics, such as
application, having this document on file
revenue, profit, customer retention, or
ensures all vital payroll information is in
quality improvement.
one place.
Effect of various labor laws on wages
• Deductions: The employee may
The Wage Code regulates wage and bonus participate in employee benefits, such as
payments in all employment. The Code health insurance, a health savings account
combines the provision of the following or a retirement savings plan. Proper payroll
four laws: (i) the Payment of Wages Act, processing ensures that the correct amounts
1936, (ii) the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, for these benefits are withheld each pay
(iii) the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965, and period.
(iv) the Equal Remuneration Act, 1976.
• Wage garnishments: You may be
Preparation of pay Roll : required by law to garnish your employees’
wages if they owe money, such as IRS
Here’s a more detailed overview of the
payments or child support. Wage
eight steps involved in processing payroll.
garnishments are court-ordered; make sure
Step 1: Establish employer identification you have the proper documentation on hand
number. and in your records.

The first step in processing payroll is to Step 3: Choose a payroll schedule.

establish EIN and state and local tax ID
Once the relevant tax and legal information
numbers. (You’ll need to do this whether
to set up payroll, you must choose how
you process payroll manually or use a
frequently to run payroll. There are four
payroll platform.) The government uses
typical pay schedules: monthly,
these identifiers to track your business’s
semimonthly, biweekly and weekly. It’s
payroll taxes and to ensure that you meet all
essential to understand each option before
you decide which is best for your business.
If you don’t know your EIN or don’t have
Step 4: Calculate gross pay.
one, you can apply for an EIN online.
Access information from your state and Now that set a payroll schedule, you can
municipality to obtain state and local tax start processing your first payroll. To do
IDs. this, you must calculate each employee’s
gross pay. Gross pay is the total number of
Step 2: Collect relevant employee tax
hours an employee works in a given pay
period multiplied by their hourly rate.
Before you start processing payroll, your
Here’s an example of a gross-pay
employees must complete various tax
forms so you can account for allowances
and other details for payroll taxes. These 1. Worker A has worked 50 hours for
payroll forms include Form W-4, Form W- your weekly pay period and earns $20 per
9 and Form I-9 (if it is a new employee). hour.
You must also provide various state and
2. 40 hours x $20/hour = $800
local forms, but these will depend on where
your business operates.
3. 10 hours x $30/hour (time and a
half) = $300
4. Gross pay = $1,100
Step 5: Determine each employee’s
Gather information from your workers’ W-
4s, federal and state requirements,
insurance requirements, and benefits
requirements to determine each employee’s
deductions. This can get complicated; each
state collects different taxes from small
businesses, so you must research your
state’s policies before completing this step.
Step 6: Calculate net pay, and pay your
Subtract each employee’s deductions from
their gross pay. The amount left over is the
employee’s net pay, or take-home pay. This
is the amount you’ll pay each employee.
You’ll have to hold the deductions and pay
them with your payroll taxes each month or
quarter, depending on the schedule you
Step 7: Keep payroll records, and make any
necessary corrections.
As you process payroll, it’s essential to
keep records of your transactions for tax
and compliance purposes. If an employee
disputes a payment or the IRS needs
documentation down the line, you must
have records at the ready. Maintaining
records, including year-to-date payments, is
especially crucial if an employee disputes a
paycheck. With good records, you’ll be
able to sort out any issues quickly.
Step 8: Be mindful of ongoing
Remember that must file business’s taxes
quarterly and annually. It’s essential to
consult a business accountant to ensure
understand how payroll taxes fit into this
aspect of operations and must also report
new hires to the IRS. When work with a
payroll solution or an accountant, this
usually isn’t responsibility.

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