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4* 2* - 4* 3*


STUDENT: ---------------------------------------

We’ll do this in class

Lesson 1


– Comment on Bill Gates’s quote below:
UNIT “Technology is just a tool.

5 In terms of getting the kids working together and

motivating them, the teacher is the most important.”
Bill Gates

– What is your opinion about the technological process?

– Has it become an advantage, or a drawback in terms of human

1. Name at least three gadgets you can’t imagine your life without. Look at the pictures,
name the following, are any of them on your list?
1 2 3 4 5 6

2. Complete the sentences with the following words. There are two extra words.
cyberspace / labour-saving device / cutting-edge / techie / high tech /
breakthrough / tools / technophobe / advances / digital / native /
state-of-the-art / electronic appliance / robotics

1) Technological and scientific______ such as computers, cell phones, and satellites may boost
the development of the third world countries.
2) The branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application
of robots, as well as computer systems for their control and information processing is ______.
3) ______ allows users to share information, interact, swap ideas, play games, engage in
discussions or social forums.
4) A machine, gadget or other thing that reduces human effort, hard work is called a ______.
5) The Internet and all sorts of ______ devices are changing the way children learn.
6) My mom says sitting too close to the TV will make my eyes go square! She's such a ______.
7) Today, people are living longer and healthier lives thanks, in large part, to technological
______ in the field of medicine.
8) The digital tools of our economy make more sense to young ______ than to members of older
9) The centre is 20 years old and will need capital improvements to remain ______.
10) Thousands of hackers, developers, gamers and ______ equipped with laptops camp out in
tents on-site for the conference and hacker fest.
11) Scientists are hoping for a ______ in the search for a cure for cancer.
12) You can save money and energy at home by choosing energy efficient ______ and reducing
the amount you use them.

1- Leer texto y resolver actividades 3,4,5. Actividad 6: Dar opinión en forma escrita... comenzando:
I think... because ....
2- Read the text and do activities 3,4,5. Do activity 6 in written form.


Early: tempranos, primeros años.

Wanted to make sure: Quería asegurarse
Could: pudiera
War: guerra
This needed a free and independent communication network of computers that could send ….each
other through ….
Esto necesitaba una red de computadoras libre e independiente que pudiera enviar….. Una a otra a través….
Random: aleatorio
Wrote (pasado de write): escribió En presente perfecto: He has written ... (Él ha escrito…)
Had: (pasado de have) tenía
Also: también
Became available: transformó/ se hizo disponible…
Grew: (pasado de grow) creció/aumentó
Much larger: mucho más grande. Cuidado long: largo-> más largo: longer
There are: hay (plural de there is)
Do research: investigar


Have you ever surfed the internet? ¿HAS ALGUNA VEZ NAVEGADO POR INTERNET?
¿Cómo funciona el presente perfecto? Ejemplos

Present Perfect Simple: Permite conectar el pasado con el presente: una acción pasada ya terminada da lugar a un estado o situación que sigue
teniendo validez en el presente. Se forma con el presente del verboauxiliar have y el participio del verbo principal.

James loves football and plays very well. He has bought (ha comprado) new trainers and now he plays even better than before.
James is the team captain because he has never lost (nunca ha perdido) a match.

It looks like his team will win this match as well. James has just scored a goal and the referee has not blown
the final whistle yet. The other team has not scored (ha anotado/hecho ) a goal so far.

El present perfect simple se emplea en inglés para expresar:

1- una acción que se acaba de realizar;Ejemplo:
He has just scored a goal. (Él ha recién hecho un gol)
2- una acción pasada con influencia en el presente;Ejemplo:
He has bought new trainers and now he plays even better than before. Un hecho que hasta elmomento presente es
3- un hecho que hasta el momento presente es verdadero.Ejemplo:
He has never lost a match. (Él nunca ha perdido un partido).
The referee has not blown the final whistle yet. (El referee no ha soplado el silbato aún).
The other team has not scored a goal so far. (El otro equipo no ha hecho un gol hasta ahora).

Formación del "present perfect"

El "present perfect" de cualquier verbo está compuesto por dos elementos: la forma apropiada del verbo auxiliar to have (en presente): has o have -
de acuerdo al sujeto, y el "past participle" del verbo principal. Laforma del "past participle" de un verbo regular es raíz+ed, e.g. played, arrived,

To Walk: caminar, "present perfect"

Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa

I have walked I haven't walked Have I walked?
(He caminado)
You have walked You haven't walked. Have you walked?
(Has caminado)
He, she, it has walked. He, she, hasn't walked Has he, she, it walked?

We have walked. We haven't walked Have we walked?

(Hemos caminado)

You have walked You haven't walked Have you walked?

(Han caminado)
They have They haven't walked Have they walked?
walked (Han

Computer programming

3/ Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 4/ Complete the sentences 1-6 with the
words in the box.

5/ Choose the correct word.

NAME: ________________________ DATE: ________________________
I have I have
You have You have
He has He has
She has eaten. She has not eaten.
It has It has
We have We have
They have They have
Yes, No,
Have I I have. I have
Have you you have. you have
Has he he has. he has
Has she eaten? she has. she has not.
Has it it has. it has
Have we we have. we have
Have they they have. they have

 Complete the sentences below. Use ‘haven’t or ‘hasn’t’ for negative sentences.

1. I’m really hungry because I (eat) _______________ _______________.

2. A: _______________ Mary (do) _______________ her homework?

B: Yes, she _______________.
3. _______________ we (see) _______________ that movie? I can’t remember.
4. Oh no! I (lose) _______________ _______________ my cell phone!
5. No, Pat and Sue (arrive) _______________ _______________. They’re not here.
6. _______________ Mr. Smith (have) _______________ breakfast?
7. I’m nervous. I (fly) _______________ _______________ in a plane before!
8. A: _______________ he (call) _______________? B: No, he _______________.
9. _______________ you ever (write) _______________ a poem?
10. I’m not happy. I still (find) _______________ _______________ my cell phone.
11. _______________ you (decided) _______________ what food you want to order?
12. _______________ Sarah (read) _______________ the magazine I gave to her?
13. _______________ you (put) _______________ all your toys away?
14. It (rain) _______________ _______________ for a very long time.
15. I think I (forget) _______________ _______________ to buy some bread.

Past Simple vs Present Perfect

1. I’m hungry. I didn’t eat / haven’t eaten anything today.

2. Grandma visited / has visited us last weekend.
3. Look! Tomek broke / has broken his arm.
4. Sorry, Sir. I forgot / have forgotten my homework.
5. Mrs Ziarko worked / has worked at this school for 5 years.
6. Uncle Tim was / has been in hospital since Friday.
7. Did you / Have you ever read a book in English?
8. They never lived / have never lived in a big city.
9. We didn’t clean / haven’t cleaned our room. It’s really messy.
10. Ola wrote / has written a Maths test last week.

1. We ……………… not …………………… (write) any English tests this month.

2. My grandma ……………………………………….. (visit) 15 countries in her life.

3. I …………………………….. (eat) pizza for lunch yesterday.

4. They ………………………………. (read) an interesting book last week.

5. My dad ……………………………………. (swim) in the Pacific Ocean in 1995.

6. …………. you ever ………………………… (play) rugby?

7. Mr Mandzelowski …………………………….(teach) at our school since 1999.

8. I’m thirsty. I …………… not ………………. (drink) anything today.

9. She ………………………… (see) a penguin in a zoo last August.

10. They’re very proud because they …………………………………. (climb) Mount


Past Simple or Present Perfect?

1. My friend is a writer. She ................................. (write)

many books
2. We ........................................ (not have) a holiday last year
3. .......................................... (you/see) Ann last week?
4. I ........................................... (play) tennis yesterday afternoon
5. What time ..................................................... (you/go) to bed last night?
6. ...................................................... (you/ever/be) to the United States?
7. My hair is clean. I ................................................. (wash) it
8. I ............................................... (wash) my hair before breakfast this morning
9. When I was a child, I ...................................................... (not/like) sport
10. Kathy loves travelling. She .............................................................. (visit) many
11. John works in a bookshop. He ....................................... (work) there for three years
12. Last year we ........................................ (go) to Finland for a holiday.
We ............................. (stay) there for three weeks
13. Molly lives in Dublin. She ....................................... (live) there all her
14. Bob and Alice are married. They ................................. (be) married
for 20 years
15. When we were on holiday, the weather .................................... (be)
16. The weather ..................................... (be) very nice recently, don‛t you think?
17. My grandmother died 30 years ago. I ........................................... (never/meet) her
18. I don‛t know Carol‛s husband. I ............................................ (never/meet) him
19. Jill ....................................... (buy) a new car two years ago
20. His hair is very short. He ...................................... (have) a haircut
21. Last night I ................................... (arrive) home at 12.30, I
............................... (have) a bath and then I .................................... (go)
to bed
22. ..................................... (you/visit) many museums when you were in
23. My bicycle isn‛t here any more. Somebody .......................................
(take) it
24. I ......................................... (not/eat) anything yesterday because I
................................ (not/feel) hungry.
25. The car looks very clean, ............................................. (you/wash) it?
26. Brian: Hello Susan. Is Alan here?
Susan: No, I‛m afraid He .................................. (go) out
Brian: Oh, what a pity! When exactly .....................................
(he/go) out?
Susan: About ten minutes ago
27. I ...................................... (smoke) 20 cigarettes today
28. I ........................................ (smoke) a lot yesterday.


I. Read, drag and drop.





II. Read and choose.

BreakingNewsEnglish - Many online quizzes at URL below
Scientists create living True / False
robots that can have babies 1) The article says science fact has become
science fiction. T / F
2nd December, 2021
2) Scientists made the first living robots in 2020.
Scientists say that a T/F
new kind of robot can 3) The xenobots got their name from an African
reproduce - it can frog. T / F
create baby robots.
This is an example of 4) The xenobots are less than a hundredth of a
science fiction millimetre wide. T / F
becoming science fact. 5) Scientists tested hundreds of thousands of
The scientists, from the xenobot shapes. T / F
Universities of
Vermont, Tufts and 6) The xenobots create babies by gathering cells
Harvard, created the in their mouth. T / F
world's first "living" 7) Xenobots could increase the risk of oil spills in
robots. They are called "xenobots". Scientists our oceans. T / F
created them in 2020 from the stem cells of an
African frog. Its scientific name - "xenopus laevis" - 8) Some people are worried about robots that
gave the xenobot its name. The xenobots are less can have babies. T / F
than a millimetre wide. They can move, work
together in groups and self-heal. Although they are Synonym Match
not what we imagine robots to be, scientists say
(The words in bold are from the news article.)
they are technically robots. They are a machine-
animal hybrid. The scientists say xenobots are "an 1. reproduce a. collected
entirely new life-form". 2. fact b. totally
The scientists explained that the bots reproduce 3. created c. visualize
because of their shape. Researchers used artificial 4. imagine d. fix
intelligence (AI) to test billions of body shapes. The 5. entirely e. give birth
result was a C-shaped robot. It was able to find tiny
stem cells in a petri dish. It gathered the cells in its 6. shape f. do
mouth. A few days later, the cells became a new, 7. gathered g. made
"baby" xenobot. The xenobots are very early 8. carry out h. advantages
technology. However, they could change science,
medicine, technology and the way we live. They 9. repair i. reality
could carry out tasks inside our body to repair 10. benefits j. form
damage to organs. They could also help the
environment by attacking micro-plastics in our
oceans, or by cleaning up oil spills. Despite the Discussion – Student A
possible benefits, some people are worried about
a) What do you think about what you read?
robots that can reproduce.
b) What do you think of artificial intelligence?
Sources: / /
c) Is it good that xenobots could change
science and medicine?
d) How could the xenobots help the
Robots that can reproduce are dangerous. Discuss. environment?
e) What could this technology be like in 50
Chat years from now?
Talk about these words from the article. f) Could xenobots help to fight viruses?
scientists / robot / reproduce / baby / robot / g) Why might people be worried about the
science fiction / stem cell / imagine / life / shape xenobots?
/ artificial intelligence / body shapes / cell / h) What questions would you like to ask the
medicine / organs / oceans / oil spill researchers?

ENGLISH COURSE 4* 2 * - Student:_____________________________ Teacher: Andrea Rosas





Ejemplo de „Future Simple‟: ‘I’ll buy you a new computer’.

¿Cómo se forma el futuro simple en inglés?

Es muy fácil: Sujeto + „will‟ + verbo principal de la oración en infinitivo forman el futuro simple afirmativo en inglés. Aunque, como seguro ya sabes, esta
estructura básica se ve modificada cuandola oración es negativa o interrogativa.

Estructura del ‘Future simple’ en inglés

Oración Estructura Ejemplo

Afirmativa Sujeto + „will‟ + verbo „Leia will arrive late because Darth Vader attackedher
Negativa Sujeto + „will‟ + „not‟ + verbo . „The stormtroopers will not be happy to see Han‟
won´t (forma corta)

Interrogativa „Will‟ + sujeto + verbo + ? „Will Luke call Yoda tonight? ‟

 En los ámbitos más formales de la formalidad, el futuro simple en inglés a veces se forma con el verbo modal „Shall‟ en
lugar de con „Will‟.
 Las formas afirmativa y negativa del „Future Simple‟ admiten contracciones tanto a nivel hablado como en textos informales
(sí, incluimos los „Whatsapps‟). Eso sí, sólo con pronombres personales. En el caso de las oraciones afirmativas, éstas se
 el pronombre + „ll. Ejemplo: „You‟ll‟, „She‟ll‟, „They‟ll‟, etc. En el caso de las oraciones negativas, „Will + not‟ se
sustituye por „Won‟t‟. Es más, tan común resultaesta contracción que la vas a ver y escuchar más veces que su “versión
¿Para qué se usa ‘Will’ en inglés? “¿Para hablar de situaciones futuras?” Pues sí; pero también lo encontramos: Para
expresar voluntad de hacer algo. Esto es,acciones voluntarias. Ejemplo de „Future Simple‟: „Will you help me to destroy Death
Star?‟. Con „You‟ de por medio para dar órdenes. Ejemplo de „Future Simple‟: „Luke! You‟ll control de Force!‟.

A continuación se presenta un texto para lectura. Lee el artículo e identifica el tema
(topic) correcto para cada párrafo de los encabezados (headings) dados debajo. Hay uno
extra que no lo necesitas

A) Underline (subraya) the 5 ideas in the future in the text above. (Las ideas en futuro son
oraciones en las que encuentres will o shall acompañado por el verbo)

B) Answer these two questions:

1.Will you have a Hal at home? Why? Why not?

2. What will you create if you continue your computer science studies? (Prediction)

Esta actividad te muestra otros usos de WILL:

Se traducen las frases para ayudarte:

¡Estamos listos! En este caso: ¿Vamos?No entiendo

esto. Te ayudaré.
¿Puedes pasarme a buscar a las 6 p.m., por favor? Por supuesto, estaré allí.Tengo frío. ¿Te traeré una manta?
¡Es una linda foto! Te la enviaré.
¿Qué piensas de Eurovisión? Es grandioso, pero no creo que ganaremos.La torta luce deliciosa.
¿Puedo contarte un secreto? Sí, no lo diré a nadie.

Task description & scene summary
Task description:
Fill in the gaps using first conditional based on what they observe and hear from the scene
Scene summary:
A woman receives a box and the visit of a man who explains what she needs to do. She must make a choice

Video source: The Box Scene of the offer

Video length: 4 minutes 11 seconds


Video quiz questions (printable)

1) open / receive
Fill the gap: If she ________________________ the unit, she ________________________ a financial opportunity
2) push / happen
Fill the gap: If she ________________________ the button, 2 things ________________________
3) push / die
Fill the gap: If she ________________________ the button, someone ________________________
Fill the gap: If she ________________________ the button, she ________________________ a million dollars
Fill the gap: If she ________________________ to press the button, he ________________________ her the money
Fill the gap: If she ________________________ to do it, she ________________________ 24 hours
Fill the gap: If she ________________________ the money, she ________________________ until 5 o´clock
Fill the gap: If she ________________________ the box, he ________________________ the offer to someone else

-También es posible usar el segundo condicional para dar consejos;

If I were you, I would buy that house. (Si yo fuera usted, compraría
esa casa)


La estructura del segundo condicional tiene dos partes: 1. oración

con IF y 2. Resultado.

1. Oración con IF:

En la frase con IF debemos usar el pasado simple de los verbos
(puedes ir a la lección sobre este tema haciendo clic aquí). Ejemplos:

a. If she worked as an actress (Si ella trabajara como actriz)

b. If they visited us more often (Si ellos nos visitaran más seguido)

Si la oración con IF contiene el verbo TO BE en el segundo condicional

casi nunca se usa WAS, sólo WERE, así:

c. If he were more tolerant (Si el fuera más tolerante)

2. Resultado:

En la oración de resultado usamos el verbo auxiliar WOULD para

afirmativo y WOULDN’T para el negativo + la forma base de verbo.

a. If she worked as an actress, she wouldn’t live in this town (Si ella
trabajara como actriz, no viviría en este pueblo)

b. If they visited us more often, we would be better friends. (Si ellos

nos visitaran más seguido, seríamos mejores amigos)

c. If he were more tolerant, he would have fewer problems. (Si el

fuera más tolerante, tendría menos problemas)

Para las preguntas utilizamos la siguiente estructura:

-Would you marry me if I asked you? (¿Te casarías conmigo si te lo

También es posible usar la palabra “could” en vez de “would”:

Could: pasado del verbo CAN (poder)

-If I had a screwdriver, I could fix the TV. (Si tuviera un
destornillador, podría reparar el televisor)

Reported speech
4º year -


Si al contar algo usamos las mismas palabras dichas por el interesado, estamos usando el estilo directo:
He said: “you’re very intelligent”  él dijo: eres inteligente.

Pero si en vez de esto lo contamos con nuestras palabras, entonces estamos empleando el estilo indirecto:
He said that she was very pretty  él me dijo ella era muy guapa.

Los más frecuentes para reportar son SAY y TELL, generalmente en pasado (said – told).
He said that…… He said TO* me that ……… He told me that……
Cuando SAY va con la persona a quien se le dice algo, ésta debe ir precedida por TO

Cambios en expresiones de tiempo, lugar, demonstrativos, verbos
Estilo directo Estilo indirecto Estilo directo Estilo indirecto
Now Then Yesterday The previous day
The day before
Today That day Last week / month… The previous week
The week before
Tonight That night A week / month…ago The previous week
The week before
Here There Tomorrow The following day
The day after
The next day
This That Next week The following week
These Those The week after
Bring Take Come Go

Cambios en pronombres personales, posesivos,….

Directo Indirecto Directo Indirecto Directo Indirecto Directo Indirecto
I I / He / She Me Me / Him /Her My My / His /her Mine Mine / His / Hers
You I / He / she You Me / Him /Her Your My / His / Her Yours Mine / His / Her
He /She /It He /She It Him / Her Him / Her His /Her His / Her His /Hers His /Hers
We We / They Us Us / Them Our Our / Their Ours Ours / Theirs
You We / They You Us / Them Your Our / Their Yours Ours / Theirs
They They Them Them Their Their Theirs Theirs

Para realizar los cambios de persona debemos tener en cuenta quién es el que está diciendo la frase y a quién
va dirigida.

Directo Indirecto
I said, “I don’t like tea” I said I didn’t like tea
Paul said, “I don’t like tea” Paul said he didn’t like tea

Mary told me “I like your house” Mary told me she liked my house
Mary told John “I like your house” Mary told John she liked his house

Afirmaciones / Aseveraciones / Frases enunciativas
Podemos contar en presente lo que alguien acaba de decir, para lo cual basta con suprimir las comillas y
cambiar los pronombres que sean necesarios.
John says, “I am a British citizen”  John dice: “Soy ciudadano británico”
John says he is a British citizen  John dice que es ciudadano británico
Pero lo normal es que el verbo que introduce la oración vaya en pasado, y es entonces cuando el verbo de la
subordinada da un salto atrás y se producen los cambios en los tiempos verbales y expresiones de tiempo y
lugar, así como en los pronombres. En este caso la oración en estilo indirecto se unirá con that y este that
puede ser omitido. El primer verbo que nos encontraremos en estas oraciones suele ser tell o say.

John said, “I don’t like meat” John dijo “ no me gusta la carne”.

John said that he didn’t like meat  John dijo que no le gustaba la carne.

Cuando la frase enuncia una verdad universal no hay cambio en los tiempos verbales
Paying certain taxes is mandatory” she said  Pagar determinados impuestos es obligatorio, dijo ella
She said that paying certain taxes is mandatory  Dijo que pagar determinados impuestos es




Verbos regulares afirmativo: agregar -ed


Verbos irregulars afirmativo: 2da columna de la lista de verbos irregulares


Negativo de verbos regulares e irregulares: con auxiliar DIDN’T más verbo en infinitivo


Report the following statements.

1. “I read a book per month”.

James said -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. “I go to the cinema on Saturdays.”
Peter said ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. “Teachers don’t like noise.”
Maria said ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. “We are very calm.”
They said ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. “We don’t want to watch TV.”
The children said ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. “I don’t like horror films.”
Charles said ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7. “I don’t like TV. I prefer cinema.”
Joshua said ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8. “The church is just around the corner.”
Mrs. Robins said -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9. “This is my favourite film.”
Barbara said ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10. “Sara likes to chew gum when she is at the cinema.”
Peter said ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11. “Girls prefer fashion magazines.”
He said ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12. “Boys like to buy car magazines. They don’t like girlish magazines.”
Tom said -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13. “I buy this magazine every weekend.”
Brenda said ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14. “We enjoy our classes.”
They said ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15. “This place is absolutely fabulous.”
Samantha said -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16. “These cars don’t work.”
Daniel said -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17. “Today is my birthday.”
Carl said -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

A Rewrite the following positive sentences. B Rewrite the following negative sentences.

1. “Angela likes fashion magazines.” 1. “Sally doesn’t like horror films.”

She said - Arthur said -
2. “Charles is a wonderful person.” 2. “Mary doesn’t go to school on foot.”
She said - She said
3. “I’m having a party tomorrow.” 3. “Rich isn’t watching TV.”
She said - She said
4. “These are my favourite books.” 4. “The fireplace isn’t working properly.”
He said She said
5. “We are having a great time.” 5. “John doesn’t take a bath every day.”
She said - Martha said
6. “Peter is driving his new bike.” 6. “He doesn’t enjoy being alone.”
She said - She said
7. “Susan buys many teen magazines.” 7. “My cousin Peter doesn´t speak Spanish.”
She said - She said
8. “Daniel writes every day.” 8. “They don’t understand their parents.”
She said - She said

Report these statements about music festivals:

1) Journalist: “Music festivals are the main destination for young people in Europe.”
2) Journalist: “Many bands and singers notice that after the festival fans leave mountains
of waste in the site.”
3) Mary: “I always take my waste after the shows.”
4) Organizers: “We usually collect 20,000 kilos of clothing from the gorund!.”
5) The music band Radiohead: “We don’t play at festivals that don’t offer eco-friendly
6) The Killers band: “We are concerned about environmental issues.”
7) Radiohead band: “We promise to think of ways to clean up after our show.”
8) The Killers: “We hire people to clean the place after our show.”
9) “We are organizing an eco-friendly event soon”, Tom Parker, one of the organizers,
told the press.
10 ) “This place is not big enough for so many people”, said Nick Jonas, the other


1- My friend asked me these questions last week. Report them:

a- Is this the last train to London?
b- Are you busy this weekend?
c- Can you wait for half an hour?
d- Are your children studying now?
e- Were these jeans expensive?
f- Can you lend me U$100?
g- Can you sign this form?
h- Are you tired at this moment?
i- Are there apples in the fridge?
j- Where are you going?
k- Can you come to my house today?

2- The teacher asked the students these questions yesterday. Report them:

l- Can you copy this?

m- Is there a duster to clean the board?
n- Are you writing in your notebooks?
o- Is the headmaster in his office now?
p- Can you hand in your homework in 5 minutes?
q- Are you connected to wi-fi?
r- Is the heater on today?
s- What time is it?
t- Do you practice this topic at home?
u- When do you use the translator?
v- Who wants to start reading?
w- What page are we on?


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