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Barcillus anthracis
2. yes,anthrax
3. 1823, Robert Koch
4. gram- positive, rod- shaped bacteria ( bacillus anthracis)
5. no
6. People who handle animal products (veterinaries, farmer) is the most common victim
inhaling the spores, eating contaminated meat, or having the spores come in contact with
your skin.
7. breathing in spores, eating food or drinking water that is contaminated with spores. spores
in a cut.
8. From few hours to 7 days
9. they get fevers, nausea, vomiting and sweats. They get worse and worse. Eventually they
run out of breath ( chest pain, shortness breath), stop blood flowing
The skin form present with small blister with surrounding swelling that often turns into a
painless ulcer wit black in center.
10.they can be treated with antibiotics including Oral, injectable or intravenous
11.wear nitrile. Vinyl gloves to prevent skin contact with BA- contaminated material, and
when handing animals
12.Central and South America, sub-Saharan Africa, central and southwestern Asia, southern
and Eastern Europe, and the Caribbean
13.Rare disease, in 20th century, it killed hundreds of thousands people and animals each
Today, they are less but not really disappear

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