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Quiz of Ch 8 a) To absorb carbon dioxide a) (6) Since the percentage of carbon dioxide in the inhaled air is only about 0.03%, (1) the volume of carbon dioxide being absorbed by potassium hydroxide solution in set-up A is very small a) this leads to no change in the water level. a (©) Change in the volume of the treated air sample in set-up B =0.15 X 0.15 X 3.14 X 21 O) 1.48 cm? decrease in the volume qa) (d)_ The exhaled air has more carbon dioxide than inhaled air. a This is because carbon dioxide is produced by cells as a.waste product of respiration, q@ and the carbon dioxide is carried away from the body in the exhaled air. (a) Person B a (b) Person A I Person B = The air sac is more folded. | - The air sac is less folded. a) ~The diameter of the |= The diameter of the a) bronchiole is larger. |__ bronchiole is smaller. (©) For person B, the surface area for gas exchange decreases as the air sacs are less folded. (1) In addition, person B has difficulty in breathing in or out due to the narrower passage of air at the bronchioles. a) Quiz of food and nutrition 12) to remove the residue / green chloroplasts ~ so that results / any colour changes of subsequent food tests can be easily observed (ii) * cellulose = it increases the bull of the indigestible material ) ~ and stimulates the muscular movements along ) the alimentary canal / peristalsis )any TWO - to prevent constipation ) (iii) The presence of reducing sugar is shown by the —— formation of orange precipitate in the Benedict's test — ‘The presence of vitamin C is shown by the decolorization of the DCPIP solution 1+1 2. (i) to close the opening of the trachea / to prevent food Gi) to digest protein into short peptides / amino acids / polypeptides Itis alkaline Be to neutralize the acid from the stomach/to provide a suitable pH for the functioning of protease ~ Bile produced in the liver cannot be stored in A . - When food enters the duodenum, insufficient amount of bile is released. for emulsifying fats in the food. Thus the surface area for the action of lipase decreases. Effective communication (C) sv. 3(@) Tooth P is chisel-shaped (1/2)which facilitates the cutting of food. a) Tooth.Q-has a broad top with cusps(1/2) which can crush and grind food. (1)... (b) ie pn 'm 2a 0 a Answer of essay John ate some fried pork chops at dinner. Discuss how the lipids in the pork chops are digested and absorbed, and how the lipids may become his body fat. (12 marks) #4 Digestion of lipids (Max. 3) + Inthe duodenum, bile and pancreatic juice help the digestion of lipids. (1) Bile, which is secreted by the liver, contains bile salts. (1) Bile salts cause the emulsification of lipids into smaller droplets. (1) Panereatic juice, which is secreted by the pancreas, contains pancreatic lipase. (1) The small oil droplets are digested by pancreatic lipase into fatty acids and glycerol. (1) + Digestion of lipids is optimum under alkaline condition. (1) Absorption of fatty acids and glycerol (Max. 3) * Fatty acids and glycerol molecules pass through the epithelium of the villi by diffusion (1) + and then recombine to form lipid molecules (1) * which then enter the lacteal (1) * and are cattied away by the lymph. (1) Assimilation of lipids (Max. 3) * After entering the lacteal, lipid molecules are carried by the lymph through the lymph vessels. (1) * The lymph vessels eventually open into two large veins near the neck region, returning lymph to the blood. (1) * The lipid molecules are carried by the bloodstream to different parts of the body and are taken up by cells for metabolism. (1) * Excess lipid molecules are stored as adipose tissues around internal organs or subcutaneous fat under the skin. (1) Communication (Max. 3) (12 marks)

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