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Answer of quiz of Ch 3

1(a) iodine solution (1m)

(b) A (1m)

(c) chloroplast (1m)

(d) (i) A is composed of cellulose and

B is composed of phospholipids. (1m)

(ii) Water-soluble substances can pass through A freely and (1m)

can pass through B only through some channel or carrier proteins. (1m)

2. (a) The coverslip should be lowered slowly

to avoid trapping air bubbles

which may block the view

(b) 15 x 40 = 600, .,. 600 x

(c) Movement of body tube is large when focusing with B OR

Objective is too close to the specimen

Risk of cracking the slide

(e) (i) 'd

(ii) To the right

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