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Hello, everyone. I'. We are the representatives of group 3 and we are presenting bacteria.

as we all know Cells come from living organisms, animals, Humans, bacteria, and plants, all
exist on our earth, cells are the basic structural units, capable of performing different functions to
make the organism live, they are so small that the naked eye can't see it, requiring a microscope to
able to see it, moving on. There is not one type of cell that performs this action,

There are two types of cells, eukaryote and prokaryote.

Eukaryotes are cells composed of living things like plants, humans, and animals, while prokaryotes
are mainly bacteria and fungi. This is our topic of explaining bacteria or bacteria. A
unicellular(meaning that only composed of one cell) microorganism composed of one cell to
function and multiply rapidly and there can be billions of them, today we will explain and inform you
all about the definition, characters, and different types of bacteria.
I will be passing on to to explain the definition of bacteria

bacteria are ubiquitous, mostly free-living organisms often consisting of one biological cell. They
constitute a large domain of prokaryotic microorganisms. Typically a few micrometres in length,
bacteria were among the first life forms to appear on Earth, and are present in most of its habitats


bacteria are quite different unlike living things,

first, Their appearance

bacteria lack membrane-bound organelles and nuclei unlike other cells

Unicellular (meaning that they are composed of only one cell)

dividing each other by binary-fission - splitting together and multiply

tubular shape
Generally small size ( 5 - 10 micrometres)
their behaviour
their behaviour is very different than living things, Bacteria grow in a wide variety of habitats and
conditions. They reproduce rapidly using binary fission. Bacteria can also use most organic and
inorganic compounds as food, and some can survive harsh conditions. bacterias can get energy by
making their food are photosynthesis, which requires sunlight, and chemosynthesis, which
requires organic matter, which composes the organic matter and transforms it into energy.
most of them are harmful but some of them are beneficial to us.
for example: Lactobacillus. the lactobacillus bacteria prevent intestinal damage. I will pass it down
to give examples of bacteria.

types of bacteria
Bacteria are classified into five groups according to their basic shapes: spherical (cocci), rod
(bacilli), spiral (spirilla), comma (vibrios),

Cocci are spherical or round-shaped bacteria - they are harmful bacteria causing inflammatory
diseases, including skin infections, . examples are Tetrads – cocci in groups of four groups

Bacillus - is, a rod-shaped bacteria, an example is Escherichia coli, which causes diseases in the

Spiral - curved-shaped bacteria which can range from a curved shape it can cause rat-bite fever,
after getting a bite from a rat, you will get (spirilla) which gives a abrupt of fever, chills, and

comma - possessing a curved rod (comma) shape, the most common example is Vibrio vulnificus,
which can cause life-threatening wound infections.

Thank you for our bacteria presentation of group 3.

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