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Republic of the Philippines


Tamag, Vigan City
2700 Ilocos Sur

Romhea Matmyr C. Turqueza


1. Reflect on your thoughts and feelings related to using a bedside NIS in your nursing practice.
a) What advantages do you predict?

➢ NIS allows nurses to record, integrate, and analyze data electronically, facilitating the fast synthesis of nursing
knowledge and development of nursing wisdom.
➢ Using NIS in acute care settings allows for timely documentation at the point of origin, typically the client's
bedside. This ensures that data is captured in real-time, leading to more timely, complete, and accurate
➢ NIS helps reduce repetitive documentation of the same data, saving nurses time and energy that can be
redirected towards engaging in clinical decision-making and applying nursing knowledge and wisdom.
➢ Integrated NIS support quality nursing care by affording nurses more time to engage with clients and their
families in meaningful ways. This supports improved patient outcomes and satisfaction.
➢ NIS manage clinical data from various healthcare environments, providing nurses with timely and orderly access
to patient information, improving patient care.

b) What limitations may exist?

➢ Nurses may face challenges in adapting to new technology and may require training to effectively utilize NIS.
➢ Implementation of NIS may disturb existing workflows, requiring adjustments and potentially causing
temporary inefficiencies.
➢ Increased reliance on technology exposes nurses to the risk of encountering technical issues which can disrupt
workflow and compromise patient care.
➢ The use of electronic health records increases risk to hacking or security breaches, potentially compromising
patient privacy.

2. What factors could inhibit a nurse’s readiness to use a NIS to document nursing care?

➢ Nurses who are not digitally literate, especially those who are of age, may experience difficulties in navigating
the Nursing Information system.
➢ Opposing opinions such as reluctance to learn new methods, or a preference for the old and traditional
approach may affect the nurses’ readiness in adapting NIS

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