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An Introduction to Telekinesis

By now you probably know what telekinesis (TK) is. It's the ability to move something without actually touching it. Some people like "psychokinesis" better, I don't .
Right off the bat, I can hear you say: "Telekinesis real? HAH! You're nuts!" Maybe you're right. Maybe TK is fake... maybe what happens is a gust of wind, or maybe a
vibration in the table, or maybe... All I have to say to that is BLAH BLAH BLAH . You don't have to believe, no one is forcing you - but I recommend reading on
anyways. You don't have to try the exercises, but just getting you to think "Hmmmm, maybe it is real?..." will be a good first step.
The First Step
Getting your conscious mind to believe TK is real is the first step. Once you can say, "Yeah, people can move things with their mind" - you'll be part of the way there.
The funny thing about telekinesis is that when you believe it will work, it will. When you don't, it won't. Since it works like this, people who can do TK believe in TK
and the positive belief becomes stronger. When a person who doesn't believe in it tries, they fail because of the belief and the negative belief is reinforced. Success
means more success and failure means more failure. This is why most people can't do it. So, back to the first step - get it in your head that TK is real. Once you
consciously believe in it, the beliefs will seep into your subconscious and you will totally believe it - inside and out, through and through. This is when you will start
seeing consistent results.
Before we get into how to consciously believe in it, lets go over how we should handle random thoughts and feelings. The thing I fear is that you will think
"This is crazy" and you will suppress this thought and force yourself to think "TK is real." This isn't good. You have to pick through each thought and pull it apart. You
have to listen to what you hear. If you hear yourself thinking "This will never work" - ask yourself why? As the reasons pop up, you have to challenge each one and
nullify it. Please, do not shove the thoughts deep inside of you; spontaneous thoughts come from your subconscious. If you think something - explore it, don't hide from
it. I love getting in arguments with myself - it lets me see the true me.
Now you're saying "Heh, my thoughts can't be challenged! I can argue to anyone that TK is fake." Fine. Just keep an open mind... I'll go over some of the
reasons why I started to believe in TK. This way, you can see why I started and look at my reasoning:
1. You say: No one can move things with their mind and modern science agrees.
This is a pretty broad one. The thing that made me think twice about it was the experiences of others. Just me here, telling you that I have personally seen it in action,
should spark a little something. If you do a search on the Internet, there are a lot of message boards and sites dedicated to "psychic" stuff. Why would there be such a
huge thing about it if it was all fake? Can people be really that dumb (heh, don't answer that )? Seriously, you're trying to say that there is a scientific explanation for
everything out there? No way... There is a lot that science can't explain. Also, are you saying that every person who has had a TK experience is crazy or it was some
weird coincidence? I don't think so. Sure, you got your crazies out there who don't know what, and I'm positive there's a couple fictional stories out there, but every
one? Eh, chances are slim. There is something going on we can't explain it. You have to admit that.
2. You say: Physics says it's impossible.
Physics. Hmmmm. Ever hear of Quantum Physics? It's the study of energy and how it gets around. Pretty interesting stuff... but not explored fully yet. Plus there's the
magnetism theory for TK. Basically, electric magnets are stronger than normal magnets. Guess what our brain is? Yep, electrical impulses. Can you see the connection?
Plus there have been studies (just do a search, you'll find them) - baby chicks have used micro-TK to affect the outcome of a RNG (random number generator) so the
light (guided by the RNG) would be close to them, keeping them warm. Maybe common sense at first says it's impossible, but if you look close - it's not really that far
3. You say: Maybe it is possible, but then it's a freak of nature and only happens with gifted people. Heh. Yeah, maybe. All I can say is that I have taught
people who have asked me and I taught myself. If it is only possible through "mutants" then I guess I'm a mutant along with anyone else who was taught by me.
Hmmm, if we're so rare, that's an amazing coincidence .
As you can see, there are a lot of angles to take. Be logical - and have an open mind. Read about experiences of others online and go into chats and ask
around. Try Yahoo chat - under the Religion category there is a "Paganism" room - check it out. Sometimes we have meetings in #psipog for all you IRC users (any
austnet server).
I Do Believe
Oh do you? Heh. I don't mean to knock over everything you've built up, but you probably don't truly believe unless you have seen it with your own eyes. You still might
not believe after that. I remember the first time it happened to me. I was doing an exercise I invented (the key one for those of you that have read on ) and the key (the
object I was trying to move) spun around really fast then stopped suddenly. I was shocked. I 'knew' TK was real, but I really didn't know. It blew my insides apart... on
the outside I thought "Sure, TK is real, I just need more practice" while on the inside I thought "Ehhh, this stuff can't be real." After the experience, I truly knew TK was
real. How can you get your subconscious to believe it's real? It's not easy. The way I did it was to just bombard it with thoughts that "TK is real" and challenged any
thought that said otherwise with logic and reason. I also did another thing which is the key to TK. Do you want to know what it is? It's the same with anything else you
want to be really good at.... PRACTICE. Yeah, it sucks, there is no switch or trigger, just plain practice is the best way to get good at it. What do you do when you
practice? In my next section I'll show you the way I practice and some other exercises I've read about.
Micro-TK Practice
A real quick intro on micro-TK. Micro-TK is easier than it's counter-part, macro-TK. The micro basically means that you're dealing on a sub-atomic level - dealing with
chance/statistics. In these exercises, you will effect the outcome of something using TK. You'll get the hang of it after reading some.
Dice Exercise
The basic idea behind this is to roll dice and force a number. Be careful inventing your own exercises. If you have a target number and you try to force it, your
practicing TK. If you try to predict what the number will be (changing your target number between each roll) your actually developing a different psychic skill -
precognition (predicting the future).
All you need is a die, some paper, and a pencil. Roll the dice 50-100 times to make sure it's not weighted anyway and is fair. If you roll it 100 times, each
number should come up 16-17 times (number of trials divided by number of possible outcomes or 100 / 6). In the example, it seems that 5 might have a slight advantage
and 6 doesn't look so well. Here, I would pick either 2 or 3 as a target number because you can be sure that the results won't be affected by the imperfections in the
die.After you get the feel for the dice, you want to try and force your target number. Don't get upset if your number doesn't seem to be coming up that often, there could
be a lot of reasons for this. You could not be concentrating enough, you could not have enough practice, you could not be "warmed up," or you could just be having a
bad day. You want to try to keep relaxed and free. Open your mind to the dice, stay focused but passive. "Know" that the dice will land on your target number, trust
your instincts, be playful and have fun. If you find yourself getting mad, take a break for a while and come back to it. I know I'm saying to try to force your target
number, but I don't want you to take it the wrong way. It shouldn't be a "force," it should be very calm and relaxing. Let it flow, lay back and let the numbers do what
they're going to do. Take a look at the results to the right. Although the person was trying to force 3, he did the total opposite. This might happen to you. You say "I
want 3" and your subconscious thinks "Well, since this isn't going to work, there won't be a lot of 3's." Your negative subconscious thoughts are reflected onto the
results. This is a GOOD sign . If you get something similar to this you should be able to convince your sub-conscious that TK does exist. How else can you explain the
drastic change? Sure, the numbers will fluctuate a little, but that much? Eh, not likely.Personally, I don't like this exercise that much. It's pretty tedious and repetitive. It
isn't very positive in my opinion either. You can try other things instead of a dice (a coin for example) - the basic idea is still there. I prefer (when practicing micro-TK)
to do the next two exercises.
Card Exercise 1 I made this exercise one late night in bed. Everyone seems to like it, including myself . It's fun, easy, and exciting! All that you need is a
deck of cards - a pretty common thing. One reason why I like this exercise is because you can do it with people watching and they can't catch on to what you're doing.
You don't have to write down anything or make any tables, it's just you and 52 cards.First start off by choosing a target card. Try to pick a card that isn't bent and will fit
in pretty good. Now you shuffle and shuffle. The goal is to remove all cards EXCEPT your target card. On average, I remove around 6 cards each time. Let's run
through an example so you get the idea. Lets say I choose the Ace of Spades as my target card. I shuffle the deck a couple times to mix it up good. I have an urge to take
some cards out so I pull out the first 6 cards and look through them to make sure the Ace isn't in it. I throw those cards in another pile. Then I shuffle some more. I get a
feeling to stop and remove some cards, so I take the top 7 and look through them to make sure the Ace isn't in there. It's not, so I keep going. I keep shuffling and
removing cards until I do come across the Ace.
This exercise works good because you can convince your mind that your card won't be in the group you grab to check. Think about it, will your target card be in a
group of 40+ or in a group of 6? Your subconscious says "Yeah, you're right, there's no way the Ace of Spades is in here..." If you keep doing it, you will start to see
results and be able to narrow it down to 10, 5, and eventually 1 card. The most important part is to do what you feel like doing. Don't analyze (until you're done) and
don't think. Just flow... go with it.
Card Exercise 2 This exercise is for those who have mastered the first card exercise. It's pretty straight-forward and simple. Actually, I made this one before
I made Card Exercise 1.
First, get a target card. Make sure it's not bent and has no weird marks (so it doesn't stick out). You basically shuffle the deck and keep shuffling until you feel your
target card is on top. Believe it or not, the third try after I started doing this I got my card on top. I was just shuffling and shuffling, then I thought "There it is" and I
threw it on my bed. When I saw I was actually right, I just stared at it in shock.The key to this exercise is to identify your goal and just do it. Don't let anything run
through your head other than "..." No thoughts. Don't think "This won't work", don't think "The odds are way against me" - just think "..."
Macro-TK Practice
Macro-Telekinesis is what were all here for. Moving big things with our mind. None of this "chance" crap, this stuff is hard-core, obvious, undisputable proof. The only
thing that sucks about it is that it SEEMS to be harder to do. Why do I say seem? Personally, I believe it is no harder than micro-TK (my subconscious disagrees ) it's
just SEEMS harder because we believe it would be harder. Everything, even the things outside of TK, is tied to perception and belief. Just stating "I am telekinetic!" to
your subconscious will help. Have confidence! It does work and it will work!
Enough of that, here are some exercises:
Key Exercise I'm not sure where this exercise came from. I think I read something to trigger me into thinking of it. It's pretty basic. You hang a string from the ceiling
and tie a key to it (or any weight for that matter). Then you try to move it. Heh, that's it (see picture if you're confused).
The key (pun intended) to this exercise is to unlock (heh, I'm loving this ) your power. You can try a bunch of things to see what works for you. I like my eyes open. I
try to keep a clear mind with only the thought of success in my head. Some people like to think of a magnet, some like to think of energy, it's all a matter of finding
what's right for you.
String Exercise I get a lot of e-mails about people wanting to learn TK, one of the first people I taught used the key exercise. Unfortunately, he could not get the key to
move, no matter what he tried. Then, after a couple weeks, he tried to move the little string that was left over when he tied the string to the key. He was VERY
successful (and let me know ). That's where this exercise came from. It's the exact same as the key exercise but without the key. Just try moving the string. Be careful,
it is very sensitive to wind, so breathe low, or cover your face, and don't make gusts of wind with your hands or when you move your body. Don't write off good results
as "gusts" of wind. I made the string move while half-way across the room but I thought it could have been some wind I generated. So I went through the same steps to
see if the key moved again (only this time without the actual mental effort). It didn't move. I tried making gusts of wind and I couldn't make one strong enough to effect
the string from that distance. So, know your strings limits. See what movement will make it move and what won't. If you're really paranoid about wind, you can make a
miniature version of the string exercise but in a glass. See the picture to the right. The container makes sure no wind will get in or out... and since magnets go through
stuff like that, it doesn't interfere with your effort.
Paper on Pin Exercise This is a newer exercise to me. I read it off a web-site but I forgot where exactly it was (doh). I'll give you step by step instructions on how to
make the thing you need:
That's the paper part, for the stand, all you do is stick a needle in cork or something and balance the paper tool on top. Personally, I just use a thumb-tack. It's real easy.
See the picture to the right see how it should look when you're done. It's a low angle looking up into the middle of the paper thing.You can probably already guess what
your mission is. Make the paper thing spin on the needle. Be really careful with this thing, it's extremely sensitive to wind and air currents. A whisper from 5 feet away
can make it move. Just relax and let it flow like all the other exercises. I wish I could remember the web page I went to so I could give proper credit, but I have no idea.
Oh well.
Candle Exercise I've only tried this exercise a couple times. It just doesn't work very well for me (probably due to early failure and stupid beliefs). I'm including it
because it really sounds cool and you might find it very useful. The setup is easy, just get a candle, light it, and try to make the flame move. Try shrinking it or
lengthening it. I read that you can actually distinguish the flame totally if you keep shrinking it to a point where it can't exist. Pretty cool. Nostradamus supposedly
invented this. He didn't use it to practice TK but it sounds like it should work. Give it a try, heck, I'm gonna go try right now... maybe it will work...
Well, you've reached the end of the file. I hope you got something from it. If this is like your fifth time reading it and your saying "It doesn't work!" - don't give up. It
will work, just keep practicing. First do the micro-TK stuff to get your confidence high, then move on to the macro stuff. Keep pounding your mind with TK - day
dream about TK, when you want to grab something, try to "pull" it to you, when someone is talking to you, think "telekinesis... telekinesis... telekinesis..." - well, maybe
not that far . Just don't give up! It will work! And you will be amazed! OR . . . you could give up... sissy (j/k ).
Telekinesis: Thoughts, Techs, and Tips
Hello one and all. I've learned a lot since the last time I've spoke to everyone about telekinesis. For the past few months I've been practicing pretty regularly with the
paper-on-pin exercise from my first article, Introduction to Telekinesis. After a lot of success, I started to keep a kind of "journal" recording things I've noticed and
other tid-bits of information. What's that you say? You want to read my journal? Just click on the notebook to take a gander... Some of it is useless but there are some
good spots .
I'm starting to try to piece together this strange ability. The first thing that comes to mind is the effort on my part. Defining this focused state I go into is a little hard...
an analogy might help me there. Let's say I give you a task - move the ball in front of you. You easily reach out with your hand and give it a shove. What effort was
there? Barely any. You didn't really think about moving your arm, you didn't think "flex biceps, now forearm", you just understood the task then fulfilled it. Even as I
write this I can see this half-effort thing I'm talking about. I don't think about the shape of each letter or the spelling of the words as I write them. I have a sentence in
my mind and my task is to "write this down." There's no real force or intense focus - it just happens. Telekinesis is the same way. Using the same analogy though, we
can see it's a little harder than that. I could perform the "push the ball" task when little, but could I write sentences? Of course not. It took focus and practice to get
where I am now. I had to learn the skill, then I could do it with no effort. Just like if I was a baby I wouldn't be able to push the ball. Telekinesis, if like other skills,
takes focus at first, but eventually becomes effortless after the initial phase. The problem is getting through this phase. If I tell a six year old to write a sentence,
although they can't, they know how it's accomplished. They've seen others do it and know what happens, they just can't perform the task themselves. Unfortunately, we
don't have that luxury with telekinesis. How can we learn if we have nothing to learn from? This article may help some, but it's merely my personal discoveries and
observations. It's better than nothing, but without any experienced telekinetics spreading information, it makes the learning process very slow. We all have questions in
our heads that would be obvious to a veteran, but with a skill this rare, it's kind of tough to find a reliable source of information. I'll explore some questions I have in my
head and maybe we can all learn something . The key question currently in my mind is "How is this possible"? Scientifically, I mean, how is it possible for one to move
an object with their mind? I've heard theories on electromagnetic fields and have come up with my own thoughts on magnetism and static electricity but I'm still
clueless. I've also thought about linking aerokinesis to it - creating gusts of wind to move an object. Then we can get even more complex and ask "Is there more than
one way to accomplish telekinesis?" You can write with a pen in your hands or a pen in your mouth, who says there's only one explanation for TK? Maybe the answers
will come in time - I'm not sure. Do I need to know how it works to progress any further? Do I need to know specific details to perform TK? I don't think so. I know, in
general, that through thought I move something. The six year old knows that through finger movements, they write. They don't need to know the interaction between
the ink and paper or the specific electrical signals sent by the brain, they just need a primitive understanding. This is all we should need for TK then. How should the
beginner start and more importantly (for me) what should the teacher provide? What are you looking for? The more I think about it, the clearer the answer becomes:
Techniques and tips for success. The important part to understand is that you have to practice if you want this skill. There is no special tech or secret words that
"unlock" the ability. Some might progress faster than others, as with any skill, but effort is needed on the side of the student. I truly don't know that for a fact though...
Personally, I believe there is a certain understanding and once you grasp it, you can perform TK to any extent. Currently I feel the only way to achieve this "TK
nirvana" is through constant practice and constant questioning. In the future I'm sure there will be a less tedious way, but someone's got to lead the way, why not us ?
Anyways... enough of this philosophical crap, onto the techs !!!
The first exercise I will swear by is the paper-on-pin one I described in my last article. It has changed my whole outlook on telekinesis and has really helped me gauge
my progress, not to mention the confidence boost. Here are simple instructions on how to make the device:
What I do is balance the paper on a thumbtack and focus on spinning it (being careful not to breath on it). Visualization sometimes works but I find not thinking about
anything is the most effective. Try to shut your conscious mind up and let your unconscious take over... see what it can do. Don't ask questions, don't react to
movement, just understand your goal and watch it come true. I find that putting my finger super-close to one of it's corners helps a lot. I try to extend my aura into the
objects aura. It's good to start this way but don't become dependent on it - I believe it helps the mind accept this strange phenomenon but it's really just another limit not
worth putting on yourself. Use it at first but practice without it too. I've also found it's easier for my mind to bob the tool up and down rather than spin it - try both and
see what's best for you.
Here is the second exercise I have also had success with. Take a bowl or cup and fill it with water. Now take a toothpick or something that floats and put it in the water.
Wait for the ripples and waves to calm down then try to move the object while it floats there. This works great because there is relatively no friction. As with the last
exercise though, you have to be careful. Bumping the table and breathing too heavily will produce false results.
Now that you have some things to work with, we can get into the actual "How To" part. I know it sounds way too simple, but the method I use the most is just doing it.
There's no thought in my mind, I just move it. It just happens. I can't describe it any other way... When I couldn't do TK it used to piss me off that others would say
"Just do it" because it says absolutely NOTHING about HOW. But that's the thing... there is no "how" - you just do it . How do you move your arm? How do you smell
the cake in the other room? You just DO. No, I won't cheap-out and only give you that way to do it. Sometimes I find that I can't "just do it". That's when I pull the
tricks out ... The first trick is to fool your subconscious into doing TK. Let's face it, sure, your subconscious is smart in a lot of aspects, but in others it's a complete
idiot. It's gullible and mechanic. We can take advantage of this! What I do is to convince my mind that I am moving the object; I say things like "See? It just moved! -
There it goes again! It's bobbing up and down..." No, it's not really moving, but by focusing on believing it, I can trick my mind to actually do it. For example, say I'm
trying to move the paper-on-pin. I try my usual "just do it" method and get frustrated because I'm getting nowhere fast. First, I take a little break. Let my mind cool off
and try to relax and have fun... Then I say to myself "I AM GOING TO MOVE IT". I look at the paper and it stands still... I focus and it's stationary... Then I say to
myself "Hey, look, the paper just moved up and down a little itty bitty. You didn't see it? Well it just moved... keep watching. See? There it goes again! You're doing
it!" No, the paper isn't moving, but I convince my mind that it is... I trick my subconscious into thinking it's moving the paper. After a second or two, my subconscious
says "What? I'm moving the paper? OH! Ok!" and BOOM, the paper spins around in circles. Victory! Then I usually say something like "Hahahaha, I tricked you!" .
Usually I can't use visualization when doing TK... it just doesn't seem to work. One of the few visualizations that work is the following: Imagine all the energy in the
room as tiny particles. "See" them swirling around like a tornado... whooshing around you... moving like wind through the air... Then direct all this energy towards the
object. Get the energy-wind to blow the object in a direction. Believe it or not, it works! I've debated whether this is Aerokinesis (moving and generating winds with
your mind) but I've decided that Aerokinesis should be a subclass of Telekinesis. It's moving something with your mind, right? So, I don't know if you're actually doing
aerokinesis here or if you're moving the object with energy, but it gets the job done, so who cares ? Just perceiving the energy of the object can be a good technique in
itself. I'm not going into the details of aura vision but seeing the objects energy interact with your aura makes it a lot easier. I will even debate you don't even need to
learn aura vision. Again, trick your subconscious... or even just suggest to your subconscious to see the energy. Say something like "Look at the objects energy -
manipulate it and use it to move the object". You don't have to actually see the energy (but it does help, obviously). Tell your subconscious too see the energy... instruct
it to use this knowledge. You are in control, you tell your subconscious what to do.
Just using basic energy manipulation you can try to achieve telekinesis too. It's not very effective for me, but it might work wonders for you, so I'll include it here.
Basically, just as you create psi balls, you emit energy out of, say, your finger-tip. Two things I've noticed here... 1. Energy being emitted INTO the object will pull the
object towards my finger. I can't push with energy... the energy moves through the object like a river and the object moves UPSTREAM. I don't know why, but that's
how it works with me. 2. Sometimes my energy is better used as a semi-circle around the object. Not going through it, but kind of surrounding it. Like a shield almost.
Try both ways and see if you can get it to work... like I said above, this doesn't work very well for me. I've had very limited results doing this technique - but give it a
shot anyways. You never know until you try .
I still have one more technique up my sleeve... Convince you're mind that the object needs to move. Think "It needs to do this." Turn the object into a being in your
mind then persuade yourself to think the being wants to do something. For example, I look at the paper. I think "Hey little guy... oh man, you need to spin this way. You
really need to do that." Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Give it a go and see what happens.
The tips I'll present are ideas that just came to me. My mind would be having trouble and then, all of the sudden, I would "hear" a word or phrase that would make me
understand what I was doing wrong. I believe telekinesis is a state of mind... an understanding of the world. Ones that can do it naturally already have this
understanding. Others, like you (I assume) and me, have to develop this "understanding". These keywords helped me get closer to it, maybe they'll help you.
The first word that ever came to me was "Graceful." I was forcing energy upon the object, trying pretty hard to get it going, when my mind said it. I thought, "Hmmm,
why the hell did I just hear 'graceful'?" So I tried to emit the energy gracefully. To make a short story shorter, it worked ! Instead of bombarding the object with energy,
I used the energy in a smooth, curve-like manner. Heh, "graceful" is the best word to describe it.
The second thing I heard was "Perceive and Manipulate." This goes back to my one technique above - it's pretty self-explanatory. Basically, I was just tired and not
thinking that much. My techniques weren't working that good and my mind just blurted it out. Like last time, I understood what to do and it worked like a charm . The
idea is to understand the object through energy perception and manipulate this understanding. It's hard to explain - you're just going to have to try it and learn yourself.
The third phrase that jumped into my head was "Realize and understand that the power just exists." After I heard that and began to understand it's meaning, I became
much more powerful and had a lot more control over the paper. These phrases aren't easy to explain... maybe you have to actually experience them to understand it
fully. It basically says that, just as you exist, the power exists. It's so simple it's confusing . The power just exists. I wish I could go more in depth... there's really not
much to say though.
I'll keep listening to my mind and try to "hear" more tips - if you want some other tips, read my journal. The link is at the top of this article. You'll probably be able to
gather something useful from it (I hope).
Ahhhh! Finally done! This article might have taken you 10 minutes to read but it took me a couple weeks to write and 8 months of research and experiments! Whoo
wee. Anyways... I hope it's had some use to you. If you're a beginner, don't expect a lot of this stuff to work. I'm not saying it won't - I'm just saying don't be mad if it
doesn't. I don't want e-mails of people saying "Your techs don't work" only to find out they've been practicing psi for 2 weeks. Sorry, telekinesis is an advanced skill
and takes time and patience.
NI's Telekinesis Training Manual
Once again I speak to you guys about Telekinesis / Psychokinesis. In this manual I’ll try to be more specific and explain my method to do TK, as easily understandable
as possible.
Some of you might know that I have a TK club in my school and I am proud to say that many of my students progressed a lot since we started to have the meetings. So
basically you have very good chances, too. TK can be taught and it can be learned. The only serious difficulty I think is that you mostly don’t know anyone who could
show you how TK is done. I personally know a girl who could do TK almost instantly after having seen it in action in one of our meetings. Later she had problems like
everyone else, too, but that’s not the point. The point is that sometimes people can repeat it instantly if they see it. Don’t ask me why. I don’t know.
As I said, you have very good chances... Ahemm, let me put it this way: You can do it. And you will do it. The effort is the key. The result is proportional to the effort
you invest. But before I start to explain my method to “perform” TK, I’d like to express some theories that in one way or another might explain how TK itself works. I
might be wrong and you are welcome to prove such.
I personally have never seen any 100% evidence that confirms that there is an invisible substance created by the nerves called “psi”. And I doubt that this substance is
responsible for telekinesis as well as for telepathy & co. And since we are the people who do the research, I don’t think it’s good to rely on the legends, or facts, that
“The Russians” or “The CIA” might have done some kind of experiments that prove the whole “psi” thing.
But anyway, the “how” or “why” telekinesis works does not affect your practice in any way. I just think that it might help you to understand my method and therefore
get a good basis to start with.
Theories & Thoughts
Let’s start with the most simple. I don’t think it’s a big secret and probably every physics teacher will confirm that we all are made of the same stuff: atoms. And all
atoms are made of energy. They only differ from each other in size. So basically everything around us and we ourselves are pure energy. You can imagine the whole
universe as a lake of energy and yourself as a drop of water in it. But how can you distinguish where that drop starts and where it ends? You are right. You can’t.
Separation is just an illusion. The computer in front of you is a part of your own energy field as well as you are a part of its energy field. You don’t end at your skin.
And this leads us to the conclusion that you are one with all the things around you (Screams of horror ).
Separation is a useful illusion. Mankind would never progress if we thought that one being is a part of another being and we all are one. That would be a paradox for the
competition between the human beings and therefore a break for the whole evolution.
In many cases it’s very useful to think about objects as separate things. In other cases, like in telekinesis, it’s necessary to keep in mind that the psiwheel in front of you
lies in your own energy field and therefore it can be affected by your energy. You don’t believe it? Now touch that psiwheel with your finger. Did it move? Of course it
did, because you used your energy in form of atoms of your finger to accelerate the molecules of the paper. Clever, huh? But even if you don’t use your finger, it’s
possible through some mental processes to alter the state of your energy field and therefore to influence the paper on pin that lies inside of this field. It’s possible to
make objects move without direct physical contact. But at the end of the day it’s still being affected by physical forces. They are just not present as the physical
matter… atoms. These forces are based only on the energy. Atoms, the matter, are just a state of the energy, according to my school’s technical library. Now that only
means that energy doesn’t have to be “visible” or “touchable” and it means that it’s not only inside of yourself, but also lies around yourself. Did you ever think why
gravitation exists? Nobody can explain why two objects attract each other. Think about it. According to astrophysics, even an object that lies thousands of light years
away from you influences you in a very small way with its gravitational field. A gravitational field is an example of an energy field that never fades. It gets weaker but
it never disappears completely. And that’s another important principle: The Chaos Theory. The world is based on causes and consequences. You can find a math book
about the Chaos Theory. The Chaos Theory says that no matter how small the cause may be, it will affect the whole system, the whole universe. Imagine a butterfly
flying somewhere over India. The theory says that even this small movement may and does influence in a very small way the weather in United States. No matter what
you do and how small and unimportant your actual actions are, they do change the whole universe. No matter how small the mental process in your head might seem, it
does alter, in one way or another, the paper on pin in front of you. The stronger that mental process is the more effect you’ll see. So how can a simple mental process,
twitches of the nervous system, be strong enough to move an object outside the physical body?
I can’t answer that question. But if you think for example about the following situation it might show you a possible answer. Imagine yourself meditating and suddenly
something explodes in front of your window. In the same moment your meditation is over. You get up and run away to see what’s going on. It happened because the
energy provided by the explosion was stronger than the energy invested in your meditation.
Now imagine yourself meditating very deeply. Someone outside calls your name, but you don’t realize it. Your body still hears it physically, but you don’t realize it and
keep meditating. This time the energy invested in your meditation was stronger than the energy used to call your name.
Maybe it’s just a crappy theory, but I’m 100% sure it’s true. Energy flows where attention goes. Just think of playing pool / billiards. You shoot one of those balls and
you miss. Now if you pay your whole attention and even visualize it happening you are most likely to succeed.
The more attention and concentration you put forth, the more energy is provided to move the object in front of you.
Step 1: Prepare yourself
Before you try to do TK it’s very important to have your mind clear. Think about it as a computer. Your mind is the RAM memory. Telekinesis requires 100% of this
RAM. Now if your mind is full with other stuff, like the party tomorrow afternoon , you can’t provide the whole memory, which means you can’t pay the whole
attention you have. And if you have read the theories you know how important it is. Energy flows where attention goes. Just remember it for now. You don’t have
enough power if there are other things in your mind.
But how exactly do you calm down, clear your mind and raise your concentration / attention / focus level at the same time? You guessed it: meditation. I suggest the
meditation techniques which are more passive and don’t require much brain activity. An example is the candle method. You don’t even really need a candle, only a
point somewhere that is brighter than the environment. For example, a clear coin reflecting the sun’s light. You sit down, take few deep breaths and watch it. Don’t
control your eyes; allow them to lose their focus. The bright point is relaxing for your subconscious. Don’t try to think just watch. With some practice you’ll just forget
about everything around you, and lose yourself. The breathing will become deeper, the mind clear and your whole state calmed. Another good method is where you
concentrate on your deep, slow breathing. This one seems more difficult to me. It’s mostly done with closed eyes and the mind starts to wander easily if your eyes are
No matter which meditation method you practice, it’ll help you to get the right state of mind and the basics needed for telekinesis. I suggest you meditate 20-30 minutes
before you start.
By the way, when you practice telekinesis it’s very important not to drain yourself. A drained mind tends to lead to depression & frustration. And if you are frustrated,
you have zero chances to move it, believe me. Besides it gives your subconscious a feeling of being a loser, which means you’ll not get much co-operation from your
inner self. Therefore, it’s important that you don’t train more than 1 hour in one sitting. I suggest 30-40 minutes. If you are a wild one, you can practice 40 minutes in
the morning and another 40 in the evening .
Having established the times when you want to practice, it’s time to prepare the instrument you want to practice with. There are many possibilities like keys on strings
or needles floating on the water’s surface. I recommend you take the most popular one: the psiwheel / paper on pin. But I suggest you to take aluminum foil instead of
normal paper. You have to be careful making it, one wrong movement and you have a hole inside of the foil (laughter). Take a piece of 1.5-2.0 cm (inches?). This is
optimal for the psiwheel and extremely easy to move. The friction between the aluminum surface and the metal pin is less than paper’s friction.
Having finished to meditate and having prepared your psiwheel, it’s time to start .
Step 2: Become one
As the next step you basically have to realize the first principle and apply it. Remember: there is no separation between you and the psiwheel. It lies inside of your
capacity field like your fingers or any other part of your body. What you do is to take few deep breaths and focus on the object.
You tell yourself that the psiwheel is a part of you. Try to find a link between you and the psiwheel. Try to feel what it is like to be the psiwheel (Laughter in the
auditorium)... I’m dead serious. Try to see all the little features the psiwheel has. Try to remember how the psiwheel moves and define it as your own movement... Try
to hear the sounds it may produce. Try to see it in your head from different viewpoints, without actually moving yourself. Try to sense its surface as you sense the
surface of your skin...
It’s difficult to explain, but all those things together, when you focus hard enough, give you (after some time) a strong feeling of the object, the psiwheel. Even a feeling
of power may overwhelm you. A feeling where you are 100% sure you can influence it. A feeling where you really feel that you are one with it . A feeling that
becomes stronger and more solid as you keep practicing.
After some time it’ll become relatively easy to “sense” the objects you concentrate on. You’ll see a tree and get an instant inner feeling of it. You’ll get better at it every
time you try it.
There might even come a point where you can feel your whole surroundings, your environment, at the same time. Some time ago I saw a TV report about a group in
Germany where a professor of anthropology teaches the people to “see” without using their eyes. His students can actually see in a 360-degree perspective and even
read books without opening their eyes.
Now when you get a good, stable, strong feeling of the psiwheel, then you have established something I call energy link between the object and yourself. If the link is
weak or relatively unstable it’ll be more difficult to make the psiwheel spin later.
Step 3: Move it
Now you have established a good energy link. You can feel the object. You are one with it . At this point, as mentioned earlier, you might notice a strong feeling of
power over the psiwheel. It’s like if you look at your hand and are sure that the next moment you are going to move it. This might cause even random reactions of your
body: you try to move the psiwheel and suddenly your hand moves forward. When these random movements happen, you just have to relax and try to “sense” the object
better. They happen only because you are too excited and you have to calm down.
Don’t worry about the need to move the psiwheel. It’s not exactly like moving your arm where you have to urge yourself. Give yourself the time and make sure your
mind is clear. Do not worry, your body knows about your purposes. And you’ll move the object as soon as you are ready for it. In some way it’s like surfing, you do
your best and wait for the wave to catch it.
When the moment comes the psiwheel will start to spin and you’ll know you’re moving it.
Moving something with your mind (telekinesis) gives you a strange feeling that is hard to define. How is it moved? The catchy phrase “Just do it,” explains a lot but
also nothing at the same time.
If I analyze the feeling I can only find an analogue in a strong feeling of confidence. Remember the last time you were shooting baskets? The feeling when you knew
you weren’t going to miss even before you threw the ball? Or take a calculator and press “2” “+” “2”. Do you have confidence about the result when you press “=”?
That might be a cheap analogy, but in some way it’s a unique thing I can think of. You can also say it’s like moving your arms, but at the same time it doesn’t feel
completely like that, since there are no muscles between you and the psiwheel.
My suggestion is: you try it out yourself . So when you get the feeling of the object, don’t urge yourself and keep in mind your objective. Your inner self
(subconscious) knows the aim and will try everything possible to move the psiwheel as your attention increases. The time will come and that little thingy will start to
spin .
Telekinesis is something you can’t really use in your life. But it’s a very interesting thing to play with or just to amaze your friends . When you start practicing the
whole process can take from few days to many months. It’s very different for each person. I don’t want to repeat the same words you’ve heard thousands of times about
how important it is to keep practicing. You just have to go on, buddy. Look at it as if you didn’t have another alternative . As for me, I take my retirement . If you have
any questions, they’ll be officially answered in 12 months when the next article might be published (snicker in the audience) . Or just send me an e-mail and I’ll try my
best to answer it. That’s all folks! It’s 4:20am here and I’m glad I’ve finished this manual. I had to cut over 2000 words and many unnecessary lyrics, hehe... Ideas were
born... Words were written... It’s time for me to rest. My mind fades... Memories alter... Dreams come true...
NI's Telekinesis Training Manual II
Albert Einstein said once: “No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world anew”. I believe that every person
reading this article is a discoverer. Everyone who tries to learn telekinesis and shares his experiences moves this world a bit further. Telekinesis and psionics belongs
now to “parascience”, a yet-to-discover-science, but many years ago asteroids and radio waves belonged to parascience, too. Maybe psionics is not officially accepted
yet, but each personal success in telekinesis is another step to amplify our scientific world. Each experience helps to create a synthesis of knowledge and to draw some
common conclusions and facts. It lies in your hands to discover and to learn, don’t focus on someone else, find your own way. Do not follow where the path may lead.
Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. This article is another “despaired attempt” () to tell more about telekinesis than it has already been told. People keep
asking for a detailed step-by-step how-to guide to improve in telekinesis. I know many people who can move the psiwheel, but very few who actually moved bigger
things consciously. I’m very sorry to tell you that there is no similar “guide” available yet. WE are the people doing the research; there is no one there who can show
you what to do next. All you can do is the good old try-and-error method, brute force learning. Try to do it one way, then another, etc. until it works. All I can do is to
offer you my thoughts, theories and discoveries based on my own experiences, logic and common facts from books. In this article I’ll tell you some things which might
help you to advance in telekinesis.
The Subconscious
Let’s start with the subconscious. I’ve had the chance to learn more about its nature from psychology journals and some books dedicated completely to this topic. What
is the subconscious? Subconscious is a separate mind within your own brain (scary, isn’t it? ). Many say it’s a part of your own mind, but, either way, normally you
don’t have a conscious awareness of it. If you imagine your brain as the CPU (central processing unit of a computer), your body-parts as the periphery devices like
printer, monitor, etc. and your own mind as the software controlling the CPU, then your subconscious must be the operating system (let’s hope it’s not Windows ),
between the CPU and the program. If you are a programmer, you know that every Windows program interacts constantly with Windows itself via messages. And
although you aren’t aware of it, your subconscious sends you hundreds of messages in form of feelings, memories, etc. And whenever you want to move a leg or
perform telekinesis, you unconsciously send a “message” to your subconscious to perform the task. You might think, you are moving the object, but in fact it’s your
subconscious. Without it you are as helpless as software on a CD. All of your physical and many of your mental skills lie in your subconscious.
So, how can you enhance some of its skills? Modern psychology compares the subconscious mind with the mind of an animal, because animals are believed to have
none or a very small part of conscious mind. Therefore a dog’s mind consists mainly or totally of its subconscious. How do you train your dog to follow an instruction?
By repeating the instruction several times (many times in fact). The same thing happens while you practice telekinesis, you “tell” (in fact you just focus on the
objective) your subconscious what you want it to do. And it takes some time until it actually understands what you want it to do and until it finds out how to do it. In 3
words: practice is important.
Another interesting point is that your dog has to be able to accomplish what you ask it to do. You can’t train it to fly, since it has no apparent ability to do it. This means
that your subconscious already has the skill to perform telekinesis. It is able to perform it. Never forget it: you don’t learn it from nothing; the ability is already there,
inside of yourself.
So now your doggy knows what you mean when you tell it to “sit”, next you want to train it to accomplish a more complex task like “bring me a beer” (). How do you
do it? The same way. Only now it’ll take more time and effort. Once you have learnt to move the psiwheel, you’ll need more effort and patience to move a pencil, but
once there, you’ll do it without any effort. And there is no real way to escape the process of learning, but to clench the teeth and go right through it.
There might be some ways to accelerate the process though. What do you do if you want your dog to learn a command faster? There are two manners, the good or the
bad one: you offer your dog a reward (maybe a cookie? ) if it’s done correctly or you punish it if it’s not. I personally don’t suggest the second one. The reward works
like a trigger. The dog actually wants to learn. The whole progress becomes faster. What about our subconscious? Can we use some “triggers” to accelerate the process
to learn telekinesis? Not much is known about that topic. Again, I can only offer personal experiences and common facts.
One of the facts is that your subconscious reacts explosively to strong emotions and feelings. Ever felt an ache in your stomach from having a strong emotion? Or did
you ever hear about people who became psychic for some moments being under strong psychological load? Have you ever heard of people who unconsciously made
some light bulbs explode being in a state of anger? Or have you ever heard of people who became clairvoyant after an accident? All those are probably responses to
strong feelings/emotions. It’s not very clear how you’d implement it to “push” your subconscious to do telekinesis and I highly don’t recommend any experiments with
negative feelings or “accidents”. I believe a dog learns faster if you offer a reward instead of punishment.
I have had some personal experiences with the “triggering” of TK in the club. A common one was that a person was able to perform TK instantly after having seen
someone else doing it. I interpret it as a reaction to a shock of seeing something you were convinced to be impossible. Strong feeling => strong reaction. Another
example is of intended “triggering”. Some of you might have already heard my story about “Marco’s method”.
Marco was a complete outsider, and he used his desire for “personal importance in the eyes of others” as the “trigger” to push his subconscious. He just strongly
believed that the ability to move that psiwheel would provide him the top place in the society. All he did was to sit down and start talking to himself, telling himself
how good he would feel and how people would admire him if he could move that psiwheel. Believe it or not, it worked. It was something what his subconscious really
cared about. If you are an outsider, I believe you feel very lonely, with few or no friends. This might become the strongest feeling within yourself, which you may use
as the trigger. It’s not a superficial feeling/emotion you feel now and then; it’s something really deep in your self. Like a complex. Something really important to your
inner self, your subconscious.
Another friend of mine used to write the word “power” on everything he tried to move and he seemed to progress faster than the others, too. Why? It’s a subconscious
thing, just another way to let your subconscious know that you can do it, another way to “push” it.
Your subconscious doesn’t only respond to emotions and feelings, it also reacts to beliefs, exterior suggestions (music can be used as “exterior suggestion”. I’ve tried
this myself. Your favorite music may cause energy outbursts. It can help your practice, but it can also be an obstacle. Please find out what works better for you) and
subliminal messages. In most cases I haven’t had the chance to try it out myself, but I had the luck to experience the wonders of “subconscious triggering” while other
people performed telekinesis. As a result I can’t tell you how to implement it, but I hope you’ll keep these facts in mind while you plan how you want to practice. I
personally would try to use a “trigger” only when I moved to the next level. For example: when you move from psiwheel to pencils. An emotional “trigger” could help
you to make the pencil shake. And when it starts shaking, you don’t need the “trigger” since you can use the fact that “you made it shake” to make it shake even more
until it starts rolling (I know you are confused. Read it again if you didn’t understand that, hehe) But I don’t think it’s wise to use strong emotions constantly to push
your subconscious, because it’s not very healthy and because even the strongest feelings get weak with time. I feel I had to tell that, and I hope you have gained some
insights into the nature and possibilities of your subconscious (be aware that most of this knowledge is provided by facts from the modern psychology). Overall, I
personally am not a big fan of the idea to use your emotions/feelings (complexes?) to trigger some strong reactions, since you have no guarantee that it won’t result in
some psychical damage (we don’t know enough about that topic). It’s only for your consideration. You may try it, but don’t get too obsessed .
Targeted Training
There are other easier ways to accelerate your progress in telekinesis. Which is: targeted training. I call it targeted because you try to understand the true nature of
telekinesis and its features to train them in the most effective way. It might sound confusing at first, but let me explain. Imagine you have a map of a town and you want
to learn how to get from the point A to the point B. There might be many ways to get there - you are free to choose. But as you might know: the shortest way is the
direct one. Same thing happens in telekinesis, there might be many ways and manners to learn/do it, but you’ll have the greatest results if you come close to the process
of how it actually works. You may feed you subconscious with countless visualizations (like visualizing the wind moving the wheel or some sort of invisible hand
pushing it) and it might work a bit, at least for a while. But if you really knew how telekinesis works, you could develop a more efficient method. At the end of the day,
no matter what your method is, your subconscious still uses the same mechanism to move the object. But if your method is very close to this “mechanism” then you
don’t lose energy and time to let your subconscious “translate” those weird visualizations. It’d just directly apply your command. And this method would work for the
psiwheel as well as for levitation. As a result, you’d learn much faster.
I’m not sure if it’s clear enough, so allow me to show another analogy… How do you swim? I personally love swimming, but I still remember the days when I couldn’t
swim and had to learn it. You can try to tell yourself that you are a fish, a frog or a ship (don’t think about Titanic heh ) and you can try to convince yourself that you
can’t drown, since you are completely controlling the situation and water IS your natural environment. You can tell that yourself to gain some self-confidence, which
will help you to start swimming. You imagine you are a frog and try to make similar movements to stay over the water surface. Another possibility is to study how
swimming actually works, and the laws of swimming. For example, you could try to understand that if you keep your lungs full with air, you can’t drown. You can also
try to understand that soft movements are more effective because they affect more water volume, since the water can’t just “escape”. You can try to understand that the
energy of the movements has to be directed downwards, and not just moving your legs and arms randomly. You can also try to understand that it’s better to keep your
hands open, because, again, it affects more water volume and provides a stronger force in the opposite direction of your movements. Overall, the second method to
learn swimming is more effective. Why? Because it’s close to the mechanism of how swimming actually works.
Now, let’s go back to telekinesis. If you knew how telekinesis works, you could develop more effective methods to train it. The problem is: we don’t have any of those
high-tech devices and laboratories to find out the mechanism. So we can only rely on our common sense and facts known from physics. One of the facts is: everything
is made of the same stuff: energy. You, your computer, your dog, everything. Remember Einstein’s E=MC2? It says “Energy = Mass * Speed of Light * Speed of
Light”. In other words Einstein included both, matter and energy, in one equation. For Einstein matter and energy was the same thing. Today modern physics use giant
amounts of energy to actually create matter (anti-matter). In other words: everything consists of energy.
This leads us to the conclusion that there is no separation between physical objects. Even air is full of energy. There are only places of high and low energy density.
And if there is no separation, then any object can affect any other object. Everything around us is one system. And as you might already know from the Chaos Theory:
each change in one part of the system affects the whole system. An explosion on the sun does affect everything in the solar system. One electric impulse in your head
affects the pencil in front of you.
Another fact is Einstein’s Unified Field Theory, although it hasn’t been completed. Einstein tried to find one law (aka equation) to describe all existing fields like
electro-magnetic fields, gravitational fields and even time! What’s the purpose of this theory? To find a common regularity of this universal energy we all consist of.
What’s the benefit of this theory? We could deduct any physical law related to the matter/waves/energy/fields/time/etc. What does it mean for telekinesis? If we had a
completed formula/equation of the unified field theory and if we had the devices needed to measure the “conditions and results” (like EM-waves etc.) during a
Telekinesis experiment, it’d be a matter of math and common sense to find out the real mechanism of telekinesis.
Enough of physics. The most important conclusion is that we are all connected and we all consist of energy. Logically, to move the pencil in front of you, you have to
alter somehow its energy field. People can do it, to be precise: their subconscious can do it. That means that our subconscious has the “skill” to alter energy patterns it’s
connected to. And since there is no separation between the skin and the air on the quantum-level, why shouldn’t the subconscious also be able to influence energy
outside of your body? I don’t know what “psi” is, maybe it’s just the basic form of the energy we are talking about? Just think about telepathy and energy manipulation
keeping in mind all these facts I told you. I’m completely sure that the most psionic skills are caused by the ability of the subconscious to influence energy fields it’s
connected to. How it does it remains a mystery to me. So how can this improve your telekinesis training? Very simple. Using these facts you can develop your own
methods to learn telekinesis, which are very close to the actual mechanism of telekinesis and therefore provide better results. You probably know my method I talk
about in my telekinesis manual. I try to find an “energy link” to the object by focusing on its features. And as I “feel” the object, I move it. I can’t explain how I move
it, since it’s the job of my subconscious and not mine. For further details read my manual. This is an example of a training method based on facts, a method close to the
mechanism of telekinesis. And I believe that’s why it worked for me.
Let’s continue with another aspect of “targeted training”. Control. Your psiwheel might spin very fast, but can you actually influence its direction? Control comes with
practice, as you learn to move bigger things you automatically refine your ability to control the objects that are smaller. Of course you might try to gain control over the
psiwheel before you can move bigger stuff. I didn’t try it, but I can tell you what some of my friends did. You just try to move the wheel in the direction you want it to
go, and when it starts spinning in the opposite direction, make it stop. If you can’t stop it, use physical force. Then use your finger to softly push the wheel in the
direction you want it to move. After some practice this works pretty well. You learn how to influence its direction.
This can go even further. You may use your left had if you want it to spin in the clockwise direction and your right hand if you want it to go in the opposite direction.
After some time you’ll just hold one of your hands near the psiwheel and it’ll spin very fast in the respective direction. This can be an obstacle though, if you want to
control the wheel without using your hands.
Maybe this method isn’t necessary for psiwheels and rolling pencils, since their movement is one-dimensional (they move either left or right, 2 directions), but it might
be very useful when you start to move stuff like ping-pong balls, because their movement is 2D. At last: control over levitated objects. We have 3 dimensions and 6
ways to move the object (right, left, forward, backward, upward and downward). Don’t ask me how to control it, because I can do only the “upward” command . So,
you can train your control in a targeted manner. I wouldn’t do it with psiwheel and pencils, but it’s still your choice.
Let’s move to other things that might accelerate your progress in telekinesis. How much do you practice? I believe it’s important to practice every day, that’s what I did.
But at the same time you have to be careful not to drain yourself. Don’t practice over 2 hours daily, take a pause each 30-40 minutes and, if you feel like it, take some
free days during the week, too. Your subconscious needs time to analyze and evaluate things it has learnt. If you train non-stop 12 hours a day, you just drain it
(yourself). Take your time. Remember when you first started to move the psiwheel and it didn’t work very well? Did it ever happen to you that you took a 5 minutes
pause, came back and suddenly you could move the wheel better than when you left? It happened to me. Do you know why? Because you gave yourself time to rest and
your subconscious to analyze what you were doing to be able to do it better next time. I remember one famous violinist said that he didn’t learn to play the violin while
practicing to play it, but while he was sleeping. Sean even told me that he had better results after a 6 months pause than before it. Therefore you can actually enhance
your results if you make more pauses.
What’s another way to improve in telekinesis faster? Whenever you move to the next level, i.e. from psiwheel to pencils, you need the warm-up. In sports warm-ups are
exercises aimed to prepare your muscles. In telekinesis a warm-up is a preparation phase to prepare your subconscious for telekinesis. I’ll be talking about my method
so I hope you’ve read my manual.
Imagine the following situation. You are able to move the psiwheel and now you want to start with pencils. You put a round pencil in front of you and decide to roll it.
You focus on the object and can actually feel it. Now, before you try to move it, holding the feeling of the object in your mind (still “connected” to it), roll the pencil
softly with your finger and “feel” it while it’s rolling. Repeat this until you can actually sense what a rolling pencil feels like. This is the warm-up. Your subconscious
gets a taste of “telekinesis” and can use this feeling to actually move the object later. It worked for me and it will work for you. When done correctly and frequently,
you shall see first results pretty fast. Once you start to experience the “shaking pencil” () you’ll start rolling it very soon.

Another thing you can do to get over the “pencil-barrier” is to put the pencil on the edges of two knives. The contact surface is very small which reduces the friction
and therefore you need a smaller force to move the pencil. Once you can move it on the knife-edges you’ll have more success when you try to move it on the table
surface. Your subconscious gets used to the “rolling pencil”. If you still think it’s too hard for you, try to roll something else (for example a straw). The idea is not to get
stuck on the psiwheel. Try to move everything you can think of.
Over one year has passed since I wrote my first article on advanced telekinesis and over 6 months have passed since I published my second article on telekinesis. As a
result I observe many people having success with the psiwheel after “few days”, but having extreme problems to move other things. Analyzing the situation I realize
that I might have failed in the past when I tried to explain things I hardly understand myself. I might be good in telekinesis, but there is much more needed to teach it.
As I’ve said before: there is nobody who can teach us telekinesis from A to Z. We are the people researching it - we are the discoverers. It’s up to you to explore and it’s
your job to find out what works best. Be creative, try to reach beyond.
I offered you some ideas/theories of mine which may help you to build your own.
I believe that anyone who really wants to improve in telekinesis and who works for it will succeed sooner or later, no matter what. Sometimes the lack of motivation
can be an obstacle, and whenever you feel that you can’t go on, just remember what’s important: It’s not the position you stand at, but the direction you look in.
Advanced Telekinesis: How to Succeed
This article covers a simple topic, but a difficult question for many people who have already had success in Telekinesis: How to get better in it.
Before you read the article I expect that you have already moved things with your mind. I also expect that you have read the other articles on PsiPog about TK. They
have the basic idea between the lines of their text. This article won't give you any additional information about how you do TK or how it works. I'll only discuss a
method of practice and some dangers telekinesis can cause.
Let's start with an example: You have been practicing telekinesis every day on the paper-on-pin (I told you to read other articles first, huh? ). After some time you have
had your first success. Then after a couple of weeks (months?) you could already move the paper forwards and backwards with less effort. But you didn't feel being
completely controlling it. You wanted the total control, but the more you practiced the more you realized that you can't gain it. Then you started to believe that you have
reached your limits and that you will never be able to move bigger things. This hopeless situation stopped your TK practice. You focused on other things.
And now I'm here to tell you that there is still hope . You can still reach your objective. You didn't give up when you started practicing telekinesis with no success, why
do you give up now, half way there? The key to success lies in your practice. The point is that you will never gain complete power over the psi-wheel if you practice
with the psi-wheel only. When you see that you are already able to move the psi-wheel more or less in the direction you want it to move, then it's time to move on
another level. Just give the psi-wheel up and start practicing with pencils. Try to roll them. There is an easy law I've figured out during my research: You won't have
100% control over the psi-wheel if you can't move pencils . Maybe it sounds stupid, but that's the way it is. To accomplish a level you have to be already on another,
more difficult, level.
When you start with pencils you won't see any success at first. You will be on a "learning plateau" like the first time when you started practicing telekinesis. You will
spend many days (weeks?) trying to move the pencil. It might be hard at first, but you'll learn it, like you did it with the paper-on-pin. You will get more and more
power over the pencil and then I'd like you to try to move the psi-wheel again. You will be amazed how simple it has become.
And again: Don't stay where you are now! To get better you have to go on. As your next step you could try to slide pencils or other small objects. Rolling is relatively
easy, but sliding you have a big friction to overcome. And again: You'll see no success at first, but keep the practice and be sure that you can do it. This way you'll
become more and more advanced in telekinesis until you find your true limits. I'm sure you'll know it when you reach it. Don't think that you can't go on only because it
doesn't move. As you already know: The keyword is "practice".
It's not a secret that I've lasted 9 months to get where I am now. I've had much luck, but I've also practiced many hours. "The chance favors the prepared mind" hehe.
The biggest thing I can move is a chair. And no, I can't levitate anything. I think I have got good genes for TK stuff, therefore don't be sad if you can't move chairs after
9 months .
The more advanced you get the more responsibility you have to take. I don't want to sound like your parents, guys, but since this article covers advanced telekinesis I
think I have to tell you the dangers. Be careful what you are doing with it. Telekinesis is like fire: you could use it in many ways. Control your anger. I don't think it
would be a big problem to make an artery explode in someone's head. So control yourself. The best thing is to meditate each day and breathe deep in difficult
situations . People fear things they don't understand. And they fight against things they fear. Therefore think before you show your ability. This reminds me about some
wise words: You are always stronger as your opponent as long as he doesn't mean your real power . Think about it.
Believe me or not, I've broken all these rules. And at the end I wished I would never had this ability. Just to give you a short example of what not to do I'll tell you a
little story:
The whole college knows that I'm a telekinetic guy. They don't let me alone! "Move this or move that"! Maybe I liked it at first, but then it has become a horror. One
day I was angry with a teacher. The funny thing is that I don't even remember why. Anyway, I've moved her chair away when she tried to sit down. She was already an
old person and I still feel her pain. That was the darkest day in my life. They even wanted later to kick me out of the college for this. Thanks God, I have had enough
courage to hold a speech about TK and promised never again to use it in school time. Telekinesis is not a toy, guys. Follow the rules I told you and your success in
telekinesis will be pure. Without any problems. You have reached the end of this article. I have no good conclusion in my head, so just remember the things I told you:
Practice and be careful
Today I will tutor you in the fine art of beginner psychokinesis. The angle of this article will be on the infamous “Just do it” method, which I will explain to the best of
my ability. While there will be direct instructions I must clarify that some parts of this article will deal with confirmationary data that only serves to assure you that you
are heading in the right direction and, as such, should not be directly strived for. Simulating a sensation that occurred in conjunction with a particular situation does not
guarantee said situation will occur a second time. And with that said, let us begin. For learning psychokinesis you will need to equip yourself with the following:
One psiwheel
At least half an hour you can spend solely on yourself in a stress-free environment
A fresh and relaxed mind Place the wheel in front of you. Relax. Take a few deep breaths and slightly open up yourself. Now what we are going to do is make the
object in question -- in this case a next-to-free-floating paper umbrella carefully balanced upon the sharp end of a needle -- move by expecting it to do so. This is the
step short off “just doing it”. This is a tried and true method of manifesting psychokinesis by untrained “ungifted” individuals and was used by the Soviets to train
several hopeful groups of students. I personally prefer to teach new people psychokinesis this way because it is a relatively uncomplicated procedure and has a high
success rate. Keep your mind void of thoughts, position yourself in a “reacting” mode and look at the wheel, specifically at one of the bent edges. Position your vision
so you can comfortably focus on both an edge and the empty space an inch or two in front of it. Now pretend you are watching a movie you’ve seen several times and
know inside out. Look at the edge and fully expect it to move an inch forward. Try to put yourself in a mindset that will make you feel a slight indignation if it doesn’t
move. Many inexperienced psychokinetics fancy PK to feel like an “active” force when in reality, it is quite the opposite. At first, it generally feels very laid back and
like you are watching someone else move the object, or it moving itself, separate from any commands you might be directing to it. At best it feels like working through
a medium of some sort. If the wheel did not move yet, do not be discouraged. It’s a little more complicated and abstract than that.

Now is a good time to remind you that the following state of mind is not meant to be visualized or in any other way directly simulated, active thinking will at first
prevent your psychokinetic tries. So these are merely to be used as reference data that will tell you if you are heading in the right direction. While in a relaxed, no-
thought state of mind and looking at the object in front of you, chances are you will feel what can only be described as an overlay/over-head connection to the object.
Like an immaterial hand or a windy grip that are neither hand nor grip but has similar characteristics. The reason I stress not actively thinking and promote a reactive
state of mind is because this connection is brought on and maintained by very careful balancing. If you try too hard you push yourself over the required focus, and if
you are too passive and too much into an observatory state, you won’t seize the focus in the first place.
This is, in my own humble opinion, the reason why objects usually do not move automatically while just being observed and also why many aspiring
psychokinetics experience the object moving in a jerky fashion. As they momentarily glitch over the correct PK “focus point” they burp out nearly spontaneous bursts
of psychokinetic force. The reason that contributes to this problem is that they actively try to move the wheel through what they perceive as accurate “PK force”, as I
mentioned before, a force you aggressively push forward. Granted this does work for a select few and is an option when the mechanics of PK is “in your spine” so to
speak, but as this article is geared towards the inexperienced we’ll disregard this for the time being.
The only cure for this is repetitive training on the wheel or any other object until you can move it slowly, smoothly and steadily. The overlay/overhead
connection is somewhere in between physical movement and thought and the only analogy I can provide you is that of how a car works. You need to find the exact right
leverage between the accelerator and the clutch in order to make the car move forward. The same applies here, with enough expectation of the object to move combined
with the right no-thought wish for it to do so and your body will create the cloudy, whispy psychokinetic force that hits the target of your choice.
How to communicate through this channel I cannot explain as there is nothing quite like it. The best way I can put it is that you communicate through the
overlay connection wordlessly and thoughtlessly in a form that resembles a reaction. To move it to the left, you react “to the left” through the overlay connection. Yes,
it sounds confusing but if you work with it you will understand what I mean. This is not something you armchair yourself through.
So in conclusion – Locate the object, relax your mind and enter an observatory but “reactive” state of mind and watch the object move itself while at the
same time expecting it to do so. See it as a seperate entity, a cat, that moves itself but accepts your command if you carefully will it in the right direction.
Telekinesis Techniques
Telekinetic Energy is Natural
The ability of telekinesis is very natural occurrence and we all have the ability to perform telekinesis it's just a matter of learning the ability. It is primarily a
Mind/Brain/Consciousness related phenomenon though certainly its roots are sub-atomic like all manifestations. Some research shows there is a lot of activity in the
cortex of the brain in relationship to this. Most of what we term psychic phenomenon or mystical happenings happen in the "off" phases of consciousness.
Consciousness is always in the on/off phasing, blinking off and on, as it were. Off/On phasing phenomenon is photon related manifestation of energy and light. The
energy we are dealing with here is tiny pockets or "quanta" of energies. The ability to bend spoons, levitate is happening at the other levels being only manifested as a
physical event upon the space/time shell frame which we interpret as our reality. There is also a good deal of illusion as well. One must be able to discern the reality of
both. Sometimes there is a vast difference in what we THINK we see vs what IS actually happening.
What is Telekinesis
Telekinesis is essentially the ability to move an object on the physical plane using only psychic power. While some people think that it is an occult practice, this is not
strictly so. I can only give my perspective, but I believe that we are all born with this skill. It is inherent, like walking, talking, breathing. We simply neglect it from day
one. A common theory is that TK works by energy fields (magnetic or electric) or by "waves" of psychic energy which are actually dense enough to push/repel an
object or draw it inward. Most people's only encounter with TK is accidental- something mysteriously falls over or objects fly around a room, a phenomena often
mistaken for a poltergeist when it may actually be a person with spontaneous telekinetic powers. Anyone can harness their power and use it with the proper devotion.
A Theory on Telekinesis
Telekinesis is thought of as this really amazing "talent" that only a few people have. Quite the contrary, I believe that telekinesis is something we all inherently have.
We simply do not use it. In fact, in general, we all have psychic abilities. Let me explain. Every living person has a brain. Obviously. To say anything otherwise would
be preposterous. However, we don't use the entire brain, we don't even use the better fraction of it. We also each use different parts more than others. Some people
enjoy art, some enjoy math and numbers, logic, sports, writing, dancing, collecting... all of these activities use a different part of the brain. This is like psychic ability.
We all use some of our total psychic potential, but far from all of it. Some of us just "know" when something it going to happen, or can predict an outcome better than
most people, or get a "sense" of whether a person you just met is of a good or bad character. All of these are uses of the psychic power. Just like the brain, we can also
exercise the parts that lay unused. An artist can learn algebra if they really put their nose to the grindstone. Just the same, you can learn telekinesis with proper training
and expanding of your natural psychic abilities. The only thing that holds you back is not believing in yourself. Just like the child who says, "I can't do math, it's
impossible", the person who says "I can't use telekinesis, I just don't have the ability" is holding themselves back. They say that you're your worst critic. Well, stop it!
Believe in yourself and the abilities will follow.
A Skeptics Definition
Telekinesis is the movement of objects by scientifically inexplicable means, as by the exercise of an occult power. Psychokinesis is the production of motion in physical
objects by the exercise of psychic or mental powers. Uri Geller claims he can bend spoons and stop watches using only his thoughts to control the external objects.
Others claim to be able to make pencils roll across a table by a mere act of will. The variety of parlor tricks used to demonstrate psycho kinetic powers is endless. My
thoughts on this: Of course there are a variety of parlour tricks to demonstrate this. There are parlour tricks for practically everything! This does not mean that genuine
telekinesis is impossible.
More About and How to Do Telekinesis
TELEKINESIS is moving things using your mind. If you're going to try telekinesis, you have to be relaxed, clear of thoughts, and you have to be able to concentrate
on that object and nothing else. Some people think you should meditate before trying to use telekinesis. You have to be very dedicated because it can take years to learn,
but I think it's worth the wait. Think of your goal in your head, imagining it over and over, thinking of nothing but the object and your goal. Do this for as long as you're
comfy with, and do it daily. After some time you will start to see results. I've found that light things are easier so start with light things. Some experiments are: Rolling a
pen touching it less each time, using a light piece of paper is pretty easy, a toothpick in water, trying to make the fire of a candle lean to one direction, a feather in a
bottle, balancing a spoon on the edge of a glass and trying to make the spoon rock off, and last but pretty easy is bending silverware or keys. Bending silverware is a
little different. You hold the choice object in your hand, and you feel the surface as you imagine in your head bending the silverware. The thing is, you don't "make" it
bend, you "let" it bend. Levitation is pretty much a form of telekinesis so use the same method as telekinesis if you want to levitate something or yourself off the
ground. Some people think telekinesis has to do with magnetic energy, and some think it's the use of energy.
THE SHAPING OF ENERGY WITH THE MIND is often used to make psi balls. This is a way to learn to shape energy. You cup your hands as if holding
something between them, and then think like your a faucet of energy, and just let it flow out through your hands and into a ball between them. Even if you can't see it
maybe it's not strong enough and you need to add more. Don't worry about seeing when you first start because you may not be able to add enough. You can tell if you
made a psi ball though by paying attention to your hands. They will get hot and your hand will have little twitches every now and then. If your hands hurt don't worry,
it's normal. Try making psi balls during different feelings, and see what changes there are. Once you can see your psi ball you can change it's color, shape, and etc. It
will do whatever you want it to.
SHIELDS are made in mostly the same method, but the energy is surrounding you. You can program it to your will. It will do whatever you want it to.
TELEPATHY is exploring someone's thoughts. You can also send to them through telepathy. Like, pick a letter and have a friend that you will be sending to, have
them receive. Imagine you are linking to them, to their thoughts (sender). When you feel you are linked, clear your mind except for the letter. Picture the letter in your
mind in different color, size, and fonts. Think the word as you do this. The receiver must clear their minds and must be open to all thoughts they receive or think they
receive. Do not have the receiver say the letter until he thinks he absolutely knows what it is. EMPATHY is feeling other peoples' feelings.
Apparent change in or movement of material objects, caused by mental effort alone. It is also called psychokinesis (PK). The claims of Uri Geller (1946- ), an Israeli, to
break metal objects merely by concentrating on them have received great publicity. Telekinesis has been evoked to explain levitation and certain poltergeist
Where to Begin There are certain things you need to work on before you can get anywhere with telekinesis. Here I will discuss the obstacles you must overcome and
the exercises you must practice. 1. Doubt TELEKINESIS IS REAL. People have done it, people do it all the time. It is a gift all humans hold. Get that through your
head before going any further. Doubt is like a wall between you and TK. So climb over the wall and leave it far behind you. You do not need doubt in your search for
truth, especially not when it comes to the powers of the mind. 2. Logic Okay, you live in a practical world, it's only natural to try to reason things. Don't bother. Set
practicality aside, and when you achieve TK you will then see how silly the concept of logic is altogether. It will all make sense when you get there. 3. Purity of the
Heart Why do you want to learn TK? You reasons must be positive and your intent must be pure. If you wish to learn it to harm people, to profit off a strange talent, or
just to impress your friends, forget about it. Learn it to exercise the mind, learn it to challenge your reality. Don't try it for some kind of cheap glory. If that's your intent,
you'll get nowhere. 4. Meditation YOU MUST MEDITATE. Consider this a requirement. Take it one step at a time. Meditation is key in order to prepare the mind for
Improving Your Telekinesis I get letters like "I've tried and tried at TK but I still can't do it!" all the time. The reason is always the same. A person seems to
think that trying for a week is a "long time". Forget that. Telekinesis is worth the wait, but what a wait it is. The very skilled get it in 2 weeks. A greater faction of us
doesn't get there for months, maybe years. I have developed this list to help you get on the right path towards telekinesis. KEEP TRYING!
Meditate daily for half an hour, fifteen minutes if you're schedule is too busy.
Attempt TK at least once a day, twice if possible. Give yourself a good 30-60 minutes to try it.
Focus on one method for at least a week, if it shows no results, switch methods.
Be at ease; instead of taking it too seriously think of it as an experiment, a game. If you try too hard you'll just end up frustrating yourself and you'll get nowhere. Don't
give up. Don't tell yourself you can't do it, because you can. BELIEVE!!!! What You Can Do With Telekinesis With tk you can : move objects i.e. magazines, cups,
etc. bend objects (spoons, forks, pencils etc.) you can make psi balls ( balls of energy) and throw them if your advanced you can: shut/open windows lock doors turn on
lights hurl objects at people or at other things What Not To Do
Before you get started trying to bend the spoons and forks, let me give you some tips on why it may not work or hasn't been working.
1. The reasons why someone has difficulty cultivating their telekinetic skills is usually one of several things. Some human emotions like stress can impede
the process, though, once in awhile a stressful situation can actually increase someone's ability to achieve what appears as superhuman traits. I'm sure you've heard of
the situations where all of a sudden something happens and someone can lift a ton of something. Yes, that has to do with adrenaline but there is also a dynamics of
"quanta" going on there. In the moment of "have to" they released their natural ability to, seemingly, defy science. They didn't think about it, they just did it. No
thinking, no preconceived judgments. Don't think about it so much just practice without preconceiving.
2. Usually, though, if there isn't any real danger or need, the human emotions inhibit the path that the brain requires to create the neural network it needs to
create this atmosphere. The more negative emotions, like guilt, fear, non trusting, judgmental attitudes and suspicion are enough to inhibit that natural flow that is
required. One must believe it is possible. How else can we expect to manifest anything if we can't believe it's possible? You can't.
3. Don't obsess on it relax!! Enjoy, cultivating another skill. It's not race, or a test. It's not about worth or worthy. So many spiritually based philosophies are
based on reward. Spiritual awareness and evolution are not "prizes" you win. Opening up to higher levels of spiritual awareness is a growth process of evolving ones
consciousness. Telekinetic's is just one more skill with the ability of possible manifestation.
4. Don't carry preconceived ideas as to the outcome. Experience it, naturally. Don't script it. Don't tell yourself how it should go or that you have to be at a
certain point at a certain time all that impedes the energy. When you do that you are so busy thinking that the correct atmosphere or pathway can not be presented. Will
and Reason are not juxtaposed to telekinetic ability.
5. Don't get frustrated and angry at yourself. Again, relax, Have fun with it.
6. Don't be self-conscious. Yes, many times people feel foolish or self conscious. Don't. If you can't do it right away it says nothing about who you are. It
simply just says the spoon or fork isn't bending, yet that's all.
Method 1: Becoming One With the Object
Stare at the base of the flame (not at the flame itself, don't get retina burn, and yes, you may blink). Gaze at it, defocus your eyes and enter a meditative
state. Watch how the candle dances and moves. Imagine the flame as an extra limb, feel that you are able to move it as easily as your arm or leg. Keep watching, and
when you feel it is a part of you, try flexing it. See the flame grow wider, thinner, taller, shorter, flicker, or stand still. Do this for 5-10 minutes, then snuff the candle
out. Method 2: Visualize!
With this method, just see what you want to have happen clearly in your mind. If you want a parking space near the door of a crowded mall, visualize
clearly an empty space right near the front door before you leave your house. Looking for a special something? See it clearly, see yourself in possession of it and
happy. To enforce the visualization, write down exactly what you want. Be descriptive! If you need it, it will happen. If not, realize there may be a reason it did not
occur as you wished; perhaps something better will come along, or it just wasn't appropriate for this thing to happen at this time. Always ask that it be done in the best
interests of all concerned. This also works on faulty electronic equipment and many other things; just see the computer, vcr, car, etc working perfectly.
Method 3: Pushing With Energy
Read the beginner logs and master Energy Balls before attempting this one.
Blow up a balloon and set it on the floor (preferably a surface with very little friction; a linoleum floor perhaps) Form an energy ball, making it as dense as possible.
With the energy ball between your hand and the balloon, push the balloon along the floor with the energy ball. Do not touch the balloon with your hand.
Visual Techniques
Moving A Small Object STEP ONE Charge your physical body with energy. STEP TWO Then place a stone in front of you. STEP THREE Then focus your eyes on
the stone in front of you. STEP FOUR Now close your eyes and visualize that stone in front of you. STEP FIVE Then visualize that your energy is blending with the
stone. STEP SIX Then focus your mind on moving the stone to the left using the power of thought. STEP SEVEN Then focus your mind on moving the stone to the
right using the power of thought. STEP EIGHT Then focus your mind on moving the stone back to the center using the power of thought. STEP NINE Then focus
your mind on moving the stone towards you using the power of thought. STEP TEN Now focus your mind on moving the stone away from you using the power of
thought. STEP ELEVEN Then focus your mind on moving the stone back to the center using the power of thought. STEP TWELVE Then in your own time open
your eyes. REMEMBER To do steps six to eleven a couple of times. Then if you want to try using another small object like a cup.
Moving a small object STEP ONE Charge your physical body with energy. STEP TWO Then place a cup in front of you. STEP THREE Then focus your
eyes on the cup in front of you. STEP FOUR Now close your eyes and visualize that cup in front of you. STEP FIVE Then visualize that your energy is blending with
the cup. STEP SIX Then focus your mind on moving the cup to the left using the power of thought. STEP SEVEN Then focus your mind on moving the cup to the
right using the power of thought. STEP EIGHT Then focus your mind on moving the cup back to the center using the power of thought. STEP NINE Then focus your
mind on moving the cup towards you using the power of thought. STEP TEN Now focus your mind on moving the cup away from you using the power of thought.
STEP ELEVEN Then focus your mind on moving the cup back to the center using the power of thought. STEP TWELVE Then in your own time open your eyes.
Moving A Large Object STEP ONE Charge your physical body with energy. STEP TWO Then place a chair in front of you. STEP THREE Then focus
your eyes on the chair in front of you. STEP FOUR Now close your eyes and visualize that chair in front of you. STEP FIVE Then visualize that your energy is
blending with the chair. STEP SIX Then focus your mind on moving the chair to the left using the power of thought. STEP SEVEN Then focus your mind on moving
the chair to the right using the power of thought. STEP EIGHT Then focus your mind on moving the chair back to the center using the power of thought. STEP NINE
Then focus your mind on moving the chair towards you using the power of thought. STEP TEN Now focus your mind on moving the chair away from you using the
power of thought. STEP ELEVEN Then focus your mind on moving the chair back to the center using the power of thought. STEP TWELVE Then in your own time
open your eyes.
Moving Your Visual Body STEP ONE Charge your physical body with energy. STEP TWO Then close your eyes and see your visual body standing in
front of you. STEP THREE Then visualize that your energy is blending with your visual body. STEP FOUR Then move your visual body to the left using telekinesis
and the power of thought. STEP FIVE Then move your visual body to the right using the power of thought. STEP SIX Then move your visual body back to the center
using the power of thought. STEP SEVEN Then move your visual body backwards using telekinesis and the power of thought. STEP EIGHT Then move your visual
body forwards using the power of thought. STEP NINE Then move your visual body back to the center. REMEMBER To do steps four to nine a couple of times to
get the hang of it.
Physical Techniques
1. What we do is have an accepting attitude. Believe it can happen. Everyone I ever taught this technique to and who was successful in bending a fork or spoon, had a
POSITIVE attitude about it. They may not have believed they could do it but they did believe it was possible. That's a start for the proper frame of mind. Next, believe
YOU can!!
2. Focus your attention. So many people say they are concentrating but in fact their minds are scattered and they aren't really into it at all. Be there. Learn to
do only one thing at a time. This is difficult in the contexts of our society's established standards. There seems to be a badge of honor attached to being able to do 50
things at once. We somehow seem to derive worth from this. Well, it's unhealthy. It's what contributes to stress, anxiety, elevated blood pressure and even depression
and a host of other "dis-eases". Don't get caught up in all that. It's not about how much you can do but how well you do. It's about quality not quantity. It's a fact that the
brain can really only think of one think at a time. Work with the natural process of your brain. There is an inner dialogue going on that can be distracting and scattering
the energy. There are many techniques that will teach you the discipline that is required for stilling the Mind and to help you learn what true concentration really is. I
recommend meditation, or Qigong, Yoga, Tai Chi or any one of the contemplative arts as a viable form to enhance self discipline and awareness.
3. The Art of Stillness. Practice being still. Yes, actually, being still without thinking anything. Try it. All the masters have acquired this skill. They can
actually, sit still and think of no-thing. This is why they are able to do the "mystical" manifestations that we see. Opening a lock with the wave of a hand, or seemingly
walk about without being noticed. They know how not to cause ripples in the Universal Energy. They have mastered the Self. They truly can focus on one thing and
only one thing at a time. The longer you can sit still and still your mind, the more available energy you have. It is in that discipline that teaches, patience, acceptance
and unconditional being. This is a skill that will enhance every aspect of your life. It's a great way to enhance one's healing techniques as well.
4. Learn to "Let Go". As soon as something, whether it's an old bias, an old emotion, blouse, anything let go of it. Resolve things in your life as quickly as
possible. It will unclutter your mind and your emotions will flow more evenly and smoothly. By learning to, "let go", we also learn to let go of preconceived out come,
that is how we "think" it will turn out. If you can't let go then you are still trying to control it. If you are still trying to control things then you close off many pathways
of personal and spiritual growth. Let things happen when appropriate to do so.
5. Remember the 'Law of Coalesce'? When you think on something it will attract like thoughts. 20 seconds of one pure thought attracts an equal amount of
pure energy of the same resonance and quality. Each 20 mark increases a multiplies the energy. Can you imagine what you could manifest just by 2 minutes of pure
unadulterated thought!!? This equation works equally for both types of thoughts, be the positive or negative in origin. Be mindful of what you think on or about. Every
action you take was proceeded by a thought. What was the quality of yours?
Those were some of the techniques that will help you open up to all your abilities. They are healthy guide lines for
What Not To Do
Before you get started trying to bend the spoons and forks, let me give you some tips on why it may not work or hasn't been working.
1. The reasons why someone has difficulty cultivating their telekinetic skills is usually one of several things. Some human emotions like stress can impede
the process, though, once in awhile a stressful situation can actually increase someone's ability to achieve what appears as superhuman traits. I'm sure you've heard of
the situations where all of a sudden something happens and someone can lift a ton of something. Yes, that has to do with adrenaline but there is also a dynamics of
"quanta" going on there. In the moment of "have to" they released their natural ability to, seemingly, defy science. They didn't think about it, they just did it. No
thinking, no preconceived judgments. Don't think about it so much just practice without preconceiving.
2. Usually, though, if there isn't any real danger or need, the human emotions inhibit the path that the brain requires to create the neural network it needs to
create this atmosphere. The more negative emotions, like guilt, fear, non trusting, judgmental attitudes and suspicion are enough to inhibit that natural flow that is
required. One must believe it is possible. How else can we expect to manifest anything if we can't believe it's possible? You can't.
3. Don't obsess on it relax!! Enjoy, cultivating another skill. It's not race, or a test. It's not about worth or worthy. So many spiritually based philosophies are
based on reward. Spiritual awareness and evolution are not "prizes" you win. Opening up to higher levels of spiritual awareness is a growth process of evolving ones
consciousness. Telekinetic's is just one more skill with the ability of possible manifestation.
4. Don't carry preconceived ideas as to the outcome. Experience it, naturally. Don't script it. Don't tell yourself how it should go or that you have to be at a
certain point at a certain time all that impedes the energy. When you do that you are so busy thinking that the correct atmosphere or pathway can not be presented. Will
and Reason are not juxtaposed to telekinetic ability.
5. Don't get frustrated and angry at yourself. Again, relax, Have fun with it.
6. Don't be self-conscious. Yes, many times people feel foolish or self conscious. Don't. If you can't do it right away it says nothing about who you are. It
simply just says the spoon or fork isn't bending, yet that's all.
How to make Psi Balls PSI Balls (Beginner)
Creating psi balls is the act of shaping energy with the mind. Energy is much easier to manipulate than physical objects, so this is a great beginners exercise.
Advance Techniques
EXERCISE ONE Hold your hands out in front of you, with both palms facing. Close your eyes and relax. Concentrate on the space between your hands feel the
energy ball between your hands. Try to strengthen this energy field by visualizing the ball growing stronger. If you cannot feel the ball, move your hands away from
each other, then closer and closer, trying to feel the point of energy. To me, this feels like a tingling sensation between my hands and in my third eye.
EXERCISE TWO Well Personally i think Psi Balls Have To do A LOT with TK i mean TK is a form of Psi so anyway here is how to make one if you don't know
how. :) You Cup your hands together and shut your eyes Then You flex your arm muscle (keep eyes shut) Let the energy flow in your hands because that's all psi balls
are are balls of energy Don't worry if you can't see it the 1st time you just need to put more energy in if you don't believe in this WHY ARE YOU HERE? just getting
your attention ok now back to it Just keep trying i still haven't seen mine yet but i can feel the energy if your hand twitches that's ok that lets you know that you might
be able to see it throw it at something and see what it does!
How To Build Your Telekinetic Skills
Anyone can learn to move objects with their mind. This exercise will help you increase your telekinetic skills. MATERIALS YOU WILL NEED … A
glass quart jar with a metal lid … Thin black sewing thread … Glue … A wooden match … A small sewing needle … Modeling clay
1. Clean the jar and let it dry. 2. Cut the burnable tip off of the wooden match (be careful not to cut near the tip) 3. Put the wooden match on a block of modeling clay 4.
Push the small needle through the middle of the match. Do this slowly, with a twisting motion. If the needle is too big, it will break the match. You may also put
matches in water and microwave them for 2 minutes, to soften them before putting a needle through them. 5.Push the needle half way through the match.
6. Clean the clay off the needle and the match. 7. Measure and cut a piece of thread long enough to reach from the lid to the middle of the bottle. 8. Glue one end of the
thread to the middle of the inside of the lid. 9. Glue one end of the thread to the top of the middle of the match, just above where the needle goes through. 10. Let the
glue dry. 11. Put the needle, match, and thread in the jar and screw the lid back on.
1. Put the jar on a table. 2. Stand or sit nearby so you are not touching the table. 3. Hold your hands, palms inward, about three inches away from the outside of the jar.
Keep hour hands level with the needle. 4. Breathe deeply and focus your attention on the needle. 5. Move your hands a little, back and forth, imagining lines of energy
moving from them to the tip of the needle. Direct the needle to move. NOTE: Practice this no more than 20 minutes a day. If you get a headache, stop the exercise. The
headaches, usually even with the top of the ears, will go away. Results will take from six-weeks to six months. Best results occurred at night before sleeping.
Bending An Object
1. Find utensil of choice. 2. Hold utensil in your hand / hands however you are comfortable. 3. Sit quietly breathe comfortably relax. 4. Empty mind of all extra
chattering and thoughts. Remember stay focused. 5. With eyes closed slowly rub your fingers tips over the surface of the object. 6. Feel don't think about it feel what the
surface feels like. Get into the flow of molecules, atoms, energy. 7. This may take a few attempts. You will begin to actual "feel" the energy. 8. At that very moment
when you feel it, you and the object as a blend of energy just bend it! If you've done it correctly it will bend!!! 9. Remember NEVER apply force! You aren't there to
physically force it to bend. That's not point of the exercise.
Spoon Bending Meditate for half an hour. Find a spoon or fork. Hold utensil in your hands. Sit in a quiet space, breath deeply, and relax yourself. Escape mentally
from all thought and sounds. With your eyes shut, rub your fingertips lightly over the surface of the spoon's handle. Feel the surface without necessarily thinking about
it. Become a "part" of it, the atoms of the metal mixing with the atoms of your fingers and the air so that they flow together as thought they are water. Imagine it melting
into liquid. This may take a few attempts. You will begin to actual feel the energy and the warmth on the metal. At the moment you feel the momentum of the energy,
bend it! Don't put physical force on it- you're not testing your ability to bend a spoon with your hands. You already know you can do that. It's your mind we're testing.
Exercises to Help You Develop Your Abilities
The Compass Exercise The compass exercise is something I still play around with every now and again. It is one of the easiest "tools" I know of that is accessible to
just about anyone, and the are relatively inexpensive. Why a compass? Because the needle of the compass kind of floats and offers the least amount of surface friction
and resistance.
1. Place the compass flatly on a stable surface. It doesn't matter what direction the needle is pointing in. I had someone ask me that once. This is an exercise about
clockwise, hopefully. Though, there were those times I do get it moving counter clock wise. I'm not sure why that is really. It happened in the lab when I was involved
in erasing static or "white" noise off of cassette tapes. That was part of an experiment we had to extend the tones or beats on a tape. Lets say in a normal range there
may be 10 signals in a 10 second span, my job, as well as the others who were participating, was to extend the signals so that there were more in that same span. It
worked but every once in awhile I seemed to shorten them instead but that's a whole other story. Just remember to try for clockwise direction of the needle.
2. This method is the HAND method. Place one or both hands about 1 inch or 2 inches above the compass. Close your eyes, but if you close your eyes you'll need a
spotter to watch the needle for you. I suppose you could video yourself and check the tape later. Electronic gadgets! I love'em! Next, DON'T THINK anything! Just
relax holding your hand above the compass an have a knowing resolve of what you are there to do--- then just allow the neural network in your brain to do what it
knows how to do. Be mindful, however, of why you are there doing what you are doing just don't think about it, that's all. You are not suppose to be engaging the
cognitive part of your brain. You may or may not feel the energy surge through your arms and fingers. I usually do. Sometimes, my hair static's out and I look like I've
been frightened or about to be hit by lightning. If that isn't a sight!! That's all there is to this exercise. Simple, easy and to the point. Your goal and only goal at this
juncture is to get the needle to move. A word of CAUTION. Don't use an expensive compass, as usually this exercise winds up ruining it to work as an actual compass
again. This energy will alter certain structures.
Cork and Water Exercise1. Here is another easy exercise for honing your psychokinetic skills. This method is very simple to put together. Water? Yes,
remember? Less surface friction and offers less resistance. If you are going to be able to utilize telekinetic energy, at all, then this is the probably one of the most easy.
Basically, all you need is a bowl of water, a cork, and a small paper clip. You can either glue the paper clip to the top of the cork, if you like, as all you are trying to do
is add a little weight to cork so the cork doesn't float around on its own by room current or room air flow. The other method is to make a groove in the top of the cork.
Uncoil the paper clip and let it rest in the groove. Either way, both work just fine. 2. Again, as in the compass method, place your hands about 1 or 2 inches above the
cork. Release all preconceived ideas as to what should be happening next. Just let the energy flow. Feel it move through your arms and out through your finger tips. In a
really good session you can have that cork sailing all over the bowl. 3. Try to remember that this "happening" happens in between the off/on phases of consciousness. I
don't mean unconsciousness like passed out or fainting that's something else. I mean here aware and not aware phases of reality consciousness. I remember when I first
was trying this technique when I started out years ago. I tried, and tried (I was still Willing and Thinking reality in those days) but that cork didn't budge. When all of a
sudden the phone rang in that split second of me NOT THINKING the cork flew over to the side of the blow!
Floating Wood EXERCISE ONE
Meditate for half an hour. Fill a clear glass bowl with fresh water. Drop a toothpick or other small wooden object into the middle of the dish. Since there will be no
friction between the water and the object, it will be easy to move it because there is less resistance. Get comfortable and breathe deeply. Look at the toothpick.
Imagine your mind's "hand" coming out and pushing on the object, and imagine it gliding across the water to the other side of the dish. Feel the energy pushing on it.
You should begin to notice some movement after a while. You can use your hands to direct your energy, but don't touch or blow on the toothpick.
Once you have practiced this and you believe you have gotten the hang of it, take it one step further. Imagine that you are pushing down on the object, forcing it to go
under the surface of the water. This will take more concentration, but the results are also more significant.
Physical Objects (Advanced) You can use a number of physical objects, and attempt to move them. Some suggestions are: Tipping a spoon, which is balanced off the
side of a cup (you can hold your hand near). Bending the flame of a candle. Making a pendulum swing. Or try more difficult things like levitating object (yourself
Included), closing doors etc. For more Advanced techniques check out the advanced techniques page or the levitation page.
Physical Telekinesis
Moving a Small Object Choose a small, lightweight object, preferably made of a light metal, such as a cheap ring. Clear your mind completely. You should have NO
distractions whatsoever, and try not to let erroneous thoughts into your mind, or you will lose your focus. Concentration is vital.
Build a "tunnel" between you and the object. Visualize this tunnel between yourself and the object. You only see the object. Everything else is outside of the tunnel, and
thus, outside of your view.
Now, imagine your mind's hands coming out and pulling the object in. Once you feel the pull, you might want to make sounds in your head that suggest a strong
magnetic field (nnnn.... nnn.... nnnn.... ) It may sound silly, but it works!
Don't expect this to work the first time you try it. It might, but there is also a chance it will not. Try, try again! If you cannot devote your time and patience to this, don't
bother trying it at all.
Why Can't I get Things To Slide or Lift?
Remember, there are laws governing these principles. We may not understand or even be cognizant of them, but they are there and they do work!! One of the reasons it
is so difficult to get things to lift or slide has to do with friction, resistance, etc. Okay, consider this. You are trying to get a bowl to slide across the counter.. Ask
yourself about the dynamics involved here. Do you realize just how much energy it takes to perform that event? A lot!! It's harder than bending a spoon or fork! Why?
Because you are deal with things like horizontal distances between the objects center of mass, the point of contact to the surfaces. Friction, remember? It's actually,
easier to levitate (lift it) it that drag it. Remember, that you want to start with easier things first, then if you find you have an ability graduate to other things. I'd love to
be able to do what Matilda could do, Anyone see that movie? She had everything dancing about in the room!
Dancing Flame
Meditate for half an hour. Light a candle in a safe place. A white candle on a white/light colored table is best. Get comfortable and breathe deeply. Stare at the candle's
flame. Do not think about anything, clear the mind but keep the flame in front of you. Soon you should see only the flame. Not the table, not the candle, not the room
and objects surrounding you, just the flame.
Now imagine the flame is stretching upward, growing taller, brighter. You can put your hand above it and imagine you are drawing the flame upward. Imagine the
flame shrinks, becomes smaller and shorter. Imagine it flickers and dances. Imagine it bends. Practice these things until you feel you are "one" with the flame, and it is
doing as you desire it to. Keep practicing this, once you are comfortable with your ability to do this, try putting the candle out with your mind. Could you light it up
again with just your mind? Hmm... anything is possible!
This is a simple experiment to exercise telekinesis. Take a metal thumbtack (the kind with a flat, circular base) and set it so that the sharp end is pointing upward. Now
take a small square of white paper, about 1/4 inch by 1/4 inch (maybe even smaller), and carefully balance it on top of the tack. You can replace the bit of paper with a
piece of carefully cut aluminum foil if you feel more comfortable with metallic energies. Meditate for half an hour. Now sit in front of the "psi-wheel" you have just
created. Stare on one corner of the square of paper. Focus all your energy on that one corner, willing the paper to start turning on top of the point. Imagine the wheel
(the paper) begins to spin on the axis (the tack). Hold your concentration for as long as it takes for you to get it spinning. Once you have the hang of this, try knocking
the paper off the tack!
Swinging on a String Meditate for half an hour. Cut a piece of thread about 10 inches long. Tie a wide object to it, like a needle, a toothpick, or a short piece of a
wooden rod. Hang the string so that you can sit comfortably in front of the hanging object.
Sit far enough away from the string so that you know you aren't making the object spin with your breathing. Let the object come to a complete stop, not turning at all in
Take a deep breath. Focus all your attention on one side of the object, right or left, it doesn't matter which. Imagine the object slowly turning as if your mind was really
pushing against that side of it. You can use your fingers to "point" your energy, but do not touch the object. Once it starts to turn, and who knows how long it will take
you to get this far, imagine that your energy pushes it faster so it speeds up. It should turn with greater momentum. Practice this. Once you get the hang of it, keep using
this method to get the object to swing instead of just spin. Good luck!
Introduction to Teleportation
Teleportation is the ability of moving matter from one point in time and space to another point in time and space instantaneously. There are different types of
teleportation available at this time both visual and physical teleportation are possible and we use visual teleportation as our starting point. The different types of visual
teleportation are. visual body or astral body teleportation, or visual object teleportation but before we can master teleportation we must first learn the art of
Telekinesis/Psychokinesis and Clairsentience and the higher state of consciousness the seventh sense. Other abilities useful in teleportation are Tele-Visualization and
ESP (Extrasensory Perception). The ability of teleportation is used in Time travel, Interstellar travel, and Dimensional travel. Teleportation is the near instantaneous
transport of the Psychic from one location to another and there is no other form of travel faster then teleportation
Teleporting An Visual Object
Step One Charge your physical body with energy. Step Two Then place an object in front of you. Step Three Next close your eyes and visualize the object in front of
you. Step Four Then visualize the energy around the object and see your energy blending with the objects energy. This will look like the two energies will be knitting
together Step Five Then focus and feel the object feel the object leaving and if you need to visualize that the object is disappearing Step Six Then focus your mind on
the new destination six feet in front of you. Step Seven At the new destination six feet way in front of you and feel the object reappearing at the new position in front of
you and if you need to visualize that the object is reappearing at the new destination. Then open your eyes. Remember This is a visual exercise so you are only
teleporting the object visually.
Teleportation Porthole
Step One Charge your physical body with energy. Step Two Then close your eyes and see your visual body standing in front of you. Step Three Then construct a
porthole like you learnt in the section on portholes in front of your visual body. Step Four Then visualize that your energy is blending with your visual body. Step Five
Next focus your mind on traveling a distance of one kilometre from where you are. Step Six Then see your visual body walking into the porthole. Step Seven Next see
the porthole opening one kilometre away from where you started and see your visualbody walking out of the porthole Step Eight Then walk back into the porthole and
back out to your starting point. Remember Practice this exercise by expanding the distance but always make sure you can do this one before moving on.
Teleportation Porthole
Step One Charge your physical body with energy. Step Two Then close your eyes and see your visual body standing in front of you. Step Three Then construct a
porthole like you learnt in the section on portholes in front of your visual body. Step Four Then visualize that your energy is blending with your visual body. Step Five
Next focus your mind on traveling to the USA the destination is The white house, washington DC Step Six Then see your visual body walking into the porthole. Step
Seven Next see the porthole opening in front of the white house and see your visual body walking out of the porthole Step Eight Then walk back into the porthole and
back out to your starting point.
Teleportation Porthole
Step One Charge your physical body with energy. Step Two Then close your eyes and see your visual body standing in front of you. Step Three Then construct
porthole like you learnt in the section of portholes in front of your visual body. Step Four Then visualize that your energy is blending with your visual body. Step Five
Next focus your mind on traveling to italy the destination is the coliseum in rome Step Six Then see your visual body walking into the porthole. Step Seven Next see
the porthole opening in front of the coliseum and see your visual body walking out of the porthole Step Eight Then walk back into the porthole and back out to your
starting point.
Teleportation Porthole
Step One Charge your physical body with energy. Step Two Then close your eyes and see your visual body standing in front of you. Step Three Then construct a
porthole like you learnt in the section on portholes in front of your visual body. Step Four Then visualize that your energy is blending with your visual body. Step Five
Next focus your mind on traveling to egypt the destination is the great pyramids. Step Six Then see your visual body walking into the porthole. Step Seven Next see the
porthole opening in front of the great pyramids and see your visual body walking out of the porthole Step Eight Then walk back into the porthole and back out to your
starting point.
Teleporting The Visual Body Beginners Technique
Step One Get comfortable and relax. Step Two Now close your eyes then charge your physical body with energy. Then see your visual body standing in front of you.
Step Three Then visualize that your energy is blending with your visual body. Step Four Now focus your mind on teleporting to a destination of your choice. Step
Five Then see your visual body teleporting to that destination and when you arrive look around and take note of your observation and check them when you come back.
Step Six Then see your visual body teleporting back to the point in front of your physical body and in your own time open your eyes. Remember Then check with
books or other information on that destination to see if your observations are correct. If they are then well done now try another destination.
Teleporting The Visual Body Advanced Technique Teleporting You
Step One I want you to get comfortable and relax. Step two Now close your eyes then charge your physical body with energy. Then see your visual body standing in
front of you. Step Three Then visualize that your energy is blending with your visual body. Step Four Now here's were things change in the past i would have told you
to spin the core star and become the light being this time I want you to focus on the hara line see it running through your visual body from the higher point above your
head down through the crown chakra passing through the sixth and fifth chakra's into the soul seat down through the lower chakra's and the ten tien and out through the
base chakra and down into the earth. Feel and see the visual body grounding with the earth see the tan tien changing from a reddish brown colour to a reddish colour
like the earths core and feel this connection with the earth. Step Five Now focus your mind on teleporting to a destination of your choice. Step Six Now as we spin the
core star i want you to stay focused on the hara line and this connection with the earth and in your own time spin the core star as you've done a thousand times before
and this time pay attention Step Seven Then see your visual body teleporting to that destination and when you arrive at the destination return the visual body to normal
and as you do focus on the hara line once again. Step Eight Then see your visual body and spin the core star once again and teleporting back to the point just in front of
your physical body and return the visual body back to normal once again. And in your own time open your eyes. Note Now if you've done this technique you'll see what
was missing when I tried teleporting in 1986. Write down every little detail of your observations during this technique and if you wish post your finding under the
section Hara line Tech on the message board and we will Develop this technology together as a group. Because this technology benefits each and every one of us as a
whole. Remember Master the visual technique before moving on to the physical technique it is important that you know the visual technique inside out before moving
Teleporting A PSI Ball Beginners Technique
Introduction Creating psi balls is the act of shaping energy with the mind. Energy is much easier to manipulate than physical objects, so this is a great beginners
Two Person Technique
Step One Work out who will teleport for this exercise and who will be the receiver for this exercise. Step Two (Teleporter) Hold your hands out in front of you, with
both palms facing. Close your eyes and relax. Concentrate on the space between your hands feel the energy ball between your hands. Try to strengthen this energy field
by visualizing the ball growing stronger. If you cannot feel the ball, move your hands away from each other, then closer and closer, trying to feel the point of energy. To
me, this feels like a tingling sensation between my hands and in my third eye. Step Three (Teleporter) Now i want you to open your eyes But stay focused on the
energy between your hands feel the psi ball. Step Four (Receiver) Now i what you to hold your hands out in front of you, with both palms facing. Step Five
(Teleporter) Focus your mind on the point between the hands of the receiver and when you are ready feel the psi ball teleport to the new destination between the hands
of the receiver and if you have done this right the receiver should be able to feel the psi ball between their hands. If you need to use visualization for this technique then
you can but remember to feel the energy movement.
Physical Teleportation
Physical teleportation is the near instantaneous transport of the Psychic from one location to another. Because Teleportation is an extension of Clairsentient ability,
there are two categories of Teleportation: Extensive Teleportation and Projective Teleportation. As the names imply, each is based on the type of Clairsentience which
must be used to target the correct location.
Although Teleportation is nearly instantaneous, the Psychic may be disoriented upon arrival at the new location. During this period of disorientation, the Psychic suffers
a penalty to all Perception/Awareness/Observation Trials, and may take no action other than Perception/Awareness/Observation Trials until the disorientation passes, or
until the Psychic achieves a Superior Success or better on an Intellect (Perception) Trial. However, disorientation may continue even after a successful Perception Trial,
and the penalty to Perception then applies to any action taken until the period of disorientation passes. Increasing degrees of success on the Teleportation Trial can
reduce or eliminate disorientation.
Extensive Teleportation
is the ability to teleport one's body a short distance, overcoming intervening barriers to normal travel. In order to use Extensive Teleportation, the targeted location must
be sensed via Sense Extension, or must be in physical sight of the Psychic. Teleportation is nearly instantaneous once activated, and can generally be accomplished in
the same OP during which Clairsentience was used to locate the target. The Psychic remains subject to possible disorientation at the new location.
It is possible to use Extensive Teleportation to dodge an attack, so long as the teleportation trial is successful, and the new location is not in the path of an attack.
However, the possibility of disorientation makes this a potentially dangerous technique that is normally attempted only as a last resort. Using Extensive Teleportation
requires the psychic to make a Fatigue Trial with a difficulty equal to the difficulty of the Extensive Teleportation Trial.
Projective Teleportation
Is the ability to teleport to any location the Psychic can see clearly via Sense Projection. Seeing clearly means the Psychic must have achieved a Superior Success or
better on the Sense Projection Trial. The Psychic may apply a -1 modifier to the difficulty of the Projective Teleportation Trial for each degree of success above
Superior on the Sense Projection Trial. Projective Teleportation requires a minimum of one OP to perform, in addition to whatever time and effort was required to sense
the target location using Sense Projection.
Teleporting Physical Objects
Introduction When it comes to teleporting physical object there are two types of teleportation the first is by blending your energy with the atoms of the object and the
other form of teleportation is by using an electromagnet light chamber to teleport the object because light particles penetrate the atoms of the object and once the light
Blend with the object then you can move the object but before you can move the object you build a electromagnet light energy generator
Physical Technique
Step One Find a small object of your choice. ( I used a teaspoon) Step Two Then hold the object in between your hands and hold your arms so that they are
comfortable. Step Three Then i want you to sit quietly breathe deeply and get comfortable and relax. Step Four Empty your mind of all extra thoughts and remain
clear minded and focused on the task at hand. Step Five With your eyes closed feel the energy of the spoon and blend your energy with the objects energy Feel around
the object and knit your energy with the energy of the object remember feel it don't think about it. ( Your hand may feel hot as your energy blends this is normal) Step
Six Get into the flow of the object and feel the energy around the object and within the object. Once your energy has kintted with the object feel the force of the energy
and stabalize it before you move to the next step. Step Seven Then visualize or feel the object leaving your hands in a word disappearing from between your hands and
reappearing at the desired destination and as it leaves your hands open your eyes and see the object appearing at the destination before you Remember
Remember NEVER apply force! You aren't there to physically force the object to move through the fabric of time and space. That's not point of the exercise.
(The thoughts and comments expressed in this exercise are from personal experience it was first done by Donna on the 05/11/2002 the object was a teaspoon) You may
experience problems with your destination don't worry it takes practice to learn to control it.
Meta-Physical Teleportation Etheric Body : Lesson One
Step One Get comfortable and relax. Step Two Now close your eyes then charge your physical body with energy. Then visualize the etheric layer of your auric body
(the First Layer of the auric field). Step Three Then visualize that your energy is blending with the etheric layer of your auric field. Step Four Now focus your mind on
teleporting the etheric body across the room. visualize the destination point. Step Five Then see your Etheric body teleporting to that destination and as you do this
stretch out your feelings and feel the etheric body leaving the auric field when you arrive at the destination look back at your physical body and take note of your
observation and feelings and when you are ready teleport your etheric body back into your auric field. Step Six Then in your own time open you eyes but be careful you
may feel a little disoriented at first this is normal. Step Seven Then write down your findings on how you felt during this exercise and of what you seen during this
exercise Remember Master this technique before trying to teleport the other layers of the auric field or Physical objects or the physical body.
A Method On Physical Teleportation Teleportation 'the practice'
The first order of things that you must understand is that teleportation is a natural way of travel for all beings of light. Whether it be on the third dimensional or fourth,
fifth, and higher dimensional existence. It is natural and very easy for any light being because it all deals with "light ". Different colors of light give you different level
of awareness. Thus your experience will be varied. Also throughout each level of light expression.
Physical Teleportation Abilities Used In Teleportation
Tele-visualization Tele-visualization is the ability of 3 dimensional visualization with its dimensions being sound, shape, and form just like the picture that we can
view with our own eyes in the physical reality and is the channel by which we can travel through interstellar space and time in the visual and physical forms.
Psychokinesis Psychokinesis or PK is The ability of movement of an object or the physical body of a term coined by the famous researcher J. B. Rhine. It can be
defined as the direct action of the mind on a physical object without the mediation of any known physical energy. Phenomenon of this kind have been reported from as
far back as St Ben edict up to the modern day spoon bending of Uri Geller! There are various forms including Macro-PK where the influence is upon large objects and
Micro-PK where the target is from the quantum world.
Clairsentience Sometimes called "psychic feeling". There are two forms of clairsentience: empathy and psychic knowing. Clairsentience is the ability to "know" about
someone or something without the use of the five senses for input. Clairsentience is probably the most common type of intuitive ability. (Often we refer to it as a
Hunch, a Gut Reaction, or Instinct.)
Energies Used In Teleportation In teleportation we use two main energy systems. The first being the hara line and the second being Kundalini energy from the base of
the spine. All our hidden Siddhi powers come from an awakened Kundalini. Examples of the Siddhi powers are supernatural abilities of strength, sight, hearing,
levitation, bi-location, teleportation, and instant manifestations, etc... Basically anything you can imagine beyond the everyday world is possible when your Kundalini
is awakened. The Siddhi powers are our natural abilities, yet through social conditioning they have been suppressed and we have been programmed to believe they are
malicious or wrong. They are as natural as the warmth from the sun above. Rising Kundalini along the spinal column and moving it out through the chakra and
blending it with the atoms of the physical body is what make teleportation possible. The hara line on the second hand is the anchor that grounds us to the physical and
earth plains of existence it is here that we must first start with hara line development because teleportation will not work if we stay grounded to the earth all you will
feel is the body shunting as it tries to jump through the fabric of time and space so we must learn the technique of grounding and ungrounding thoroughly before trying
teleportation remember safety comes first and if you are not well trained in the grounding and ungrounding technique before trying the this teleportation technique
because it could be fatal upon arrival at your new destination if you are not well trained. Warning This Technique is not for beginners and I would suggest you try this
technique with your visual body first it is dangerous and could be fatal if not studied properly.
Physical Body Teleportation
Physical Technique For preparation find a quiet place and a soft surface and lay down.
Step One Now in your own time close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths feel the chest rise and fall and relax. Step two Then visualize the base chakra. At the
base of the chakra there is a well of energy, this well is know as the jewel of the lotus within the jewel there is a light golden energy. Visualize that this golden energy is
trickling out of the jewel and spreading out into the chakra. As the chakra spins see the chakra becoming golden in colour with its light radiant energy. Feel that energy.
Step Three Now focus on the second chakra and do the same, see the jewel at the centre and see this radiant energy trickling out into the 2nd chakra fill it with its
radiant energy. Step Four Then move on to the 3rd chakra and do the same for this chakra and the other chakras till all twelve chakras are filled with the radiant Golden
wheels of Kundalini energy and feel how light this energy feels in your body. Step Five Now once you have reached the twelveth chakra see the twelven chakras and
feel this light golden energy continually flowing into the chakras till it starts to over flow into the physical body do this for around about ten minutes. Step six Now as
the golden energy begins to flow out into the physical body see the energy spreading through your entire body feel how light your body feels as the golden energy
blends with your body and relax. Step Seven Then in your own time I want you to visualize the hara line and feel your connection with the earth and the physical plain
and in your own time draw the hara line out of the earth and into the base chakra and hold it there. Step Eight Now as you do this you may feel your body becoming
unstable this is normal because you are no longer linked with the earth and the physical plain Step Nine After a couple of minutes when your physical body is feeling
more stable in this new plain beyond time and space see the three tan tiens and expand the energy of the tan tiens thought your being one by one starting with the lower
tan tien and moving through the middle tan tien and through to the top tan tien and hold it there for a moment. Step Ten Now at this point you are ready for physical
teleportation but before you can teleport you need a destination for this technique choose a destination close by like in the same room or a room close by see that
destination. Step Eleven And in your own time feel your body leaving it's current position and teleporting to the new destination and as you arrive at the new
destination drop the hara line back down into the earth. feel this connection with the earth and the physical plain and allow your physical body to stabilize in the
physical plain. Focus on this for a couple of minutes Take Note You may feel disoriented at this point don't freak out this is normal after teleporting in time this will
pass and as you get better at teleporting this disorientation will pass. Step Twelve Now relax and feel at one with all things and in your own time open your eyes and
well done. Warning Practice this technique with your visual body first this technique is very dangerous and cloud be fatal if not done right. Remember this is not a
race safety comes first so be careful. You can also do this technique in the lotus or half lotus position as well and if it makes it easier put this technique on a audio tape
so you can play it back while your doing this technique but if you do this make sure you remember step eleven for when you arrive at the new destination.
The favorite of most people, since humans are naturally infatuated with flames. Flame energy can be very dangerous if not used correctly, and I will beat the living hell
out of you if you use this power for an unjust cause.
-Dancing Flame-Take a match, light it. Then envision a tunnel between your mind and the flame or a beam and you're blocking everything but the match out of your
view so you can't see it correctly, focus only on the flame, and will your mind to put it out, see the flame going out in your mind. This is the easy part, the hard part is
getting the flame to relight. Once you've got the match to go out you should focus on the ember relighting. After a few weeks of hard work the ember will glow red as if
it wanted to relight! Once you have practiced enough the match will relight. This technique does work. Once you have mastered the Dancing Flame technique you
should move on to bigger flames, I suggest moving on to candles first.
-Dancing Flame 2- Just concentrate on moving it in a certain direction, make it move in one direction, then the other, make it spin, make it move off of the candle and
spin it in a wheel of fire, make it spin the other direction, make it bigger, then smaller, then mentally put it out. Then try to relight it. It may not relight at first, but after
a few weeks, it should start to work. Theoretically, you could also superheat the fire, make it spin in a flaming ring, or change its color if you are advanced.
-Relighting-A good way to get the flame to relight or light something is to visualize all the molecules slowly starting to speed up and glow red hot until something
-Raising Tempuratures- Close your eyes and imagine that all the air around you is wavy from all the heat, imgaine you are hot and sweating, and everything around
you is just extremely hot. After trying this a few times the temperature will raise a bit if there is nothing like air conditioning or a fan on.
-Inferno Disc-Start off with a Destructo Disc, but when you first make the Ki ball, introduce Flame energy to it. Visulalise the ki ball burning as is spins and spreads
out. You now have a Inferno Disc.
-Hii Tate- "Fire Shield" This is a technique I devised myself, which is similar to the technique in the Cyrokinesis section...Of course, with fire instead of ice. Before
doing this techinque, you will need to perform the Fire Fuse technique.Get into a wide stance to start. Now picture your Dan Tien, fused with that Fire energy, swirling
red, or whatever color you wish to use. Now, command that fire energy to flow throughout all your chakras and your whole body. Picture it flowing through you,
starting to radiate out of you. Now, explode the fire energy out of you, similar to a ki flame, only this time, instead of turning it into a flame around your body, picture it
forming a huge ball of fire around you, forming into a shield. Keep adding energy to it until you think it is strong enough. This technique works best if you are facing
off against an opponent who uses Cyrokinesis.(This would suck for me if you were fighting me, I'm a cryo)
-Fire Fuse- This is a technique, similar to that of the Earth Fuse, which will combine your ki with the energy of the element of fire.To start out, get into a position that
you normally use for Ki breathing or grounding. Picture the element of fire all around you, with it's energy floating all around, like when you are Ki breathing. Now
perform a ki breathing technique, only take in the fire energy instead of ki. Picture it fusing with your ki inside your Dan Tien and all throughout your body, turning
your energy a swirling red-ish color, or whatever color you wish to use. Now you can perform the Hii Tate if you wish...
Cryokinesis is the ability to control cold temperatures or even create ice. So many things could be done with this, one of the most conveinient is cooling down a warm
drink. A more advanced is putting out a flame.
-Conditioning- Before you begin any of these exercises, you need to prepare your body to handle the anti-thermal energy. You need to take cold baths, which should
become colder each time you take one. Cold baths are also good for psychic development. Also, you should hold a ice cube in your hand for one minute, once a day.
After each week, you should increase the time for one minute. Keep increasing the time each week until the ice melts. Make sure you do this with both hands, and never
use the same ice cube.
-Lowering temperatures- This is about the exact opposite of pyrokinesis, basically just imagine everything around you freezing and strong gusts of wind coming in
and you shivering.
-Ice Ball- Now, there are many ways of doing this, but I will explain one of them. Get into the stance that you use when you normally make a Ki or mana ball, with
your knees bent a bit, and hands in the ki ball position, at your side, near your hip. Now, picture water running over your hands and in between your hands, as if you
were running them under a faucet. Feel it out, and extract the water elemental energy. Now, picture the water frosting over, try to hear the sounds of the ice crackling as
the water freezes. Picture it freezing little by little, and compiling into a ball of ice between your palms. Do this for a few minutes, and see if you feel any cold between
your hands. Don't worry, all these techniques take time and practice, so you might not get it on the first day. Just keep working on it. Practice this every day, until you
can do it. To test this, you can try throwing the ice ball at a candle or some kind of small flame like that. And again, don't worry if nothing happens the first few times.
Just remember, when throwing the ice ball, just like any other energy ball, you must be in complete concentration and focus, so that the ball does not simply disperse
into the air.
-Ice Blast- This tech can be done a couple of ways, and here I will describe both that I know of. One way, is to just make a normal ice ball, and then push your hands
forward like a normal ki blast, and picture the ice ball flying through the air, being absorbed into your target, and turning the entire thing to ice. Now, this will not
actually turn the object into ice. But if done on a person, they may get a shiver, or feel cold. Now, the second way to do this, is a bit different. This way is a bit different.
Instead of making an ice ball, fill up your fore-arms with the water energy. Now, picture it freezing just like the ice ball technique, and then shoot your hands forward,
picturing a large icicle being launched out of your hands at your foe.
-Tsurara Tate- "Icicle Shield". To start out, stand in a wide stance, and be in concentration on the elemental energy of water, and draw it into your body. Keep
picturing it filling up your body, mixing with your ki in your Dan Tien. When you think you have enough, then tense up your muscles. Become completely focussed,
and picture the water element exploding out of you, and freezing mid-way through the air, forming a dome of ice around your body. Picture more water energy being
added to it, the dome becoming larger and more powerful, and freezing more. Keep picturing this happening, and also picture the water energy inside you, powering
you up internally, like an internal ki flame. Practice this, and remember not to over do it.
-Kori Hari- "Ice Needles". Now, this is similar to the Ice blast technique, using the icicle. But, it is a bit harder and could take more practice. Now, to start out, draw in
the water energy, and pack it into your arms. Picture it freezing like in the ki ball technique, but staying inside your arms. Now, tense up your arms and shoot them
forward as if for a blast, but this time, use your ishi(will power) to have the ice energy come out of your palms and fingertips in the form of little needles of ice, which
you should focus on pelting your opponent with.
Using wind and air. A person powerful enough in this could create Tornados, or even down a plane.
-Call wind- Get into a nice open area where you will not be disturbed and after meditating imagine strings of ki stretching off of your fingers towards the winds. Pull,
not jerk, your hand where you want the wind to blow. This takes a while to master and eventually you will able to bring on strong winds.
-Call Wind 2- Visualize the power of the four winds being attached by "strings" to your hands, so that you telekinetically move the wind. Keeping the strings in your
mind, slowly raise your hands, which will draw the winds towards you. As your hands are raised, some wind should begin to blow.
To manipulate water mentally you must first have a source of water such as a glass of water or a body of water. A direct mental channel is required to perform any form
of psychokinesis and hydrokinesis is a prime example of why. If you find it difficult to manipulate liquids in a exercise involving a small water source, such as a glass
of water, before you then I suggest you try submersing yourself into a body of water. When one submerses themselves in water they become bonded and close to it and
thus makes it simpler to communicate and control it. To feel the water around you is to be one step closer to becoming the water and animating it. Exercises amassing
water around you is entirely averse to pushing it away. Push and pull exercises will bring a beginner the largest results. Exercises requiring more then animation such as
molding a liquid form requires far more expertise. Some hydrokinetics accumulate humidity naturally, you can tell if this applies to you by a lack of dry skin or even
perhaps odd smells. It is a calm mindset that allows the mind to animate liquids, just as the water is still so must your mind. Overwhelming emotional responses such as
anger, frustration or any form of heightened stress can cause a hydrokinetic event to arise just as an absolute need or fear can.
[ BEGINNER ] Non-Submersible - Cork and Glass: If you work well with water just in front of you and do not require yourself to be submersed in water then I
suggest the following exercise. Obtain a glass of water and a floating object such as a cork. Place the cork in the half full glass of water and attempt not to move the
cork but the water surrounding it. The cork is merely a device there to indicate the movement of the water. If this works for you then make the exercise more difficult in
time by filling a large bowl full of water and eventually increasing the amount of water over time using new containers, even you tub.
[ BEGINNER ] Submersible - 'The Good Old Tub': If you require being submersed in water I suggest you use your tub for the exercises. Simply fill your tub, and
attempt to feel the water around you and try to create a disturbance of small waves with your body just to understand how it should feel. Then allow the waves to settle
and wait until the water is completely still. Continue by lying perfectly still and try to crate waves via your mind only, do not close you eyes. Try to focus on how the
waves felt before, then relax your mind, make it still and try your best.
Sword skill
This is a revolutionary new skill that infuses ki and swordsmanship. It was developed by me and my sparring partners.
-=Strong Blade=- This will strengthen your weapon so it does not break. This is useful when you are fighting with breakable weapons such as bokkens or sticks. Just
simply fill your weapon with Ki, but you must keep focusing on it. If you lose focus, this technique will have been useless.
-=Blade Beam=-Basically a Ki blast using your weapon. Fill your weapon with your Ki. Keep on filling the weapon to it's limits, until the energy is about to explode.
Then swing your blade forward and vertically, (This works both down and up.) and imagine your energy in a beam going through your opponent. Also, this techniques
is very similar to Cloud's Limit break on Final Fantasy 7, also called blade beam.
-=Element Blade=-This technique is the exact same as Strong Blade, except for one major difference, Instead of filling your weapon with Ki, fill it with your desired
elemental energy. One good instance to use this is when your opponent uses a Tsurara Tate ( Ice Shield) and you charge your weapon with Fire energy.
-=Element Beam=- Basically a Blade Beam except when you are filling your weapon with ki, fill it with an elemental energy such as fire energy to create a Flame
Beam attack.
-=X Blade=-This is a tech exclusively for two swords. It's just like two blade beams, but you swing the swords in a X shape, then release the energy.
-=Spirit Arrow=-This is a technique for a bow. It is useful if you happen to run out of arrows or your opponents armor is physically impenetrable. First draw back the
string without an arrow on it. Keep the string drawn until I tell you to release it. Then, begin to create an arrow out of your ki. Once you feel this arrow is powerful
enough, release the string and send the arrow flying trough your opponent. This can be very dangerous as are all of the techs on this site so be sure not to use so much
you injure them, just disarm.
-=Element Arrow=-This is a technique also for a bow. It is just like the Blade Beam to Element Beam tech. Instead of using ki for the arrow, use and elemental energy.
-=Issen=-(Very Advanced) This is an EXTREMELY powerful technique that is still under testing. It requires any bladed weapon. First, fill you body and weapon with
Ki and Shen energy. Shen energy is the energy released during a limit break. Induce one of these is you can. Then, when you see an opening in your opponent's attack,
lunge forward and let that energy explode. This is will give you (hopefully) a great boost of speed and power. It will most likely burn you out, but is very effective if
used correctly.
-=Yari Haretsu=- Literally 'Spear Explosion' This technique can be used with any weapon capable of a jabbing or stabbing motion, To begin with, focus the energy of
you choice (Ki or elemental) to the tip of you weapon. Then you thrust. Once the tip of the weapon makes contact, make the energy to explode. > This technique has
been contibuted by Fox_spirit.
-=Notice in all of these techniques I say 'weapon' and not 'sword' since all of these techniques can be done with lances, arrows, etc.=-
The ability to communicate between minds. This would be the perfect tool for a spy, as would remote veiwing(coming at a later date).
-Basic Message sending-
I suggest that you and a friend who are both trying to learn this start out by sending a color or a number to each other. Do this by sitting across from your friend who is
ready to receive a message. The receiver's mind should be completely blank and this can be achieved directly after meditating and if the message is recieved correctly it
will be the first thing that pops into their head. You both should focus on a beam shooting out from your head chakra into the other's forehead and when you are both
ready the sender should imagine, if sending a color, that the beam and everything around him is that color. And if sending a number, that everything around you is
covered in that number, thousands and thousands of them.
Electrokinesis Techniques
-Gathering Electric Energy-
First, visualize electrical sparks gathering on your finger. When you feel a strange tingling sensation, try to get it to jump to your other finger. Visualize electricity
coursing all over your body, and then going in to one single point, such as the palm of your hand or something. Then shoot it at a television or a radio to try to screw up
the reception.
-Shockball- This is basically a ki ball with electricity from electrokinesis added into it. To start, visualize the electricity flowing through your body. Then, make a
normal ki ball, then picture the electricity bolts coming out of your hands and your fingertips, and merging with the ki ball, making little sparks and shocks around and
inside the ki ball. Do this for about 5 minutes a day, along with just picturing the electricity flowing inside of you. Just keep practicing, and when you get the shockball,
you will be able to shock people with it. But be warned, don't use a lot of power with this technique on someone if you know that their power is less than yours and they
won't be able to handle it, this technique can really injure someone when used with enough power
Atmokinesis is the ability to manipulate the weather. It operates by making subtle changes to wind, air pressure, temperature, and the earth’s electromagnetic field.
These changes eventually bring out a change in the weather.
-Changing Weather- Find something you can use to channel your energy. If you practice magic, a simple wand or athame will do. Close your eyes and visualise the
kind off weather that you want to bring about. Be as specific as possible. Try to hear the wind, smell the rain, feel the change in temperature, what ever. Then, imagine
sunlight ( the most influential force in weather) pouring into you. Let it build up in your solar plexus and when you're ready, release it into the sky through the tool
you've chosen. It might aslo help if you literally tell the energy what to do as you release it.
-Changing Weather 2- For this one you might first want take time to meditate. Think about what kind of weather you wish to bring about and channel the appropiate
elemental energy. When you're ready, stand in the grounded position, and cup your hands together to make a ki ball. Visuallise the ball's energy in the form of the
element you need {wind, rain, lighting, or again, just simple sunlight.} Tell your ki ball what it needs to do and when you feel it's ready, release it and visuallise it
zooming into air and exploding its energy throughout the sky.
Geokinesis is the art of controlling the earth and ground. It is also commonly referred to as Tetrakinesis. It's all the same though
-Tochi Tate- "Earth Shield." This is a lot like the other elemental shield techniques. Get into a ready stance, and summon ki around your body in a power up. Now start
gathering earth energy, make it swirl around inside your ki flame. Keep loading up your ki flame with earth energy until you feel it is fairly strong. Now, send all that
energy that is swirling around you to the front of you, and use your mind to make it form something such as a brick wall-type shield. Keep adding earth energy to it, and
program it to whatever you want...Just remember that you CANNOT shield from phsyical objects.
-Earth Fuse- This is a technique that I devised to fuse your ki with the energy of the earth, so that you are more adapted to the energy and can understand it better. To
start, get into a comfortable position, like for grounding. Close your eyes, and picture the energy from the earth floating all around you and glowing beneath the surface
under you. Now, send some of your ki, in the form of string-type streams down into the earth, connecting the earth with your Dan Tien. Now picture your ki fusing with
the earth's energy, and absorbing some of it into your Dan Tien. When it seems to be fairly full, (this part is optional.) perfom a ki flame-type power up, picturing the
two energies fusing together all inside of you.
-Earth Punch- Warning: Can be dangerous. This is kind of like a Ki Flame punch, although this is designed to feel much harder than a normal punch. You may want
to perform an Earth Fuse before doing this, so that you will already be in contact with the Earth's energy. Now, power up as you normally would, but take in earth
energy with it. Swirl the earth energy with your own ki. Now, bring you hand back, make a tight fist, and use the earth energy to surround your hand, and picture it
making a big rock around your fist, or turning your fist to stone. Send the last of that earth energy into your fist, and take a big step forward and smash your foe with all
your might, and picture the stone braking on them.
-Earth blades- make a fist and then put your fist so you knuckles are faceing the ground.Then put earth engery 1 inch above your knuckels and then slowly visulize a
green blade coming out filled with the earths engery
Telekinesis is essentially the ability to move an object on the physical plane using only psychic power. While some people think that it is an occult practice, this is not
strictly so. I can only give my perspective, but I believe that we are all born with this skill. It is inherent, like walking, talking, breathing. We simply neglect it from day
one. A common theory is that TK works by energy fields (magnetic or electric) or by "waves" of psychic energy which are actually dense enough to push/repel an
object or draw it inward. Most people's only encounter with TK is accidental- something mysteriously falls over or objects fly around a room, a phenomena often
mistaken for a poltergeist when it may actually be a person with spontaneous telekinetic powers. Anyone can harness their power and use it with the proper devotion.
Photons are the quantum, discrete quantity, of electromagnetic energy and a quantum of light. It is a unit or "particle" of electromagnetic radiation, carrying a quantum
of energy which is characteristic of the particular radiation. The energy of a photon is greater the shorter the wavelength--smallest for radio waves, increasingly larger
for microwaves, infra-red radiation, visible light and ultra-violet light. It is largest for x-rays and gamma rays. They have the ability to accumulate and amass photonic
particles to enhance light. Also, they have the ability to disperse photonic Particles to reduce and dim light. In advanced forms of this ability with much precision gained
a Photokinetic can localize light into small condensed or slightly dispersed ‘orbs’ o light. The manipulation of color, a quality of light, depending on its wavelength, can
produce influence over a colors dimension of hue, saturation, and brightness or lightness. Color is the property of an object which is dependent on the wavelength of the
light it reflects or, in the case of a luminescent body, the wavelength of the light it emits. If, in either case, this light is of a single wavelength, the color seen is a pure
spectral color (rainbow spectrum), but, if the light of two or more wavelengths is emitted, the color will be mixed creating more colors. White light is a balanced
mixture of all the visible spectral colors. Due to this manipulation Color Therapy is a possibility for Lumokinetic’s in which is system using specific color rays to treat
the body and mind, color therapy is based on the notion that organs and systems vibrate at certain frequencies. Lumokinetic’s via their electromagnetic influence and
influences over photons can also enhance the light and brilliance of fire. The electromagnetic fields raise the heat index and excite the flames while the accumulation of
photons enhances the luminescence of the fire.
Exercises and Techniques:
[ BEGINNER ] Generalized Illumination: Beginning techniques for photokinesis is a matter of realizing your surroundings and if you are in the right conditions to
engage your ability. If you can not at this point create an illuminating effect you might want to look around you as to why. For beginners make sure the area in which
you are practicing is already partially dim and try to only illuminate around yourself. If you are in a well lit area such as near a strong light source or in a much darkened
area this will not work for you. If the area is to dark you will not have enough photons or light to accumulates and pull towards you. Light sources should be no closer
to you then approximately three feet and make sure that it is not too bright. The more photons in the room the more you have to amass to illuminate. The less Photons or
light you have to amass the more difficult your exercise becomes. If this works for you then the next step is to attempt to illuminate a more condensed illumination or
attempt the illumination away from you instead of around you.
[ INTERMEDIATE ] Precision Illumination "Illuminated Orb": Advanced techniques for photokinesis would involve after accomplishing generalized illumination is
to now form the light accumulation to your liking through condensation. Here you will be forming a ball of light instead of just amassing light. To begin, the simplest
form to give this illumination is a circle. This technique requires precision in the accumulation of the photons as to give it correct form. Continue by increasing the
precision of the orb by complicating its design or form
The mental manipulation of shadow and yes, this is very much an actuality. Since in our reality shadow exists only with some consistency of light, this ability is a
brother to lumokinesis. Umbrakinesis is the manipulation of shadow by a means of emittion of a repulsive field and manipulation of obverse polarities causing the
repulsion of photons from each other or from the individual. When this repulsion is induced the dispersal of light dims the area to shadow. Umbrakinesis can be linked
in correlation to shadow travel, shadow + movement =’s a transference of energy or matter. Shadow travel is linked primarily to shamanic gifts, abilities that of a
Shaman. Though this is not a law, many external to any form of shamanic path can acquire this ability. More information on this ability is to come in time.
[ BEGINNER ] Generalized Dimming: Beginning techniques for umbrakinesis is a matter of realizing your surroundings and if you are in the right conditions to
engage your ability. If you can not at this point create a dimming effect or cast a shadow you might want to look around you as to why. For beginners make sure the
area in which you are practicing is already partially dim and try to only cast a shadow around yourself. If you are in a well lit area or near a strong light source this will
not work for you. Since a light source is required make sure it is no closer to you then approximately three feet and that it is not too bright. The more photons in the
room the more you have to repel to cast a shadow the more difficult your exercise becomes. If this works for you then the next step is to attempt to cast a shadow away
from you instead of around you.
[ INTERMEDIATE ] Precision Shadow Casting: Advanced techniques for umbrakinesis would involve after accomplishing the creation of a shadow to now form the
shadow to your liking. To begin, the simplest form to give a shadow is a circle. This technique requires preciseness in the repulsion of the photons in the end creating a
circular shadow. Continue by increasing the precision of the shadow by complicating its design or form.

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