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Gerund or infinitive?
I love speaking English.
Speaking Gerund I miss watching Pokemon.
Running Gerund
To eat Infinitive
Dancing Gerund
To play Infinitive
To sleep Infinitive
Watching Gerund
Swimming Gerund
To drive Infinitive
To live Infinitive
Cleaning Gerund
Gerund: when we have a verb + verb –ing. Infinitive: when we separate two verbs by the preposition
Admit – enjoy – avoid – finish – imagine – like – love – hate TO.
– miss – not mind. Plan – decide – want – choose – expect – forget –
remember – agree – hope – learn – would like, etc.

She enjoys walking in the morning. I planned to visit Argentina.

I admit going to the party last night. I am planning to celebrate Christmas in Piura.
I avoid eating French fries. I decided to buy a new laptop.
I finished working this morning. I want to learn English.
I imagine traveling to Dubai tomorrow. I want to travel to Germany.
I don`t imagine flying to Brazil. She chose to stay in Peru.
I like Ceviche. I would like to eat Ceviche.
I like eating Ceviche. She would like to lose weight.
I forgot to drive my car.
I`d like to visit my family.
I hope to finish Covid 19 soon.
I don`t want to drink juice.
She is planning to visit her brother next week.

I hope to travel to the Caribbean one day.

I would like to learn French.

I want to speak to my best friend today.

I would like to live in Brazil one day.

I am planning to buy a car this year.

She is planning to learn Portuguese next year.
She wants to go to Rio de Janeiro next year.
She is planning to join a gym next year.
She wants to go running three times a week.
She needs to visit her parents more.
She intends to get a new job next year.
She hopes to save money and buy and apartment
next year.
She hopes to meet someone nice next year.
I hope to meet someone nice next year.

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