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Class :- 5th
Time :- 02:30 Subject :- Science M.M. :- 70

Note :- All questions are compulsory:-

Question 1 :- Tick the correct answer:- 10
1. The most fertile layer of the soil is________________.
(a) Sub soil (b) Top soil (c) sandy soil
2. It is responsible for most of erosion of the top soil_______.
(a) Man (b) Grazing animals (c) Water
3. We can prevent soil erosion on hills sids by practicing.
(a) cmbankment (b) Terrace farming (c) Dams
4. Which one is a terrestrial plant.
(a) Ceriops (b) topegrass (c) cover crops
5. Walls of rocks and stones built on the banks of rivers is called ______.
(a) Dam (b) Band (c) Fence
Question 2 :- Write word meaning. 10
1. Environment -
2. Sand -
3. Different -
4. Matter -
5. Snow -
Question 3 :- Write ‘True’ OR ‘False’. 10
1. The top layer of the soil is fertile, soft and light.
2. Water, wind, men and animals are various argent of soil erosion.
3. Soil erosion makes the soil furtile.
4. Fence acts as barrier between the river banks.
5. Bund prevent rain water from washing away the top soil.
Question 4 :- Answer the following question. 20
1. Mention a property (characteristic) that all acid have.
2. What are synthetic materials name one.
3. What is a magnet.
4. What is a simple machine?
5. Where does heat comes from?

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