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Benedick Cruz

Career Guidance Module 1

Journal Reflection 1

As I stand on the brink of graduation, I reflect on my journey through senior high school, filled with a
sense of accomplishment and gratitude. The past four years have been a transformative period, shaping
me into the person I am today. I have discovered my passions, honed my skills, and developed a strong
sense of purpose.

My meaningful exit from senior high school will be marked by leaving a positive impact on my school
community. I will continue to foster connections and contribute to the vibrant atmosphere, leaving a
legacy of kindness and support.

Beyond the school walls, I aspire to make a positive difference in the world. I will use my knowledge and
skills to address pressing issues, striving to make a meaningful contribution to society. I envision myself
as a voice for the voiceless, advocating for those often overlooked.

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