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Goodevening each and Everyone

Hi! I am Sadira Yeong a 25 years old CEO and an entrepreneur and I am currently leading two
ventures at the same time. One would be an e- commerce platform, Malaysia first perfume
subscription and the second would be a subsidiary of a Singapore biotech company which is
listed in Australia. My entrepreneurial journey started when I was 16 years old. When I grew up
my family actually had financial problems. I started a blogshop and I would go from one class to
another, asking if there’s anyone who would love to purchase from me. Eventually the market
expanded from my highschool to people out of my highschool. I ran the business for about 2
years with no capital in hand and it actually generated about 4 to 5 figures back then. Through
entrepreneurship I get to challenge myself in terms of my mentality, my skill set and emotionally.
I was very fortunate to be the only Asian and the only woman who managed to make it to Top 5
and actually secured second place in a competition against 57 other countries in Germany.
Undeniably there are many different definitions when it comes to the term “success” but how I
define success personally is through my growth internally. There were a lot of trials and errors
and also failures where there are times that I thought of giving up. Some people have been come
up to my face and told me that my personality is unworthy of that position. Stating that my
achievements are all due to pure luck. To me luck is when opportunity meets with preparation
and I wouldn’t try to challenge or debate them because I know my actions and result will speak
louder than how I look. Age is just a number and it should never be a barrier but a fuel or a drive
to actually fullfil your position. When we are young . We are very fortunate to not have any
heavy commitment yet. I deem it as a very suitable time for us to challenge ourselves to go out of
our comfort zone and to explore different fields and gain as much experience as we can. I even
remember before going up to the stage there were thousands of audience there I was quite
concerned if people could not understand my accent . Despite having fear I know that the only
thing I can do is to overcome it is to just face it and to just confront it. Through a lot of
struggling and overcoming different challenges that have given me the confidence to be who I
am today. I have met people who come up to me, who share with me that they did not believe
they were able to achieve something because of their age or because they are a woman. I started
going to different universities and different private colleges to actually share about my journey
other than showing them what I have achieved on the surface. I also share with them what’s
happening behind the scenes. To let them know that behind every achievement there are a lot of
things, a lot of effort that goes behind the scenes that many people do not see. There are a lot of
things that would have to come in secondary for example, time spent with friends and even
sometimes family time. It is normal to have struggle despite someone might look very successful
on the surface. So I find it very fulfilling for me to show them that it is achievable if you think so
and if you start executing. Failures are bound to happen, it is okay to be afraid. It is okay to have
fear. I actually aspire to inspire more women out there to be brave and to stand up for what you
think is right in terms of your value system your rights and your beliefs. Again I am Sadira, I
am from Malaysia and I am the Asian Woman!!

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