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Q1: Millennials prefer texts & think it's a waste of the recipient's time to leave this, except

maybe to say happy birthday?

The crrect Answer is: voicemail

Q2: "in the meantime", it starts with "in" & describes a temporary baseball manager?

The crrect Answer is: interim

Q3: On "Celebrity Apprentice", stars leave the boardroom for good after hearing these 2
dreaded words?

The crrect Answer is: "you\'re fired"

Q4: "The Situation Room with" this anchor on CNN?

The crrect Answer is: Wolf Blitzer

Q5: "It had to be" this evergreen tree that is a homonym for a second-person-singular

The crrect Answer is: yew

Q6: Of the 7 hills of Rome, the one where Romulus & Remus were found?

The crrect Answer is: the Palatine

Q7: Palestine derived its name from this ancient people who lived in the region?

The crrect Answer is: the Philistines

Q8: Major League Soccer in the sun:The Milky Way orAndromeda?

The crrect Answer is: the Los Angeles Galaxy

Q9: It says you can't be forced to let soldiers live in your house?

The crrect Answer is: the Third Amendment

Q10: The spectacular opening number of this show is just one reason it won a Best Musical
Tony"It's the circle of life..."?

The crrect Answer is: <i>The Lion King</i>

Q11: A "bombilation" is this type of sound often heard near beehives?

The crrect Answer is: buzzing

Q12: Trader Vic is said to have created this cocktail that's made with rum & Curacao?

The crrect Answer is: a mai tai

Q13: It's what is done to air so it can power a jackhammer?

The crrect Answer is: compressed

Q14: This actress was quite ugly before her transformation in "Miss Congeniality"?

The crrect Answer is: Sandra Bullock

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