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User Stories Document

Digi Innov College of Engineering

Table of Contents
1. Login Page
2. Public Access
3. Home Page
4. Branches Page
5. Admission Process - Online Application Form
6. Admission Workflow
7. Finance Page
8. User Management (Optional)
9. Search Functionality
10. Contact Us

1.Login Page:
 As a user, I want to see a login page with username and password input fields.
 (Security) As a user, I want the system to securely hash passwords for
authentication. (Combines security aspect from previous versions)
 As a user, I want a "Forgot Password" option to recover my account.
 As a user, I want to receive a password reset link via email upon entering my
registered email address. (Combines clarity from both versions)
 As a user, I want to reset my password by clicking on the provided link in the
 As a user, I want to enter and confirm a new password that meets complexity
requirements (e.g., minimum length, combination of uppercase/lowercase letters,
numbers, and symbols). (Combines aspects from both versions)
 As a staff member, I want to be redirected to a dedicated dashboard upon
successful login.
 As a user, I want to see a generic error message on failed login attempts without
revealing specific login details.

2.Public Access:
 As a user, I want to access all public content without logging in.
 As a user, I want to be redirected to the login page or see an appropriate error
message for attempts to access restricted areas. (Combines aspects from both

3.Home Page:
 As a user, I want to see the college name, logo, and tagline prominently
displayed on the home page.
 As a user, I want a clear and user-friendly navigation menu with links to all major
sections of the website (e.g., About Us, Branches, Admissions, Contact Us).
 As a user, I want to view a hero section (banner or image) showcasing the
college's key offerings or achievements. (Content provided by client)
 As a user, I want to display a brief welcome message or introduction from the
college principal (Content provided by client).
 As a user, I want to include a section with a brief history of the college and its
founding members (Content provided by client).

4.Branches Page:
 As a user, I want to see a list of all offered branches (e.g., IT, Computer Science,
Mechanical, Civil, Electronics) on the Branches page.
 As a user, I want each branch listing to link to a dedicated page with detailed
information about that specific branch (e.g., course curriculum, faculty
 The branch page content can be static or dynamically generated from a database
depending on the chosen implementation.

5.Admission Process - Online Application Form:

 As a prospective student, I want to fill out an online application form to apply for
 As a user, I want the form to capture relevant student information like:
 Full Name
 Address
 Phone number
 Email address
 Date of Birth
 Desired Branch
 Educational Background (e.g., previous schooling details)
 As a user, I want form validation to ensure required fields are filled and data is
entered in a valid format (e.g., email format, phone number format).
 As a user, I want to upload required documents (e.g., transcripts, certificates) as
part of the application process. (Define allowed file formats and size limits)
 As a user, I want a confirmation message with a reference number upon
successful form submission.
 As a user, I want the option (optional) to download a copy of my submitted
application form for my records.
 As a user, I want to receive an email confirmation with the reference number
acknowledging receipt of my application.

6.Admission Workflow:
 As a staff member, I want to view and manage submitted applications.
 As a staff member, I want to search and filter applications based on various
criteria (e.g., branch, application date).
 As a staff member (optional), I want to schedule face-to-face interviews with
applicants and send them notification emails with interview details (date, time,
 As a staff member (optional), I want to conduct online assessments or exams for
applicants. (Define functionalities and integration requirements for online
 As a staff member, I want to make admission decisions (accept/reject) for
applicants after reviewing applications and conducting interviews (if applicable).
 As a user, I want to be notified of admission acceptance or rejection via email.
 As a user (optional), I want to track the status of my application using a reference
number and a secure login mechanism.

7.Finance Page:
 As a user, I want to see available payment methods for admission fees:
 Netbanking
 Credit Card
 Debit Card
Note: Cash payments should not be an option
 As a user, I want to make online payments for admission fees through a secure
payment gateway. (Define integration requirements with chosen payment
 As a user, I want to receive a confirmation email and a downloadable payment
receipt upon successful payment.

8.User Management (Optional):

 As a staff member, I want to create, edit, and manage my profile information
(Define profile information to be managed).
 As a staff member (optional), I want the system to implement a role-based
access control (RBAC) system to restrict access to functionalities based on user
roles (e.g., staff with different permission levels).

9.Search Functionality:
 As a user, I want to search for specific content across the website (e.g.,
programs, faculty information, news articles) using a search bar.
 As a user, I want clear and user-friendly search results displayed with relevant

10.Contact Us:
 As a user, I want to view the college's contact information, including:
 Phone number
 Email address
 Physical address
 As a user (optional), I want to submit inquiries or messages to the college via a
contact form.
 As a user (optional), I want to receive a confirmation email acknowledging receipt
of my contact form submission.

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