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to tu:

today tơ đề
anything é ni ting
been bi:n
all o
the tờ
weather qué tờ
great g reit
thinking tính king
eat ít
later lấy đờ
place p lây s
there te ơ
that tát
need ní đờ
half an hour háp phân nao ờ
shower sáo quơ
call me kho mì
I' ll ao
money mớ nei
hundred hấn trịt
thousand táo zân
the other tì ớ tờ
owe ôw
ran out rén nao
back bác
as soon as es xu nas
get gẹt
paycheck páy chẹk
a lot of a lo dov
already o ré đi
come on kóm mơn
help heo p
week quí kh
how much hao mất ch
serious sía ri ớt
another ờ nớ tờ
eight ấy t
possible pót sờ bồ
give gí v
promise p ró mịt s
that is tát dịt
only ốn li
city sí đi
California Kha la phoa nhà
Shorten it sho ình nịch
not as nóđạts
pretty p ri đi
several sé v râu
LA eo lê
mountain mao ình
vegetable véch tơ bồ
can khèn
can't khén t
two triu
too tíu
almost o mót st
always o weitz
also o sô
beautiful bíu di phu: a beautiful girl
fall pho
class k lát s k khạc mạnh
clean k lin k khạc mạnh
drive trai v tr nhẹ
drink trink tr nhẹ
dry trai tr nhẹ
try trai tr phun mạnh
tree tri tr phun mạnh
Job chop ch nhẹ
Jump chump
chocolate chok lợt
Vehicle ví ơ kồ motor vehicles
Island ai lần
colleague Kó li: g
recipe ré sơ pi công thức recipe books
comfortable kấmf tơ bồ
cuisine kqui zi:n
status s tei đợt
"th" t
thank you for helping me
they are friendly
i think you need to thank them
this costs thirty thousand dollars
what do you want to do today
i dont want to do anything
you ve been home all day today
the weather is great outside
what do you have in mind
we can go eat and later go shopping
i need some clothes
give me half an hour to get ready
call me when you re done
a lot of people ask me if it's possible to sound like a native speaker
a little ờ li đồ
you ll diu + ool
he ll hi + il
they ll tel
it 'll iul
we 'll queol
that ll tadel
computer kâm píu đờ
calculator káo kìu lầy đờ
I want to improve my English
exam ek zam
pizza pi:t zơ
school sku: ồ
beach bi: ch
height hai t
image í mịt dz
natural ná tr rờ
proccess prá: ses
access ác k ses
fashion fác sân
What's the date today?
the food is great
i: ý kéo dài
smile smai ồ
file fai ồ
tile tai ồ
while wai ồ
i watch TV while eating
there are many music files on my CD
she smiled at me because i'm handsome
mobile mô bồ
child chai ô
wild wai ồ
i have a two year old child
we like to camp in the wild
girl gơr ồ
curl kur ồ
world wơ rồ
there are ten girls in our class
are you about done
it's about time
i'm about to go
i'm not sure about that
think about it tinkờ bao địt
what is it about wat đi zịt đờ bao
exactly ek zac ly
exit ek zịt
excersie ek sơ sais
heart ho t a kind heart
hard ho d kéo dài
hurt hơ t
heard hơ d
bathroom ba: trum
bedthroom béd trum
phone phôn
beach bi: ch
was wơs
were quờ r
how much does it cost?
please call police po lis
want to wanna
twenty tweNy
whatever whatDever
interesting inTRISting
get out geDout
get on geDon
put up puDup
beauty beauDy
and i'll aNao
go to bed
eat, drink = having, get
cook = make
our o wờ
college kó lịch
movies what movie do you watch
theater tia đờ
graduate gar chiu ịt
tutor thu đờ
because= cuz
church ch mạnh
judge j nhẹ
*ly lì
*est ệst
tall to l
small s mo l
chatter nghiến my teeth chatter
numb tê and my fingers turn numb whenever the weather gets col
layer lớp i try to wear layer of clothes
satisfied thoải mái it seems that people are never satisfied
breeze gió thổi i am the happiest when there is a slightly cool breeze that
moisture độ ẩm the heat and moisture combine to make it uncomfortable
humid ẩm ướt

position pơ 'zi shơn you should put yourself in his or her position
race reis someone was running in a race
circumstance "sơ kơm stơns you would have to look at all the circumstances
assume ơ 'siu:m you couldn't just assume that they weren't friendly
perceive pơ 'si:v everyone perceives and feels things differently

underrated ấn đờ rây did bị đánh giá thấp

equator ik wei đờ đường xích đạo
solar time sô lar taim thời gian mặt trời
force lực lượng
sunburn sớn bơn bị cháy nắng
marine iguanas mờ rin i gơ nơs sư tử biển
interrupted in tơ rớp tid bị gián đoạn
Gala gá lơ dạ tiệc
sensitive sén si div nhạy cảm

absorb ơb zôr b hấp thu

be sinking bị chìm, bị hạ xuống
underneath ơn đờ ne th bên dưới
be stored d được lưu trữ

segregation sơ gri gấy shơn sự cách ly

interact in tơ akt tương tác, hòa đồng
the most diverse city đì vơ s đa dạng, phong phú
disintegrate dis in tơ grei tan rã

gossip ga sơp mách lẻo


resume ré zum mi. Rì zum lý lịch nghề nghiệp

essential i sén sồ Thiết yếu
abbreviate ạp rí vi ây rút gọn, viết tắt
liaise + các bộ phận khác li ấz liên kết, phối hợp
conduct + khóa học ngắn kần đất tổ chức
frustrated phớt strây did bực bội
nervous nớ vơs lo lắng
train + new đào tạo
lead + team dẫn dắt
shake hand firmly vững chắc

slouch đi nặng nề
offensive tấn công
attire ờ tai ơ trang phục
distract mất tập trung
proper thích hợp

pick up nhận
utilize jú di laiz sử dụng vào việc gì
peak pi:k cao điểm
under pressure ấn đờ pré sơ chịu áp lực
overzealous ô vờ zé lợs quá nhiệt tình
impressed ìm prés ấn tượng
impatient ìm pấy shờnt thiếu kiên nhẫn

fell through rơi xuống/ thất bại

made redudant làm dư thừa
short staffed không đủ người làm việc
initiate in ni si âyt dạy vỡ lòng

approve of ạp ru vọp phê duyệt

cut back on cất bác kon cắt giảm
have confidence in háv kấn phi đờn sin có niềm tin vào
budget for bất trít pho ngân sách cho

kitchen hand phụ bếp

flight attendant tiếp viên hàng không
hostess hố tis chủ quán

competitive edge kâm pé ti di vét dz lợi thế cạnh tranh

positive impact pó si div im pẹct tác động tích cực
prompt nhanh chóng
courteous kou di ợs lịch sự
punctual pấn chiu ôl đúng giờ
strive straiv phấn đấu
responsive đáp ứng

departing di pa:r ting khởi hành

queue kiu u xếp hàng
lorry ló ri xe vận tải
venue vé niu hội họp
instant ín tần tức thì
brand loyalty trung thành thương hiệu

sponsorship sự tài trợ

generate sale bán

recruitment rì ku mờnt tuyển dụng

legislation le gis lấy sờn luật
bonus scheme bơ nus skim chế độ thưởng
advertise internally ad vơ tái sing tớ nơ ly tuyển dụng nội bộ
occupational health and safa kiu pấy sờn nơ heoth sức khỏe và an toàn lao động

politician po li tí sân chính trị gia

unconvetional ân kần vén shơ nồ độc đáo
joke đùa
mayor mấy ơr thị trưởng
advocated ad vây kấy did ủng hộ
extrovert ek trô vờ hướng ngoại
humor híu mờ hài hước
ideal lý tưởng

reliable rì lái ơ bồ đáng tin cậy

inquisitive in kwi zi div tò mò
persistent pơ sis tơnt kiên trì
aggressive ờ gre siv tấn công

niche ni ch thích hợp

patent pat ơnt bằng sáng chế
reputation re py tấy sơn uy tín
clientele klai en tel khách hàng
analysis ớ na lơ sis phân tích
inadequate I ná di kwơt không đủ
mentoring cố vấn
motivated mố tơ veit động viên

raidly rá pịt ly nhanh chóng

economic stability i ko no mic stei bí li ti ổn định kinh tế
local economy lố kôl i ko no mi kinh tế khu vực

misdialed mis dai ô t nhầm lẫn số

camaraderie ka mơ rá đơ ri tình bạn

back up = support hỗ trợ

bring about = change gây ra sự thay đổi
bring off đưa ra
carry out = complete hoàn thành
set back = delay làm gián đoạn
take on = responsibility gánh vác
work out = resovle giải quyết
let down = break promise phá vỡ lời hứa

negotiage nơ go shi ag đàm phán

barbed wire fence barb wáiơ fens hàng rào dây thép gai
appreciate ạp rí si at đánh giá
visual aids phương tiện trực quan
sale figure seol figer doanh số bán hàng

fluctuate flơk chô at dao động

soar sôr tăng vọt

ramble rám bồ lan man

tardiness tar di niss chậm trễ
reticent ré dơ sơn kín đáo
minority mơ nố rơ di thiểu số
impartial im pár shồl công bằng
punctual pớn chu ồl đúng giờ
rude ru:d thô lỗ

attend ờ ténd tham gia

motion mou shơn chuyển động
wrap up rappup đúc kết
relevant re lơ vơnt liên quan
adjourned ad jour d tạm hoãn
declare di 'kle ơ tuyên bố

mass produced mas pro diud sản xuất hàng loạt

craftsmen's workshop xưởng thủ công

decline dì clái n từ chối
fluctuate flấk chiu ẹt thay đổi, chuyển động
interrupt in tơ rúpt làm gián đoạn
plummet plơ mịt dây chì
enever the weather gets cold

is a slightly cool breeze that comes along to refesh you

ne to make it uncomfortable sometimes

or her position

the circumstances hoàn cảnh, tình huống

they weren't friendly giả định
things differently nhận định
i: i kéo dài seat, need, meet ee, ea, ie
i ia it, sit i
u: u kéo dài food, cool, school oo
u ua book, good, look, cook oo
⋀ â but, cut, shut
Ə ơ the, a, about
e e bed, pet
ǣ ac back, black, bad
a: a dài far, father, park
ɔː o dài door, order, four, normal, naughty
ɒ o hot, not,
ɪə iaờ beer, here he drinks beer
eə eờ bear, hair
ʊə ua ờ sure, poor he is poor
eɪ ây play, day, name, same today is holiday
əʊ ơu so, go, slow, old, home, don't i dont go home
aɪ ai time
ɔɪ oi toy, boy
aʊ ao now, down, how
aɪə ai ờ fire, tired, desire
aʊə ao ờ hour, shower
juː iu you, new, use, menu
Unit 1 where do u come from
how are you
i am fine. Thank you
where are you form i come from London
i dont like football
why did you come here
i came for vacation are u having fun?
i am having a great time
what do u like the best about here
the people are very kind
the food is great
i love spicy food i can eat spicy food everyday
how much longer will u stay here i will stay 2 more days
i ll go home where do u work
i work for a big company what kind of company do you work for
what about you
i work at a bank Are u a bank teller?
i am the owner

Unit 2 Do you speak English

Excuse me. Are u American
Do u speak English
a Little. But not very well
How long have you been here
two months
what do u do for work
i am a student how about you
i am a student too

Unit 3 What 's your name

excuse me. What's your name
my name is Jessica. What's your
you speak english very well
thank you
do u know what time it is
sure it's five ten
what did u say
i said it's five ten
you're welcome

Unit 4 Asking direction

hi Michael
Hi Amy. What's up
i'm looking for the airport. Can u tell me how to get there
no sorry. i don't know
i think i can take the subway to the airpot. Do u know where the subway is
sure it's over there
where. I don't see it
across the street
oh, i see it now. Thanks
no problem
do u know if there's a restroom around here
yes. There's one here. It's in the store
thank you
bye bye

Unit 5 I'm hungry

Hi Sarah. How are you
Fine. How are u doing
What do u want to do
i'm hungry. I'd like to eat something
where do u want to go
i'd like to go to an Italian restaurant
what kind of Italian food. Do u like
i like spaghetti. Do u like spaghetti
no i don't, but i like pizza

Unit 6 Do u want something to drink

David Would u like something to eat
no i'm full
do u want something to drink
yes i'd like some coffee
sorry, i don't have any coffee
that's ok. I'll have a glass of water
a small glass or a big one
small please
here u go
you're welcome

Unit 7 That's too late

Mary, would u like to get something to eat with me
ok. When
at 10 o'clock
ten in the morning
no at night
sorry, that's too late. I ussally go to bed around ten
ok. How about one thirdty
no that's too early. I'll still be at work then
how about five
that's fine
ok. See u then
alright. Bye

Unit 8 Choosing a time to meet

Jenniffer, would u like to have dinner with me
Yes, that would be nice. When do u want to go
is today ok
sorry, i can't go today
how about tommorow night
ok. What's time
is nine alright
i think that too late
is six ok
yes, that's good. Where would u like to go
the Italian restaurant on street
oh, i don' like that restaurant, i don't want to go there
how about the Korean restaurant next to it
ok. I like that place

Unit 9 When do u want to go

Hi Mark
what are u planing to do today
i'm not sure yet
would u like to have lunch with me
yes, when
is eleven thirdty ok
sorry i didn't heard u, can u say that again please
i said eleven thirdty
oh, i'm busy then. Can we meet a little later
ok. How about twelve thirdty
ok. Where
how about bill's seafood restaurant
oh, where is that
it's on 7th street
ok. I'll meet u there

Unit 10 Ordering food

Hello sir. Welcome to the French Garden Restaurant. How many
Right this way. please Have a seat. your waitress will be with you in a moment
Hello sir. Would u like to order now
yes please
what would u like to drink
what do u have
will have bottle water, juice, and Coke
i'll have bottle of water please
what would u like to eat
i'll have a tuna fish sandwich and a bowl of vegetable soup

Unit 11 Now or Later

Christ, where are u going
i'm going to the store. I need to buy something
really. I need to go to the store too
would u like to come with me
yeah, let's go together
would u like to go now or later
now would be better
ok, let's go
should we walk
no, it's too far, let's drive

Unit 12 Do u have enough money

laura, what are u going to do today
i'm going shopping
what time are u leaving
i'm going to leave around four o'clock
will you buy a ham sandwich for me at the store
do u have enough money
i'm not sure
how much do u have
twenty five dollars. Do u think that's enough
that's not very much
i think it's ok. I also have to credit cards
let me give u another ten dollars
thanks. See u later

Unit 13 How have u been

hello Richard
hi Karen
How have u been
not to good
i'm sick
sorry to hear that
it's ok. It's not serious
that's good. How's your wife
she's good
is she in america now
no, she's not here yet
where is she
she's in Canada with our kids
i see. I have to go now. Please tell your wife i said hi
okie, i talk to u later
i hope you feel better

Unit 14 Introducing a friend

Robert. This is my friend. Mrs Smith
hi. Nice to meet u
nice to meet u too
Mrs Smith, what do u do for work
i'm a doctor
oh, where do u work
New York University hospital in new york city. What do u do
i' m a teacher
what do u teach
i teach english
where i don't see it
at a high school in New Yersey
that's nice. How old are u
i'm 32

Unit 15 Buying a shirt

Excuse me
hello sir, may i help u
yes, can i see that shirt on the top shelf please
sure, here it is
how much does it cost
fifty dollars
fifty dollars. That's too much
how about this one? It's on sale for only 35 dollars.
i don't like that one
how about the one next to the black gloves. It's very similar to the one u like
that's nice. How much is it
thirdty dollars
that'll be fine
is this color ok. or would you like a different color
that blue one's fine
do u need any more of this shirt
how many do u want
i'll take to more, a red one and a white one

Unit 16 Asking about location

excuse me. I am looking for the holiday inn. do u know where it is
sure, it's down this street on the left
is it far from here
no it's not far
how far is it
about a mile and a half
how long does it take to get there
five minutes or so
is it close to the subway station
yes it's very close. the subway station is next to the hotel
you can walk there
thanks a lot
phát âm ed

t, d id wanted, waited, voted, visited, blended, resided

p s sh ch k f t looked, kicked, asked, hoped, clapped, laughed, danced, kissed, wished,
bmnyver l d played, lived, called saved

phát âm 've 's

i ve ai v
we ve wi v
he s hi s

phát âm x, ex, xt
x k+s box, fix, six tax
ex ek + s excellent, exciting, explain,
xt ek +s +t next, text

responsible for Ving

deal with's N
involve Ving

How about/What about Ving

Suggest/ recommend Ving

shall we/ Should/ let's/ why don't we V (inf)

Still (vẫn còn) hành động/ tình huống vẫn còn tiếp diễn, chưa kết thúc, chưa thay đổi
not …anymore (ko còn) hành động/ tình huống đã thay đổi

Yet (vẫn chưa) chờ đợi hành động nào đó sẽ xảy ra. Dùng trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi. Dùng ở thì Present Perf
Already (rồi) việc xảy ra sớm hơn dự định
ed, visited, blended, resided wei did, vô did, vi zịt did
d, hoped, clapped, laughed, danced, kissed, wished, lút t, kik t, as t, hốp t, klép t, lápf t
i called you ai call "ch you"

exciting, explain,

tiếp diễn, chưa kết thúc, chưa thay đổi

ảy ra. Dùng trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi. Dùng ở thì Present Perfect
good morning
good afternoon
good evening
good night
how are you
how's it going
i'm fine. Thank you
not bad
i'm very good
not well
see you later
and you andju
what have you been up to
not much
i've been very busy
nice to meet you
see you soon
see you tommorrow
take care
thank you
thank you very much
you're welcome
excuse me

Could I take a message

would you like to leave a message

be away on bussiness đi công tác

be out of town on bussiness

I'll just doulble check that

that's ok with me
that's fine with me
yes, that'll be good

sorry, I can't make it then

sorry, I'm afraid I can't do it
could we reschedule

just a moment. I'll tranfer you

his line is busy at the moment. Do u mind waiting
he's not avaiable at the moment. Could I take a messeage
there's no one here by that name. I think you must have misdialed

you can't be serious

I 'll help you if u like

no, thanks. I think I can do it/ I should be ok
sure. That'd be great/ That would be a big help

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