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In recent years, research into the autism spectrum has grown in leaps and bounds.

It is now estimated that between 1 in 80 and 1 in 240 with an average of 1 in 110 children in the United States have some form of autism. It is reported to occur in all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups, yet is on average of 4 to 5 times more likely to occur in boys rather than girls. If 4 million children are born in the United States every year, approximately 36,500 children will eventually be diagnosed with autism. Assuming the prevalence rate has been constant over the past two decades, we can estimate that about 730,000 total individuals between the ages of 1 and 21 are living with some form of autism. All this statistics and facts are nothing if not daunting. They show us that autism is a new epidemic that has swept the nation and world with its debilitating effects. These facts have led us to want to spear head a movement here in the St. Louis Metro Area towards more knowledge and acceptance of people with this disease. We have created the St. Louis Metro Autism Forum for this very reason. On April 14, 2012 on the campus of Washington University in the Occupational Therapy Auditorium. We will meet to hear from 5 highly educated and respected figures from the autism research and education fields. The forum is completely open to the public. Parents or relatives with loved ones living with autism, professionals that work in various fields concerning autism, and individuals who are just interested in learning more about autism in general are all welcome to attend. We will be sharing a wealth of information through our topics including talking about Autism Health Insurance legislation as well as AfricanAmericans and Funding Sources for Special Needs. All these people and topics will come together to act as a pooling area for research and knowledge about autism. This is the second annual meeting for the St. Louis Metro Autism Forum and the Washington University Program in Occupational Therapy once again sponsors us. There are also many other generous contributors that have provided us with items and services for the Forum. Any company or person that would like to help us put on this information event would be greatly appreciated and can do so by contacting Janice Gregory. As a sponsor, you would be mentioned in every handout that will be given out at the Forum. Any types of donations or sponsorship ideas that you may have to contribute to this cause would be greatly appreciated by everyone involved. Parents and families that deal with autism face hardships everyday because of it. Allow us to act a conduit for you to reach those people and let them know, as well as the community, that you care and want to help. The autistic community is one that is greatly overlooked by corporations as contributing people in society. There is this vast group of people who can complete many tasks who are overlooked by society as being less-than. We want to help change that and, together, we can move forward into a world where people with autism do not have to worry about how they will survive and their families wont have to worry about how their loved ones will make it in the world. Come together with us to move forward in autism awareness, treatment, and acceptance. Come be part of the St. Louis Autism Forum on April 14, 2011 on the campus of Washington University. Spend from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM learning about this important subject and networking with like-minded individuals.

These experts working together will provide a wealth of information for anyone willing to come and experience this forum. Together, we can better the St. Louis area, the country, and the world. All statistics pulled from

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