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Kharisma Sofi Febiana – FB21B (2021220003)

Tugas 4 : Change into passive voice

1. Terry is writing an article (1) 1. An article is being written by Terry
2. (Our Janitor) cleans this room everyday (3) 2. This room is cleaned by our Janitor everyday
3. Edward prepared that party (5,6) 3. That Party was prepared by Edward
4. They plant rice and vegetable (3,4) 4. Rice and Vegetable are planted by them
5. They close the rooms at five in the evening (3,4) 5. The rooms are closed by the, at five in the evening
6. Sarah can post those letters tomorrow morning (14) 6. Those letters can be posted by Sarah tomorrow morning
7. Jenny can remember these facts in five minutes (14) 7. These facts can be remembered by Jenny in five minutes
8. My friend has fixed the engine (8,9) 8. The engine has been fixed by my friend
9. Jane usually prepares the meeting (3,4) 9. The meeting is usually prepared by Jane
10. Anne wrote the article (5,6) 10. The Article was written by Anne
11. Timothy was repairing my watch (10,11) 11. My watch was being repaired by Timothy
12. The workers have used the machines for 5 years (8,9) 12. The machines have been used by the workers for 5 years
13. A mason paints our house every two years. (3,4) 13. Our house is painted by a mason every two years
14. (You) must handle this problem as soon as possible. (13) 14. This problem must be handled by you as soon as possible
15. The police arrested Brandon for stealing a motorcycle (5,6) 15. Brandon was arrested by the Police for sealing a motorcycle
16. My maid does all of the household (3,4) 16. All of the household are done by my maid
17. They are selling the fruits cheaply (1) 17. The fruits are being sold by them cheaply
18. (You) still can improve the speed of your car (14) 18. The speed of your car still can be improved by you
19. Mrs. Smith teaches the children music (3,4) 19. The children are taught music by Mrs. Smith
20. The Syailedra family built Borobudur almost 2000 years ago (5,6) 20. Borobudur was built by the Syailedra family almost 2000 years ago
21. Our government will renovate Monas soon (12) 21. Monas will be renovated by our government soon
22. A storm had destroyed some house 22. Some house had been destroyed by a storm
23. We have to manage our time wisely 23. Our time have to be managed by us wisely
24. They did not mention my name in the meeting 24. My name was not mentioned by them in the meeting
25. Ashley will not perform a hula dance 25. A hula dance will not be performed by Ashley

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