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At the present day, mobile phone is one of the most vital innovation

which contributes many benefits to human. To begin with, mobile phone

is very small and convenient. It is portable so that people can put it in
their pocket or bag and bring it with them to anywhere. Moreover,
mobile phone makes the mode of communication easier and cheaper. As
just by pressing some keys on mobile, we can contact with our friends,
family... It allows us to stay in touch with others by texting message,
video calls even when they are miles away from home. Education is
another major advantage of mobile phone. It provides the tools to
research information, organize homeworks or acquire knowledge on
various websites. In epidemic, most of students use mobile phone to
attend online class with the proper study material that can be in the form
of image, pdf, photos. Last but not least, mobile phone is undoubtedly
one of the best sources of entertainment. There is a multitude of things
you can do such as surfing the internet, watching youtube, reading books
or comics, as well as listening to music. You can never get bored if you
own a mobile phone. By and large, mobile phone still plays an important
role in people’s lives and can not be irreplaceable.

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