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The Rise of Bite-Sized Content

In the ever changing prospect of digital content consumption, short form-video
content has taken centre stage and are here to stay. Platforms such as Instagram Reels,
Youtube Shorts, Snapchat Spotlight etc., have revamped the way we consume and
create digital media. This blog tries to explain why short form video- content will
continue to rule the roost and its implications for content creators, marketers and
consumers alike.

The Rise of Short- Form Video:

Short-form video has experienced tremendous growth in recent years, spurred by
progress in technology, dictating consumer preferences and the trickling down of
social media platforms to everyone with a phone and having access to the Internet.
For instance, Instagram is slated to reach over 1.4 billion users worldwide by 2024. Its
success has prompted other platforms like Youtube, Snapchat to launch their own
short-video features, thus outlining the format’s popularity.

This chart shows the number of Instagram users worldwide from 2020-25

Engagement and Attention:

One of the prime reason for the dominance of short-form video-content is its ability to
tap into and capture the audience’s attention. At a time, where attention spans are
shorter than ever, short-form videos offer crisp and easily consumable format that
resonates with users.

Creativity and Innovation:

These platforms offer the creators a free hand to showcase their talent, humour and
other skills in a matter of few seconds. The format’s limitations like a stipulated time-
frame and limited editing tools enable the creators to think outside the box.

Accessibilty and Shareabilty;

Another key factor contributing to the dominance of short-video platforms is its
accessibility and shareability. With an increasing number of smart phone users and
people having access to the Internet, anyone can create and share with just a few taps.
This has almost levelled the playing field for everyone, as anyone can cater to the
global audience without having to spend on expensive equipment.

Marketing Opportunities:
Brands with the help of platforms can humanize their brand, showcase products or
services or engage with consumers on a personal level. Brands can also create
relatable, authentic that connects with their target audience and drives meaningful
engagement conversations and engagement.

For instance, according to a report conducted by Meta GWI in 2023, it was found that
47% of the surveyed consumers discovered products through Instagram’s Reels

In toto, short-form video content platforms are here to stay. Its ability to resonate,
captivate and entertain audience makes it a powerful tool for creators, marketers and
consumers alike. We can expect short-form video content to be at the forefront of
digital media for years to come.

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