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Communication, vital for human interaction, adapts with technology, like the Internet and

electronic devices, facilitating instant global connections. While these innovations broaden
outreach and speed up communication, challenges like information overload and interpersonal
detachment crop up.

In a tech-free world, communication reverts to traditional forms like verbal, written, and visual
methods. Long-distance communication and widespread information dissemination prove
challenging. Additionally, the absence of technology exacerbates linguistic and cultural barriers,
hindering communication across diverse regions and social groups.

In the digital age, society undergoes significant transformations with rampant online
disinformation undermining trust in traditional news and limiting access to varied information.
This unregulated digital environment poses risks of reduced oversight over political and
economic realms, potentially fostering corruption. To tackle these threats, fostering digital
literacy and critical thinking is essential for upholding democratic principles and navigating
evolving media dynamics.

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