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Our beliefs about money control how we are able to accept it into our lives. Our beliefs come from
our parents, friends etc.
Using the controls helps us look at it from a different perspective, remove our blocks, thereby
changing our beliefs and enabling the flow.
Think about what limiting beliefs you have about money and would like to change, then make a
commitment to self and change them.


What are some of your limiting beliefs about financial abundance? It is most important to
really think about this and identify those that no longer serve you. Pay attention to how you
speak about financial abundance, do you make negative comments? Get rid of them, delete
them from your mind, erase them so that you can create space 520 for new beliefs that will
allow you to bring financial abundance into your now reality. You can also say an affirmation
such as...I am now free from limiting beliefs and allow financial abundance into my life. I am
wealthy. Use your own words.......

We have begun to create space by concentrating on 520,
Now we will add 71427321893 to fix our financial situation. You can also add your birthdate in
front of it to make it more powerful. With this number you can write it on yourself, on paper,
your business card etc. You can visualize it, illuminate it, bring it to your body and wrap
yourself in it. Feel the vibration. Illuminate number daily while wearing this number.

Exercise3 part one

We have begun to create space by concentrating on 520, added 71427321893 to fix our financial
situation. Now is a good time to accept abundance 318 798 and think about your flow, where does
your money go, who does it go to? It's important to realize that we are not meant to hoard money nor
material possessions.
Imagine a river of money you are standing on the riverbank and see that there is a never
ending flow of Cash Flow 318 612 518 714. Take as much as you desire. As money comes
in we are grateful, as money is spent be grateful.
Write these numbers on a piece of paper and carry in your wallet. View, say and illuminate
these numbers as often as you want.

Exercise3 part two

While you were standing on the riverbank watching the river full of money flow by, how much did
you get? A Handful, did you Fill your pockets? A bucket full? A large sack? Filled the trunk of your
car? Pay attention to what you imagined because therein lies your truth as to your belief about
worthiness to receive money. Whether you grab a lot due to fear of scarcity or grabbed just enough
because you know there is plenty more.

We have decided to create space by concentrating on 520, added 71427321893 to fix our financial
situation. accepted abundance 318798 and cash
flow318 612 518 714, now believe and feel that everything is possible 519 7148!
Today take a shower or bath and imagine the numbers, illuminate them in the water
surrounding your body and feel their vibrations! It is most exhilarating!

Time to make a list of your finance network, your money flow line. List all that will benefit from
your abundance. Bank, Grocery store, gardener, cleaners, etc..... Include all, we are all
connected, as you prosper see all prosper. Rescue and Harmonious development.

We have decided to create space by concentrating on 520,
added (birthdate) 71427321893 to fix our financial situation. accepted abundance 318 798
and cash flow318 612 518 714,
believe and feel that everything is possible 519 7148 allow plenty of money 619 714 21951 into our
life, release doubt 819 498 21931 so that we allow ourselves to have a money consciousness
915777657456189 and achieve all that we desire for all people and ourselves 894 7197848.
Macro Salvation 319817318

Thank you for participating in these exercises, you can add any other abundance or finance
numbers of your choice, personalize this into a paragraph, put all numbers into a sphere and
concentrate, illuminate hold for at least 1 min. Use whatever control you feel guided to use.
My choice is imagination, very powerful!

Remember YOU are the creator of your life so write your own script for your movie! Wish you much
success! Most important don't give up, as you might just be a day away from your

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