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What is virtual human?

Before 18 century humans didn’t know the cause of disease until the germ theory
discovered which means disease is caused by micro-organisms then people
started to figure out how to cure the disease. Then through time people started
finding cures for disease in a way
1. some were by accident like
 Alexander Fleming founding penicillin and doctor
 Gebisa Ejeta finding a cure for bilharzia.
2. And some were through a long process of testing and researching which
takes years and a lot of funding

Then in the 19s there were more scientists finding new cures for different
diseases and wanted to test them on real humans and that led to a disaster.
Cause the medicine curing probability was too low and the people chosen to test
the cure were forced by the governments based their race or another cover up.
For example in the world war America tested deadly gas only on black soldiers,
also Russia tested poison on prisoners and most of European countries were
involved in this unhuman activity.
Even in recent times when covid 19 vaccine found most European countries
suggested to test it on Africans, also the cost of finding covid 19 vaccine was in
hundreds of billions totally and more than 45 000 people used to test and most of
them affected by it.

We will see the current technological advancement with…..

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