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This power is a combination of two physical disciplines.

Its level is equal to the one with

lower level. It costs 25 experience points to learn, and 1 blood point + 1 willpower point per

Tenacity ( Fortitude + Potence) This power lets kindred utilize the power of their blood and
the stasis of undeath to further increase their strength and resilience.
•Iron Muscles Once per scene, a vampire can turn her strength die into automatic successes
for the number of half her fortitude rounded up.
••Unmovable Stance Increase the difficulty of all attempts to push/knock the vampire down
while she remains standing in place. Lasts for a scene.
•••Strength of Atlas Add fortitude to a resisted strength roll and use it as automatic
successes up to a draw, if the amount of fortitude exceeds the successes required, the extra
fortitude successes are ignored. If they are not enough, potence may be added as automatic
successes as well, with any potence dots above the amount required for a draw being
treated as if they were strength dots in that roll.
••••Hardness of Vitae Once per combat add half the potence rounded up as additional soak
die. Costs one additional Blood Point.
•••••Greater Resilience Ignore wound penalties for as many turns as the Vampire has
permanent Willpower.

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