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Laura Hernandez

Professor Shahrazad Encinias

CAS 113A

8 March 2024

The Power of Tears

“Tengo la teoria de que cuando uno llora nunca llora por lo que llora, sino por todas las

cosas que no lloró en su debido momento” by Mario Benedetti, Mario Benedetti's quote invites

us to reflect on the meaning of crying and how this act can be much more than a simple

expression of sadness or immediate pain. On many occasions, we cry not so much because of the

immediate cause of our tears, but because of all the emotions accumulated over time, for all the

times we have held back and repressed our feelings. It's as if each tear is a reflection of all the

times we didn't cry when we needed to, all the times we refused to be vulnerable, all the times

we stayed silent for fear of judgment or weakness.

Crying can be a release, an act of authenticity and courage as we accept our deepest

emotions and allow ourselves to feel them fully. Holding in our emotions can lead to a buildup of

emotional distress that eventually needs to be released. Like a dam that holds back water, there

comes a point when the emotional pressure becomes too intense and tears become the necessary

escape valve to relieve that built-up tension.

Crying is not a sign of weakness, quite the opposite. It is an act of courage and

authenticity by allowing ourselves to be vulnerable and show our deepest emotions. It is

accepting our pain, our difficult experiences and recognizing our humanity in all its complexity.

Through crying, we can heal, release repressed emotions and find comfort in the expression of

our most intense experiences. It is a reminder of our ability to feel and connect with our own
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humanity, as well as that of others. Instead of being ashamed of our tears, we should celebrate

them as a testament to our strength and our ability to face and overcome life's challenges.

Mario Benedetti's quote makes me think about crying differently. It's not just about what's

making me cry at the moment, but all the emotions we've bottled up over time. Each tear

represents all the times we've held back, stayed silent, or avoided vulnerability. Crying isn't a

sign of weakness, but of courage and authenticity. It's a release valve for the emotional pressure

we've built up inside. By allowing ourselves to cry, we acknowledge our pain and humanity.

Through tears, we heal and connect with others. So instead of hiding our tears, let's celebrate

them as a testament to our strength and resilience.

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