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Credit Card Refunds

A credit card refund is when you report to your bank that a transaction on your
credit card was invalid for some reason and the credit card company disputes the
charge(s) and refunds the payment.
Heres the guide:

(Physical Spending):#1. Go to whichever physical store you'd like (stick to one)

and purchase shit up to like around $1,000. Makesure to avoid security cameras,
wear like a covid mask so we can't see your entire face for example.
Payments that will require you to present ID in hand are risky and will not work
for this method.
Make sure that these purchases at this location will not be linked to you by an
account or anything like this.
#2. Wait 4 hours or so, then give your bank a call.
#3. Call them and tell them that you've been out on business all day long and you
just realized that your wallet was missing.
Mention you just checked your bank account and its showing that someone spent
however much money at a store.
Tell the bank that this is NOT you and that the person who stole your credit card
must have made the transactions.
#4. Your may ask you some questions about how long ago you noticed your card
missing, etc. Just tell them that you just noticed it was not with you.
#5. The bank will go ahead and put a freeze on your credit card. From there, they
will dispute the transaction and refund you for the amount you spent that was
#6. Wait a couple days to get a new credit card in the mail. This is the main

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