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Put the words below into the correct category. Some may go in more than one box.

Letter Noun Adjective Verb

chair fall laugh child go look green greet light goal Germany cheerful house
Fiona creation hair hairy fight fearful Christopher low funny Lithuania grow
feel high feelings China hurt lift check happy Lena friend chicken lamp childish
create great France church German ladder friendly Chinese graceful lane hurry
cage help lake Gary fry choose Lithuanian flight Hungary grey lazy carnivore
French learn fried large Hungarian carry helpful hunt forgetful choice good
luxurious goose carnivorous hut garden fly lose close Harriet happiness grateful

Many words can have noun, adjectival and verb forms. Decide which is which and write N, A or V

1) decide V decisive A decision N 5) flighty __ fly __ flight __

2) thoughtful __ thought __ think __ 6) to demand __ demanding __ a demand __

3) use __ useful __ use/usage __ 7) just __ justify __ justification __

4) reality __ realise __ realisation 8) a marvel __ to marvel __ marvellous __

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