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Periodontology 2000, Vol. 64, 2014, 7–19 © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved PERIODONTOLOGY 2000

Modifiable risk factors in

periodontitis: at the intersection
of aging and disease
M A R K A. R E Y N O L D S

Chronic diseases are the primary cause of disability and 40% reduction in mortality of these patients during a
death worldwide (101). Approximately 50% of adults in 7.1-year follow up when compared with control subjects
the USA have one or more chronic conditions (165), matched for age, sex and body mass index at baseline.
paralleling the prevalence of periodontitis (48). Cardio- Cause-specific mortality in the surgery group decreased
vascular diseases (heart disease and stroke), cancer, by 56% for coronary artery disease, by 92% for diabetes
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and type 2 and by 60% for cancer (1). Other investigators have
diabetes are among the most prominent chronic reported similar health benefits following bariatric sur-
diseases (12). These chronic conditions are linked by gery in obese individuals (143).
common and preventable biological risk factors (such This volume of Periodontology 2000 examines the role
as high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and of modifiable risk factors in periodontitis and other
overweight) and behavioral risk factors (such as an chronic inflammatory diseases. Current evidence is pre-
unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and tobacco use). sented on the complex role of oral bacterial communi-
Moreover, age-related diseases often occur in combina- ties and viral infection, particularly cytomegalovirus, in
tion with other chronic conditions, particularly among the etiology and pathogenesis of periodontitis. Suscepti-
the elderly, strongly implicating common underlying bility to periodontitis and other inflammatory diseases
risk factors (57). The presence of multiple chronic con- appears to change in response to complex interactions
ditions, or comorbidities, is one of the most important of genetic, environmental and stochastic factors
predictors of increased health costs, hospitalization throughout the lifespan. Many modifiable risk factors,
and adverse health-related outcomes, including mor- such as depression and cigarette smoking, contribute to
tality (31, 130, 150, 152, 160, 173). Rheumatoid arthritis, increases in systemic markers of inflammation and
for example, is associated with a 1.5-fold increase in modify gene regulation through a variety of biologic
mortality associated with cardiovascular disease (7), mechanisms (e.g. epigenetic modifications). Therefore,
when compared with the general population. Among periodontitis and other inflammatory diseases share
patients with diabetes, the comorbidity of depression is many common modifiable risk factors, such as tobacco
associated with increased utilization of health-care ser- smoking, psychological stress and depression, alcohol
vices and increased mortality (75). Such evidence high- consumption, obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome
lights the significant impact of modifiable risk factors and osteoporosis. Evidence is reviewed on the potential
on health as well as the resulting burden of multiple roles of diet, nutrition and anti-inflammatory drugs in
chronic conditions on health-related outcomes. reducing the risk for chronic disease. An understanding
Multiple genes acting together and in response to the of modifiable risk factors is essential for clinical practice.
environment appear to underlie susceptibility to many
chronic, noncommunicable, diseases. Health-care pro-
viders and programs targeting modifiable risk factors, Burden of chronic diseases
such as smoking and obesity, therefore have the poten-
tial to significantly improve the risk profiles for common In the USA, chronic diseases account for 7 out of 10
diseases and also life expectancy. In a retrospective deaths each year (81). Recent estimates indicate that
cohort study of 9,949 patients who had undergone gas- nearly 25% of adults have multiple chronic conditions
tric bypass surgery for obesity, Adams et al. (1) found a (165). Cardiovascular disease (heart disease and


stroke) and cancer are responsible for more deaths Aging: inflammation and disease
annually (over 50%) than any other major causes of
death (120). In 2010, health care and related expenses Aging is associated with declines in mental and physi-
for cardiovascular disease were over $500 billion (87); cal health as well as with increases in the risk of
direct medical costs associated with cancer were esti- chronic disease, including atherosclerosis, cancer,
mated at $124.6 billion (94). Direct health-care costs diabetes and periodontitis (33, 48, 59, 142). Aging is
resulting from chronic diseases comprise about 75% also associated with elevations in systemic markers of
of health-care expenditures, and, among older adults, inflammation (142). Human longevity and healthy
chronic diseases account for almost 95% of expenses aging show moderate heritability, with estimates
for health care (66). ranging from 20 to 50% (164). Multiple genes proba-
The majority of noncommunicable diseases are bly mediate the aging process through different bio-
attributable to preventable behavioral, metabolic and logical processes and environmental interactions (45,
environmental risk factors (6). Estimates from the 164). Although the genetic, molecular and cellular
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey events that underlie aging are not fully understood
(2009–2010) indicate that nearly 50% of adults have (142), inflammation is widely considered as a central
one or more risk factors for cardiovascular disease in component (32, 33).
the USA (101). The risk of heart disease and stroke The free-radical theory of aging provides a robust,
closely parallel the cumulative burden of risk factors mechanistic model of aging and age-related disease
(15, 88–90). Estimates suggest that nearly 50% of all (63). Oxidative stress was initially conceptualized as
cancers are attributable to infection and chronic the cellular and molecular consequence of reactive
inflammation (68, 129, 165) or to excess body weight oxygen species, or free radicals, exceeding normal
and a sedentary lifestyle (21, 99). Many of these com- metabolic antioxidant defense mechanisms (61).
mon, preventable risk factors appear to modify the Reactive nitrogen species, which also serve normal
development of periodontitis. physiologic functions, are regulated within the same
The National Health and Nutrition Examination or similar homeostatic defense mechanisms (171).
Survey (2009–2010) revealed that over 47% of the The free-radical theory of aging postulates that the
population, representing 64.7 million adults, has peri- accumulation of free radicals contributes to cellular
odontitis. For adults ≥65 years of age, 64% exhibited damage and the development of pathologic disorders.
either moderate or severe periodontitis (48). Epidemi- Inflammation is one of the manifestations of oxida-
ologic and experimental data strongly indicate that tive stress.
cigarette smoking (158) and diabetes mellitus (114) Chronic inflammation is associated with the pro-
are major risk factors for periodontitis. Increases in duction of free radicals, which can result in oxidative
the prevalence of overweight and obesity forecast damage to DNA and to other cellular components
rises in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (120). (67), resulting in loss of function and cell death (34).
Obesity and concomitant comorbidities, including Neutrophils and macrophages produce reactive oxy-
diabetes mellitus and periodontitis, are associated gen and nitrogen species, such as superoxide and
with a state of low-grade inflammation (121). Evi- nitric oxide, in response to phagocytosis and ligands
dence supports the presence of bidirectional relation- of pattern recognition receptors (27, 29, 30, 50, 92).
ships among obesity, diabetes mellitus, and other Free radicals appear to play an important role in the
chronic conditions, including periodontal diseases tissue destruction associated with chronic inflamma-
(154). The treatment of periodontal disease has been tion, including periodontal diseases (27).
associated with improved glycemic control in patients The prevalence and severity of periodontitis
with type 2 diabetes (83, 141). In a recent 3-year longi- increases with age – older adults are more likely to
tudinal study, the average number of hospitalizations have moderate or severe periodontitis compared with
and physician visits, as well as overall medical expen- younger adults (48). The number of chronic condi-
ditures, were shown to be significantly lower for dia- tions (multimorbidity) observed in adults also
betic patients with periodontitis who received increases with age (128), consistent with a possible
periodontal therapy compared with those with peri- link between inflammation and age-related diseases.
odontitis who failed to undergo appropriate peri- The levels of inflammatory mediators generally exhibit
odontal care (71). Such evidence underscores the an age-related increase, even in the absence of acute
potential clinical significance of periodontitis as a co- infection or other sources of physiologic stress (142).
morbid disease in health-related outcomes. Several lines of evidence indicate that interleukin-6

Modifiable risk factors in periodontal disease

is a central mediator of systemic inflammation, regu- eliciting activation of different downstream signal-
lating the body temperature set point and the acute- transduction cascades. Thus, P. gingivalis possesses
phase response (54). Circulating interleukin-6 is the capacity to differentially modulate the immune–
detectable within 1 h after surgery or accidental inflammatory response (64, 80, 126, 173). Therefore,
injury (18), and higher levels of interleukin-6 are cor- having an understanding of the composition and
related to poorer outcome (146). Elevations in inter- development of oral bacterial communities is critical
leukin-6 and in other serum markers of for developing novel treatment strategies.
inflammation have been associated with increased The oral bacterial microbiome includes over 700
mortality in community-dwelling elderly adults different phylotypes, with approximately 400 species
(123). Therefore, biomarkers of systemic inflamma- found in subgingival plaque (111, 112). Despite this
tion may provide important insight into aging and bacterial diversity, nearly half of the phylotypes can
into the onset, progression and therapeutic out- be present at any one time in any one individual
comes of age-related diseases and conditions. Recent (108). Palmer (108) provides an in-depth review of
advances in our understanding of the etiology and factors impacting the composition and development
pathogenesis of periodontitis have helped to identify of oral bacterial communities, which undergo
biologic pathways underlying the effects of modifi- changes in structure during the onset and progres-
able risk factors on susceptibility to periodontitis and sion of periodontal disease. This author critically
other common chronic diseases. reviews factors, such as bacterial adherence, cell–cell
binding and interorganismal interactions, which are
thought to contribute to alterations in the local envi-
Periodontitis: etiology and ronment and the initiation and progression of dis-
pathogenesis ease. New strategies for the prevention and control of
periodontal diseases will emerge from a better under-
Bacterial biofilms constitute the major etiologic factor standing of the microbial factors responsible for path-
underlying the initiation of periodontal inflammation ogenicity.
and, presumably, the progression of periodontitis. Clinical and experimental evidence shows that
Biofilms are normally complex and appear to provide viruses can directly affect the homeostasis of micro-
individual cells with many ecological advantages, bial populations as well as modulate the host
including environmental protection, nutrients, meta- response to bacterial biofilms. Phages are known to
bolic cooperation and the acquisition of new genetic significantly affect microbial community composition
traits (43, 65). The specific role of individual bacterial in many ecological niches, including the gut (148).
pathogens in contributing to the susceptibility to Phages appear to play a crucial role in the evolution,
periodontitis remains unclear; however, recent stud- diversity and abundance of bacteria in ecosystems (8,
ies reveal a high level of communication and micro- 148, 149). Recent culture-independent studies of the
bial interaction that direct the maturation of a microbial and viral communities in cystic fibrosis air-
distinct community structure. This community struc- way infections suggest that complex ecological, evolu-
ture is often characterized by a shift in biofilm com- tionary and temporal pressures shape these
position in disease (38). There is growing evidence communities (36). Conrad et al. (36) hypothesize the
that certain low-abundance microbial pathogens existence of two major functional communities – a
induce inflammatory disease by transforming a nor- transient viral and microbial population that induces
mally benign microbiota into a dysbiotic one (60). a strong innate immune response, and a microenvi-
Porphyromonas gingivalis is widely thought to ronment conducive to the establishment of a slower-
represent a keystone pathogen and may provide growing, and inherently antibiotic-resistant, commu-
the basis for developing treatment for periodontitis nity.
(38). P. gingivalis is postulated to subvert comple- Current evidence strongly implicates viruses, partic-
ment and impair host defense, leading to over- ularly cytomegalovirus and other herpesviruses, in the
growth of oral commensal bacteria. The latter pathogenesis of periodontitis (144, 145). Herpesvirus-
overgrowth presumably induces a complement- es subvert the innate and adaptive antiviral defense
dependent inflammation, tissue destruction and mechanisms, thereby establishing a lifelong latent
nutrient-rich inflammatory exudate to support further infection. Contreras et al. (37) examine the mecha-
bacterial growth (60). Interestingly, heterogeneous nisms of pathogenesis of human cytomegalovirus as
structural isoforms of P. gingivalis lipopolysaccharide well as the immune response against cytomegalovi-
differentially interact with toll-like receptors 2 and 4, rus infection. These authors suggest that immune


responses to cytomegalovirus can play an important Genco & Borgnakke (55) critically evaluated the evi-
role in controlling or aggravating periodontitis. dence of risk factors for periodontal disease within
Cytomegalovirus, for example, infects periodontal the following categories: (i) gender, smoking and
macrophages and T-cells and elicits the release of alcohol, (ii) diabetes, (iii) obesity and metabolic syn-
interleukin-1b and tumor necrosis factor-a. These drome, (iv) osteoporosis, dietary calcium and vita-
inflammatory cytokines play an important role in min D, (v) stress, and (vi) genetic factors. Men
the host defense against the virus; however, these exhibit greater susceptibility to periodontitis than
cytokines also contribute to local inflammation and do women (48, 134), consistent with findings in a
risk for periodontal breakdown and attachment loss. nonhuman primate model (118). Strong evidence
Cytomegalovirus infection also alters the normal exists for sexual dimorphisms in immune function,
activity of fibroblasts, which exhibit diminished col- involving both innate and acquired immunity (23).
lagen production and increased release of metallo- Injury and infection have been associated with
proteinases (37). The presence of combined viral– higher levels of inflammatory cytokines in men than
bacterial infections may help explain certain clinical in women, paralleling sex-specific differences in
features of periodontal disease, such as isolated periodontitis (135). Differential gene regulation, par-
periodontal destruction, as well as the role of peri- ticularly in sex steroid-responsive genes, and sexual
odontal disease as a risk factor for systemic diseases dimorphisms in immune defense may contribute to
(37). a sexual dimorphism in susceptibility to perio-
Genetic risk factors underlie, in part, individual dif- dontitis (135).
ferences in susceptibility to periodontitis (77), includ- As with other chronic diseases, multiple gene–
ing the host immune and inflammatory responses, gene and gene–environment interactions are
which can lead to alterations in the subgingival involved in the biological response to microbial bio-
microenvironment, favoring the emergence of peri- films and injury. Allelic variants at multiple gene
odontal pathogens (10). Moreover, this complex host loci probably influence susceptibility to periodonti-
defense is responsive to behavioral, biological and tis (153). Evidence that genetic factors modify
environmental factors, such as obesity and smoking. susceptibility to periodontitis is stronger for aggres-
Cekici et al. (26) examine the complex immune and sive periodontitis than for chronic periodontitis
inflammatory cascades initiated by oral bacterial bio- (55). Nevertheless, the genetic basis of aggressive
films. These investigators conclude that a dysregula- and chronic periodontitis remains poorly under-
tion of inflammatory and immune pathways is stood. Selected polymorphisms may contribute to
responsible for the transition to chronic inflamma- individual differences in susceptibility to multiple
tion. The conversion of acute to chronic inflamma- inflammatory conditions, including periodontitis
tion is marked in neutrophils by a ‘class switch’ of (53). Schaefer et al. (127), for example, have shown
eicosanoid pathways, as evidenced by the up-regula- that three of the genetic variant single-nucleotide
tion of 15-lipoxygenase (85, 161). Of particular impor- polymorphisms found in coronary heart dis-
tance is the understanding that active inflammation, ease are also associated with aggressive perio-
coupled with a failure of mucosal innate defense sys- dontitis.
tems, is necessary for persistence of periodontal
pathogens and a shift to chronicity of infection (26).
Cekici et al. (26) underscore the clinical implications Sex steroids in aging and disease
of evidence that the resolution of inflammation is reg-
ulated as an active process, particularly with respect Sex-specific genetic architecture clearly influences
to potential therapeutic targets for the control of peri- multiple human attributes, including the preva-
odontitis and other chronic diseases. lence, course and severity of many common dis-
eases (106). Moreover, the overall genetic
contribution, or heritability, of many common dis-
Susceptibility: setting the stage ease-associated quantitative phenotypes differs
between men and women (74, 132). Sex-specific
Susceptibility to periodontitis varies widely among linkages have been found for psychiatric traits, such
adults (55), with the initiation and progression of as autism, and for immune-mediated disorders,
most forms of periodontitis representing a complex such as inflammatory bowel disease and osteoar-
interaction among genetic, behavioral, metabolic thritis. There is increasing evidence to support the
and environmental factors (153). In a recent review, notion that sex can actually be considered an

Modifiable risk factors in periodontal disease

environmental factor which can modify both pene- ence the regulation of gene expression, occurring
trance and expressivity of traits, such as obesity, independently of DNA sequence and mediated prin-
blood pressure and lipid levels, as well as suscepti- cipally through changes in DNA methylation and
bility to disease (167). Sex-specific temporal chromatin structure (159). Epigenetic changes
differences in gene regulation, particularly in aging, include an array of molecular modifications, which
have profound influences on disease susceptibility are potentially reversible and heritable. The most
(13). extensively studied molecular modifications are
Sex steroids are fundamental to skeletal develop- DNA methylation, which occurs at the carbon-5
ment, bone homeostasis and immune function. Sex- position of cytosine in CpG dinucleotides, and post-
ual dimorphisms in immune function are well translational histone modifications of chromatin
documented in humans. In general, women generate (72). Therefore, environmental exposures have the
more robust and potentially protective humoral and potential to alter gene expression and modify
cell-mediated immune responses, whereas men fre- susceptibility to disease through changes in the epi-
quently mount a more aggressive and potentially genome. Studies in mice provide strong evidence of
damaging inflammatory immune response to micro- an effect of prenatal environmental exposures on
bial stimuli (95), perhaps offering insight into sex dif- postnatal phenotypes. For example, maternal die-
ferences in risk for periodontitis (48, 134). Sexual tary supplementation of mice with methyl-donors,
dimorphisms in cortical bone size and strength such as folic acid, results in a shift in coat color
appear to be determined by independent and tempo- from yellow to brown (pseudoagouti) in the off-
ral-specific actions of sex steroids and insulin-like spring. This shift in color is directly linked to the
growth factor (24). Although men generally reach a extent of DNA methylation. Moreover, maternal
higher peak bone mass, greater bone size and stron- dietary supplementation with genistein (a phytoes-
ger skeletal strength than women, the long bones trogen) induces hypermethylation that persists into
exhibit comparable bone densities (172). Sex steroids adulthood, decreasing ectopic Agouti expression
play an essential role in the maintenance of bone and protecting offspring from obesity in adulthood
health throughout life – estrogens and androgens (47).
appear to be necessary for normal skeletal health in Genetic and epigenetic traits associated with sys-
both men and women (35). Estrogen deficiency is a temic exposures, such as smoking, appear to influ-
major pathogenetic factor in the bone loss associated ence the inflammatory and metabolic states of the
with the menopause and postmenopausal osteoporo- periodontal tissues in response to injury or infection.
sis. Pronounced sexual dimorphisms emerge in the Barros & Offenbacher (9) review the advances in epi-
microarchitecture of the aging skeleton, which appear genetics, focusing on the role of DNA methylation in
to impact remodeling and osteocyte lacunar density the pathogenesis of periodontal disease and the
in bone (51, 163). potential of epigenetic therapy. Virus and bacterial
Shiau et al. (136) critically examine sex steroids in infections can establish several types of epigenetic
relation to aging, immune function and risk for peri- modifications (37). Barros & Offenbacher (9) provide
odontitis. These authors highlight the pleiotropic data showing multiple methylated CpG islands in
effects of sex-steroid hormones on tissues and organs, chronically inflamed gingival tissue, consistent with
which occur throughout the lifespan, as well as the an epigenetic modification of fields. Therefore, epige-
clinical significance of such alterations on risk for netic modifications may contribute to the establish-
common age-related diseases. Reductions in estro- ment and progress of periodontal diseases. The
gen, for example, represent a major risk factor for authors also highlight the significance of the epige-
osteoporosis and other chronic conditions in women, netic field effect, whereby DNA methylation poten-
which may help to explain the association between tially increases the risk of the region for subsequent
osteoporosis and alveolar bone loss (136). malignant transformation. Epigenetic field effects
may help to provide a biologic basis for the observed
associations between periodontal disease and oral
Epigenetics: turning up the heat precancerous lesions and tumors (155). Evidence of
epigenetic modification supports the concept that
A growing body of literature now implicates epige- chronic infection and inflammation can affect gene-
netic processes in chronic diseases. Epigenetics specific epigenetic reprogramming in periodontal
refers to environment–gene interactions that influ- tissues.


Smoking, alcohol and periodontal Stress and depression: a state of

inflammation inflammation
Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of pre- Major depression is a severe widespread psychiatric
mature death of adults in the USA (162). Cigarette disorder, ranking fifth among the leading causes of
smoke contains a complex chemical mixture of com- global disease (96). Laboratory and clinical studies
bustion compounds that can induce DNA damage, provide compelling evidence that psychological stress
inflammation and oxidative stress (151). The risk and plays a causal role in the etiology of major depression
severity of many adverse health outcomes, such as (11). Chronic stress and depression have a negative
cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases, are directly effect on the immune system and increase the risk of
related to the duration and level of exposure to atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, diabetes and
tobacco smoke. Several major classes of chemicals in other systemic conditions (58). The World Health
tobacco smoke are toxic and carcinogenic (151). Organization World Health Survey of 245,404 partici-
Tobacco smoking produces a chronic inflammatory pants from 60 countries found that, compared with
state and decreased insulin sensitivity, which can the chronic diseases angina, arthritis, asthma and
accelerate microvascular disease (69). diabetes, depression produced the greatest decre-
Tobacco smoking is widely considered as the most ment in health (103). Chronic stress and depression
important environmental risk factor for periodontitis also affect the course and the outcome of many of
(14, 109, 124, 147). Data from the 2009–2010 National these conditions (97, 110, 170).
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey cycle Warren et al. (166) review the literature on the role
revealed a prevalence of periodontitis of 64.2% of chronic stress and depression in periodontal dis-
among current smokers, compared with 39.8% ease. The authors conclude that available evidence
among nonsmokers (48). Johannsen et al. (73) exam- supports the hypothesis that stress and depression
ine cigarette smoking as a causal and preventable risk can modify the host defense and the progression of
factor for periodontitis. These authors conclude that periodontal infections in patients susceptible to peri-
tobacco smoking modifies both the local and the sys- odontitis. This conclusion is also consistent with clin-
temic host response. This modified response is char- ical and experimental evidence that stress and
acterized by a stronger inflammatory reaction, with depression delay wound healing (16, 76). Although
increased levels of inflammatory cytokines, reactive stress and depression are often associated with
oxygen species, collagenase and serine proteases. Jo- changes in health-related behaviors, such as oral
hannsen et al. (73) also highlight parallels in the neg- hygiene, smoking and diet, these changes do not fully
ative effect of tobacco smoking on other chronic account for the differences observed in wound heal-
conditions, including rheumatic arthritis, multiple ing or disease (166).
sclerosis, cardiovascular disease and inflammatory
bowel disease. These authors found only limited evi-
dence to support the hypothesis that tobacco smok- Obesity, diabetes mellitus and
ing has a detrimental influence on the subgingival metabolic syndrome
microbiota (73).
Tobacco smokers are at heightened risk of hazard- Data from the National Health and Nutrition Survey
ous alcohol drinking and alcohol-related diagnoses (2009–2010) indicated that 35.7% of adults are obese
(98). Alcohol abuse adversely affects the risk for infec- (with a body mass index of ≥30), and that adults
tious diseases (115), such as tuberculosis (91) and ≥60 years of age are more likely to be obese than
pneumonia (125). The overall impact of alcohol con- younger adults (107). For this same period, 8.3% of
sumption on infectious diseases appears to be sub- the population was affected with diabetes, and a dis-
stantial (116, 117), attributable largely to the adverse proportionately higher percentage of adults ≥65 years
effects of alcohol on the immune system (116, 122). of age (26.9%) was found to have diabetes (25).
The effect of alcohol appears greatest for persons Obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome contrib-
consuming more than 40 g of pure alcohol per day ute to both inflammation and chronic disease (49,
(91, 125). There is limited evidence indicating that 78). Metabolic syndrome refers to a constellation of
alcohol consumption may be associated with disturbances including central obesity, dyslipidemia,
increased severity of clinical attachment loss (5, 17, hyperglycemia or diabetes, and hypertension. A cen-
70, 79, 82, 113, 133, 137, 156, 157). tral feature of the metabolic syndrome is insulin resis-

Modifiable risk factors in periodontal disease

tance, which significantly increases the risk for devel- ute to an inflammatory environment (168). Anti-
oping diabetes (138). Obesity and the metabolic syn- inflammatory diets have been recommended to help
drome are associated with elevations in mortality, control inflammation secondary to obesity and
mainly attributable to cardiovascular disease (22, 52). diabetes (131).
Adipocytes are metabolically active and synthesize Dang et al. (42) review the evidence for a direct link
and release a number of proinflammatory molecules between periodontal disease and nutrition. Numer-
(32, 93). Recent research has identified specific ous nutritional genetic studies provide proof of prin-
molecular mediators linking inflammation and insu- ciple that diet can modify the risk for chronic
lin resistance in obesity (105). Insulin has been shown diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.
to exert anti-inflammatory effects, in part, through These authors report that a large number of studies
the suppression of several proinflammatory tran- have found no significant association between
scription factors, such as nuclear factor-kappa B and selected nutrients and markers of periodontal disease
activator protein-1 (4, 40, 41). status; however, they note that most studies failed to
In a recent review, Linden et al. (86) concluded that consider potentially important interactions between
the evidence supports an association between obesity genotype and diet (42). Dang et al. (42) highlight the
and periodontal disease. Studies have also supported importance of interactions between genotype and
an association between metabolic syndrome and diet in determining the risk of the most common
periodontitis (39, 104); however, the risk of type 2 dia- complex diseases, including periodontitis.
betes may confound the association of metabolic syn-
drome with periodontitis (86).
Bullon et al. (19) critically evaluate the evidence for Modulating the inflammatory
the biologic basis underlying the inter-relationships cascade: diet and medications
among obesity, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis and
chronic periodontitis. The authors conclude that Given the central role of inflammation in aging and in
these chronic conditions share oxidative stress and many age-related diseases, including periodontitis,
mitochondrial dysfunction as common intracellular considerable effort has focused on strategies to mod-
features (19). Bullon et al. (19) highlight common ulate inflammatory cascades and thereby reduce
inflammatory cascades and events, particularly mito- chronic inflammation. Diet and systemic medications
chondrial dysfunction, which appear to underlie appear to offer great potential in modulating inflam-
obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis and periodontitis. mation.
Overall diet is strongly linked to levels of inflamma-
tion and disease risk (20, 169). Strong clinical and lab-
Nutrients and disease risk oratory evidence links multiple inflammatory
pathways to high caloric intake, particularly diets
Nutrigenomics is the field of nutrition science exam- high in refined carbohydrates (28). Dietary caloric
ining the interaction of diet, genome and disease (2). restriction has been found to reduce systemic mark-
Individual differences in response to dietary factors, ers of inflammation and may attenuate the effects of
particularly in relation to cardiovascular parameters, chronic inflammatory conditions. Caloric restriction
are well documented in the literature (84, 102). Lefe- has been shown to improve serum lipid and glucose
vre et al. (84), for example, found that reductions in profiles, to lower blood pressure and to increase insu-
low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in response to a lin sensitivity (119). Long-term caloric restriction was
dietary intervention were inversely related to pre- also shown to lower the risk for naturally occurring
treatment fasting insulin concentrations. High con- periodontal disease and the production of inflamma-
sumption of mono- and disaccharides, as well as tory mediators in male rhesus monkeys when com-
total fat, increases the risk of developing inflamma- pared with ad-libitum fed controls, but not in female
tory bowel disease (20, 56). Dietary regimes may monkeys (118).
modify disease symptoms, in part, through their Dawson et al. (44) examine the biologic basis under-
actions on the gut microbiota (56). There is growing lying the effect of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids
evidence that diets characterized by high ratios of on inflammation as well as current evidence on the
omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids may have important therapeutic efficacy of dietary interventions in control-
adverse physiological consequences, because omega- ling inflammatory conditions. These authors review
6 acids promote inflammation (139, 140). Therefore, the three major types of dietary omega-3 fatty acids
reductions in this ratio would be expected to contrib- used by the body: a-linolenic acid; eicosapentaenoic


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