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Eat mall frequent meals and snacks, Eat whenever you ee! hungry *iffoods taste metalic use past ‘Aad spices (lt, pepper or lemons ‘Eat meat with some grav. * Ave acdc ood that ean raate ‘the mouth ie. cote, nega, ruts, cheese, Kerostamia | + Use astra, (dry mouth) | + Increase oa hygiene ‘Keep liguids handy at al tines. ‘Avoid mouthaaeh that contans alcoho. = Consume sweet beverages te milshako,smacthin, aanediqid dns/suppements high in nteional vale ‘Trysucking ice chips {Try crinking warm ako and sup ftcan socthe threat pain ‘cooked cares, macaroni and ese, yogurt, and puding that are easy to chew and swallow + Avoid foods that may erate ‘the mouth. Tr foods cold or at room temperature. Ho foods can inate tender moth and tres, * Cut food into small lees 1 Use astra + Practice good mouth ewe The nutrient needs of people with cancer very from| person ta erson our dean can hep you deny your natrion gools and plen ways to hel you meet MISSION STATEMENT Tact ssa model veton ale he sutra of patents wi canca tough be apples of mort {hetr airy to pay tne education meat care Bolen Oa baat nea Dietary Guidelines During Cancer Birr DIETARY GUIDELINES DURING TREATMENT OF CANCER {Good nutiion sespeclally important you have cancer because both the illness an ts reatments can change the way you eat. Cancer and cancer tweatments can aso affect the way your body ‘olerates certain foods and uses nutrients Nuttin imtervention during chemotherapy and other cancer treatments can contribute to the suceess of treatment and to improve a patient's overall quality of ie. Eating well while ou are bong treated fr cancer might help you to ¥ Feel beter Keep up your strength and enery. ¥ Mietain your welght and your body's store of better tolerate reatmentrelated side eects, ¥ Lower your isk of nfection ¥ Hel ancl cecover faster, ‘Moco ar some things to keep in-mind: Many people tind ter appente better inthe morning, Take advantage ofthis and eat more at that ime ‘On days when you cannot eat at al, do not worry about it, Comeback eating as 000 3 yoUcan, and let your doctor know his proslem oes not get better within couple of days ‘ryt drink plenty offi (6-8gasses), especially on those days when you donot fel Uke eating. Focus on eating variety of foods every day to get all nutrients you need. Unt fat, sal, sugar, smoked or pele foods. ‘Managing Nutrition in Patents with Side Efocts from Cancer Treatment “Side fect Recommendation ‘Neutropenia | » Avoid al raw vegetables and Unrpe/overspefuts, incadig al fresh garishes, Cooked vegetables, canned fears and juces are fn. (weakened | + Avoidra or rae-cooked immune | moat Sch nd ogee. Meat systems) | shouldbe cooked othe welldone” stage. eee shouldbe therouehy cooked, no runny yolks, “Avoid aw nuts. You may eat baked products wah hese ingredients + Mate sure allo the dary products you eat re pastures «+ Oni pasteurized yogurt is alowed «Keep hot fod hot and cld fod] col. + pot haw t oom temperature ‘Thaw meat, sh, orBoutry inthe Imirowave or reigeratorins Gish to catch digs ‘Be safe Inthe way you handle foods ‘Wash your hand before handing food Wash al surfaces, euting boards and cating tenis thorough erent foods (Consume iquidshigh in protein snd eaores le milena, cream soups Nausea! Vorsiting + Eat dy fads suchas adie, rusk nd tas, throughout the dy Sit up for one hour or walk fra few minutes ate eating. >a bland fonds, Avoid foods ‘that are overly sweet, areasy, fred, ors Reduce cafene(cotee coke) intake + Avoid offensive ors. * Suck on candies, homemade ce cues made rom fut ice, ‘Rinse mouth betre and afer ting Diarrhea = Drink plenty of fu (oom temperature to avoid denysaton ‘eT liquids that have electrolytes like fi jigs and ORS. ‘Limit sary and gasforming food lke carbonated inks, ns frming vegetables (Beans and peas, spinach, caulfiower, cabbage salads ots, and chewing gu, ‘sReduce ber intake (uit, vegetables, bran crea mesure foe foods +Fan a daly neva Th Bane ‘Eat small frequent meals igh in ‘protein and ealores to avoid weight los. + Seco that sel good. Be creative and experiment with Est mere Aber containing foods (bean tuts, vegetables, oatmeal Drink’ 010 cups of gud a Try water prunejuicg, wat Jules, es, and hot lemonade Te walls and exerci, peer daty

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