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(for beginners + how to get started)


Having great skills and using your skills when you need to are two
different things.

The reason why talented, or skilled athletes might struggle with

using their skills is because they developed a big gap between
their physical and mental skills.

After hours of hard work in the pitch, doing extra sessions,

analyzing other players, going to the gym… you develop great
physical skills. A lot of athletes have the drive to do that for years,
and when they don’t perform well, they drive that energy into
working harder and harder.

And that does not change anything - because they keep only
improving their physical skills, and neglect the mental side.
Growing even more the gap between the physical and mental
skills, creating more frustration.

Instead, if those athletes (and maybe that’s you) invested 10% of

all of that hard work into developing more confidence, focus,
resilience, and making their mindset their strongest skill, they
would easily outperform their opponents - as they already have
great physical skills.

If that’s you, know you are only going to get different results when
you start doing different things. Luckily, you have found this
ebook where I will give you the 5 best tools to get started with
mental training today!

They are all #1 because they are all equally important and great in
their own way.

1. Mindfulness Meditation

1. Visualization

1. Journaling

1. Self-Talk

1. Gratitude


In the fast-paced world of football, having a strong and focused mind is super important.
Mindfulness meditation is like a secret weapon for footballers who want to boost their mental

What is Mindfulness Meditation?

Mindfulness meditation is all about paying close attention to what's happening right now. It helps
you stay focused and aware of your thoughts and feelings without getting stressed out.

Why is it Good for Footballers?

Sharper Focus: Imagine being in the middle of a game. Mindfulness helps you pay attention to the
game, so you can make quick decisions and stay on top of things.
Handling Tough Times: In football, you'll face challenges. Mindfulness helps you handle them better
by staying cool and not letting tough moments mess with your head.
Staying Calm: Picture a big moment, like taking a penalty. Mindfulness helps you stay calm and in
control, even when the pressure is on.

Try This Quick Mindfulness Drill:

Quiet Spot: Find a quiet place where you won't be bothered for 5-10 minutes.
Breathe In, Breathe Out: Sit or stand comfortably, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Pay
attention to how it feels as you breathe in and out.
Stay in the Moment: Focus on your breath. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring it back to
your breathing. This simple exercise helps you be more mindful, both on and off the field.

Adding mindfulness meditation to your mental training routine can make your mind stronger and
more focused, helping you play better football. Give it a try and see how it can take your game to
the next level!

“Meditating helps a lot for me

personally with taking a lot of
deep breaths, closing my eyes
and just centering myself and
listening to my inner self... That
definitely is something that
keeps me sane in the bubble.”
– Lebron James

In football, thinking about your game is just as important as playing it. Visualization is like making a
mind movie where you picture yourself doing things on the field. It's a great drill to help you do your
best when it really counts.

What's Visualization?

Visualization is like making pictures in your head. You imagine yourself in situations you would find
yourself on the field – scoring goals, making perfect passes, or stopping the other team in their

Why Should Footballers Do It?

Get Better at Skills: Close your eyes and see yourself doing a move you want to perfect, like scoring
a goal. Visualization helps you practice in your mind, making your skills even better.
Imagine Game Moments: Picture yourself in different parts of a game, like making the correct
decision or respond to a situation with the right mindset. This helps you feel ready and calm when
these things happen for real.
Feel Confident: When you picture yourself succeeding, it makes you feel more sure of yourself. The
more you see yourself doing well, the more confident you become in real games.

Try This Visualization:

Find a Quiet Spot: Sit somewhere quiet where no one will bother you for 5-10 minutes.
Make Your Movie: Close your eyes and think about a specific situation, like making a great save or
scoring a goal. Imagine every detail – the noise, the crowd, and the ball at your feet.
Feel the Good Vibes: Use your imagination to feel the excitement. Hear the cheers, feel the
happiness – it's like practicing success in your mind.

Adding visualization to your training routine helps you face challenges, improve your technical and
emotional skills, and go into every game feeling ready to win. It's like having a secret weapon for
your mind on the football field. Give it a try, and you'll see the difference!

“I have visualized my
imagination so clearly and so
consistently that it has
manifested itself into my
reality.”- Connor McGregor

In football, having mental clarity is super important. Journaling is like having a personal diary that
can help you become a better player by understanding your thoughts and staying focused.

What's Journaling?

Journaling is writing down your thoughts and feelings. It's like keeping a record of what's happening
in your head, helping you figure things out.

Why Should Footballers Do It?

Know Yourself: Write down what you think and feel every day. This helps you understand yourself
better, both on and off the field.
Set Goals: Use your journal to write down what you want to achieve. It could be becoming a starter
or making a trial. Writing it down helps you stay on track.
Celebrate Wins: After each game or practice, write about the good stuff. It could be a nice skill, a
class tackle – anything positive. It boosts your confidence and keeps you feeling good.

Try This Easy Journaling Routine:

Daily Check-In: Spend a few minutes each day writing about your day. Think about your training,
games, or any challenges you faced.
Goals and Progress: List your goals and write about the steps you're taking to reach them. Keep
track of how you're doing.
Celebrate Good Moments: Finish your entry by writing about positive things that happened. It could
be a banger goal, a fun practice – anything that made you feel good.

Journaling is like having a secret weapon for your mind in football. It helps you understand yourself,
set goals, and stay positive. Make it a habit, and you'll see how it can make you a better player on
the football field.

Positive self-talk is like setting yourself to perform with the right talk in your head, and it can make a
big difference in how you play.

What's Self-Talk?

Self-talk is the way you talk to yourself in your mind. It's like having a conversation with yourself
about how you're doing and what you need to do next.

Why It Helps Footballers:

Feel More Confident: When you tell yourself positive things like "I can do this" or "I'm good at this,"
it makes you feel more sure of yourself on the field.
Stay Focused: Self-talk helps you stay focused during a game. When you remind yourself of what
you're good at and what you need to do, it helps you block out distractions and stay on track.
Stay Calm: Football can be intense, but self-talk can help you stay calm. When you tell yourself
calming things like "I've got this" or "Stay focused," it helps you keep your cool.

Try This Simple Self-Talk Trick:

Notice Negative Thoughts: Pay attention to any negative thoughts you have during a game or
practice, like "I'm not good enough" or "I'll mess up."
Change Negative to Positive: When you catch a negative thought, change it to something positive
and encouraging. Instead of "I'll mess up," say "I can do this."
Repeat Positive Phrases: Keep repeating positive phrases to yourself, like "I'm strong" or "I'm
focused." It helps keep you in the right mindset during the game.

Why It Works for Footballers:

Positive self-talk is like having your own personal supporter. It boosts your confidence, keeps you
focused, and helps you play your best football. Give it a try, and see how it can power up your game!

Gratitude practice is a simple but powerful way to train your mind and improve your game.

What's Gratitude Practice?

Gratitude practice is all about taking a moment each day to think about the good things in your life.
It's like saying "thank you" for the stuff that makes you happy, both on and off the field.

Why It Helps Footballers:

Stay Positive: Gratitude practice helps you focus on the good stuff, even when things get tough. It’s
like looking on the bright side and staying optimistic, no matter what.
Bounce Back Stronger: Football has its ups and downs, but gratitude helps you stay strong. When
you appreciate what you have, it’s easier to bounce back from setbacks and keep going.
Team Spirit: Saying thanks to your teammates, coaches, and fans builds a strong team spirit. It’s like
cheering each other on and making everyone feel valued and supported.

Try This Easy Gratitude Exercise:

Think About Good Stuff: Every morning, take a moment to think about three things you’re thankful
for. It could be your teammates, a sunny day for training, or even a good night of sleep.
Say Thanks: Don’t forget to say thank you to the people who help you out. Whether it’s a
teammate passing you the ball or your coach giving you advice, a simple “thanks” goes a long way.
Write It Down: Consider keeping a gratitude journal. Write down what you’re thankful for each day
to remind yourself of all the good things in your life.

Why It Works for Footballers:

Gratitude practice is like giving your mind a boost. It keeps you positive, helps you bounce back
from tough times, and strengthens your team spirit. Give it a try, and see how it can make your
game even better!

Find your own values

This is a special from the Academy itself. It is the place where I learned all these high-level mental
skills. Because of the Academy I became truly confident and stopped having bad anxiety in matches.
I finally became able to show my true skills in games.

1. Choose your values:

Choose 3-5 values that represent you

and your life from this list:

2. Write the affirmation of them:

Write a short paragraph about the chosen ones.

3. Use them consistently.

4. List the situations to use them.


I know that was a lot of information, and you might be feeling


Learning a new skill can be daunting, but it is so worth it!

I started right where most start. Inexperienced, no confidence or high-level

coaching...BUT I knew I wanted a change.

This course and the community that came along with it equipped me with
the knowledge to move forward!


Open your mind. Take notes. Get excited.

Please reach out with any questions, I am always here to help.

And remember, it’s all in the mind

Instagram: @footy.full

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