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Crafting a compelling introduction for a research paper on autism is a pivotal step in engaging the

reader and laying the foundation for a comprehensive study. The complexity of this task arises from
the multifaceted nature of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which encompasses a wide range of
symptoms, causes, and interventions. Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by
challenges in social interaction, communication, and restricted or repetitive behaviors. The prevalence
of autism has been increasing, making it a critical area of research for scientists, educators, and
healthcare professionals.

Writing a thesis, particularly on a subject as intricate as autism, requires a deep understanding of the
topic, extensive research, and the ability to synthesize information into a coherent argument. The
process is undoubtedly challenging, as it involves not just the collection and analysis of data, but also
the task of writing in a clear, concise, and persuasive manner. One must navigate the vast literature on
autism, identify gaps in current research, and propose new avenues of study. Furthermore, given the
rapid advancements in our understanding of autism, staying updated with the latest research findings
adds another layer of complexity.

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latest scientific evidence.

In conclusion, writing a thesis or a research paper on autism is a demanding endeavor that requires a
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In modern society, there exists no standard treatment for ASD. After signing up, you would need to
import your existing references from Word or Bib file to SciSpace. Few children will suffer 4 from
“glue ear” which is an inflammation in the middle section of the ear. For instance, deliberate is the
proposed program gives good results and more importantly if the program will be the best for the
child and entire family. They think they are overreacting to what is a normal childhood.
Nevertheless, take your time to investigate it extensively, gather, and analyze data to develop a
winning piece. The impact factor is one of the many elements that determine the quality of a journal.
Such patterns include rocking, hopping, arranging and rearranging objects in a strict order, repeating
sounds, words or phrases. Acceptance by the school family is essential for autistic children in order
to comprehend the deficits and strengths of the child. In the United States, an estimated 1 in 252
girls and 1 in 54 boys are diagnosed with autism. Order now As well, this disorder is considered
spectrum because those suffering from it portray the range of signs and symptoms. These signs
include challenges in conversing, inability to see someone straight in the eyes when talking and many
more. Besides, the study group also improved their abilities in initiating. Some parents are believed
to have a mental disorder, or their doctors don’t believe them. You need to assess all these factors
before you make your final call. Hennessy, D. (2012). How Autistic Artist Stephen Wiltshire Made it
Big, The Forbes. Children with PDD-NOS tend to seem eager to make friends, but may not act
normally around others. These topics relate expert advice with parenting and the daily life of autistic
individuals. Some cases are undiagnosed because of the subtleness of the symptoms, while others
make it impossible for a person to function on their own. Most noteworthy, it is of great importance
to note that early intervention is made up of therapies and services majorly for helping children with
autism cope up with life in a positive way. Effective treatment for severe behavioral disorders
requires early intervention which is conducted throughout the child’s waking hours, while taking all
significant behaviors in all the child’s environments into consideration, by all significant persons
caring for the child, and for many years. There is a need for the school to provide facilities such as
computer and technology to help with teaching social skills like the tone of voice and emotions in
facial expression. Progressively, scientists are looking for the new way of influencing autism by
enhancing Immune system (What is Autism?). In that case, select the idea to work with from this
category. Psychometric data are presented for a sample of preschool children. Subsequently, early
intensive behavioral intervention offers multiple hours a day in 5 days a week program. Treatment
focuses on therapy and education tailored to the individual's needs and abilities. Certain organic
conditions were found more often in the socially impaired group. American psychiatrist Leo Kanner
came up with the name Autism in the 1940’s from the Greek word for self. As they do not connect
emotions to body language their understanding becomes complicated for both parties- a child and a
parent. The first part of the paper talks about the history of research on autism, the second part deals
with the nature of autism, and the third mentions treatments or interventions currently taken to
address the problem.
Physical characteristics Children with autism may experience completely different symptoms from
one another showing different capabilities. Register for a free account to start saving and receiving
special member only perks. sample research paper on analysis of type function
model an. Provide your email for sample delivery Send me this sample Your email is invalid. More
often, they take time to put things in the right order while others keep on repeating the same
sentence again and again (Zwaigenbaum et al., 2015). Currently, healthcare settings provide check-
ups for a child's development. It is for purposes of providing an alternative national and regional
development models. They prefer solitude to group play, have difficulties with other people gestures
and emotions interpreting, and usually cannot understand that people are different from them. This
paper seeks to devour autism as one of the exceptionalities. Among the common symptoms of autism
it is possible to distinguish social challenges, communication difficulties, and repetitive behavior.
Citation weighting depends on the categories and prestige of the citing journal. The research study
was an 8-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, with a study sample of 79
children with pervasive develpmental disorders such as autism, aged between 5 to 12 years. These
include behavioral problems such as aggressive behavior, tantrums; neurological problems such as
seizures; psychiatric conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional
defiant disorder (ODD), anxiety disturbances, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and general
anxiety disorder. With early intervention, most parents have recorded that their children have
significantly improved despite the few challenges that the intervention is facing in its
implementation. The revised interview has been reorganized, shortened, modified to be appropriate
for children with mental ages from about 18 months into adulthood and linked to ICD-10 and DSM-
IV criteria. Common symptoms in children include lack of response to their name, poor eye contact,
not responding to questions, avoiding physical contact, and preferring solitary play. This approach is
commonly considered to be the most effective in treating autism in children. A family can be torn
apart by this, or come closer together. Also, ASD includes Asperger syndrome together with
persuasive development disorders (Wong et al., 2015). Similarly, visual simulation, being a common
challenge with children who have autism, should be minimized and as such, the windows, lighting,
ceiling, and floor covering should be set appropriately to minimize sensory stimulation. The first part
of the paper talks about the history of research on autism, the second part deals with the nature of
autism, and the third mentions treatments or interventions currently taken to address the problem.
With the passage of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1975, we accepted
responsibility for educating children who face special challenges like autism. However, learners
should pick exciting topics to develop outstanding pieces. This is a great example of profound
research work. Communication repair, responsive interaction and milieu teaching may. But these
parents know that there is something wrong with their child. Thus, autism is a deviation and a child
can even benefit from it in some cases. A father of an autistic son, Bernard Rimbland, decided to get
all the possible information on autism in order to overturn the theory that this disorder can be a
reaction to bad parenting (Tributes to a Founder, 2013). Moreover, any furniture that is not useful for
the day's learning should be removed. Any parent of an Autistic child can relate to these stories.
There is also the option of behavioral analysis, where a doctor or therapist will observe a child and
try to “fix” some abnormal behaviors. Choosing Research Paper Topics for Autism: Reviewing
Options and Making a Good Choice When selecting your research paper topic idea for Autism it
helps to take time to learn about the condition first. All the work should be used in accordance with
the appropriate policies and applicable laws. It is important to note that every case is different, and
some children can present with none of these symptoms, while others will seem to have all of them.
But like the other ideas, they need thorough research to come up with impressive papers. It's very
easy. If you need help, our support team is always ready to assist you. Physical characteristics
Children with autism may experience completely different symptoms from one another showing
different capabilities. Therapeutic Recreational Specialists can help develop programs that will help
them create co-ordination and hopefully some social skills, but it all depends on the individual and
the symptoms that are dominant in them. The taking of vitamin B6 helps to improve: speech,
sleeping patterns, lessened irritability, attention span and decrease self-stimulatory behaviors, 1996.
A “socially impaired” group (more than half of whom were severely retarded) and a comparison
group of “sociable severely mentally retarded” children were identified. These topics relate expert
advice with parenting and the daily life of autistic individuals. Moreover, any furniture that is not
useful for the day's learning should be removed. As you can see, there is an array of other symptoms
that can accompany Autism. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Few of these
factors include review board, rejection rates, frequency of inclusion in indexes, and Eigenfactor. The
intervention also claims that a well-trained behavior analyst should staff the program. The
improvement in the patient’s condition far outweighed the minor drawbacks. Caroline mentioned that
crowds caused him to have meltdowns and one of her “tricks”. The committee explores what makes
education effective for the child with autism and identifies specific characteristics of programs that
work. Among of the most interesting characteristics of autistic children is their ability to hold much
information in working memory although its capacity is limited for average person. There is a need
for the schools to provide relationship development interventions to children with autism to enable
them to develop adaptability, self-awareness, and social skills. Although this is just my theory, it has
been shown that there is evidence of genetics playing a part in the cause of autism. Irrespective of
the program a person chooses, the intensity of the practice plays a significant role. This paper seeks
to devour autism as one of the exceptionalities. Explaining a Concept Paper: Autism by This
Explaining a Concept paper can be useful to new parents and all those involved in work with
children such primary school teachers, social workers. The entire assignment was quite a great
challenge for me, but not for the writer at GetEssay. The clearest confirmation of autism components
includes factors before conception and after birth. Some of the autism risk evidence includes events
that occur during or before birth. However, having ASD is not the end as there exist strategies of
helping those suffering with it come up with life aspects. The impact of autism on vocal quality and
phonological productions.
Within each module, diagnostic groups were equivalent on expressive language level. We offer the
best prices you will find online, and we provide expert support that will help students achieve at the
highest academic levels. Children with autism have impairments in cognition, language delays, and
lack of or poor social interactions. Educational or Behavioral Treatment Behavioral related
treatments are used to help the child respond to decreased symptoms. Autism research paper sample
burden and lack of opportunities were noted as the leading barriers to physical activities. The entire
assignment was quite a great challenge for me, but not for the writer at GetEssay. They were
randomly assigned to early intensive behavioral treatment, and to treatment involving intensive hours
but less supervision by equally qualified supervisors. Some of the barriers to ASD intervention
include the incomplete development of the intervention, frequent changes, and inadequate evidence
of intervention effectiveness as well as poor fitting. The authors want to thank the children with
autism and families who took part in this study. Some children will find an interest in one certain
thing or subject. The revised interview has been reorganized, shortened, modified to be appropriate
for children with mental ages from about 18 months into adulthood and linked to ICD-10 and DSM-
IV criteria. There is Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS),
Asperger's syndrome, Rett syndrome, and Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD). With the
availability of gene predilection to autism, some of the environmental or non-genetic stresses seem to
increase further the risks of a child to autism. These students autism research questions are among the
current topics being discussed among experts. Another child would sit and watch the family fishes
for hours a day and would just walk back and forth on the gravel in the driveway. A good example is
the area that has tile floor being used for snacks other than being used for language arts.
Progressively, scientists are looking for the new way of influencing autism by enhancing Immune
system (What is Autism?). The teacher should use furniture partition the areas that are off limits and
establish boundaries using colored tapes and also let the students have fixed place to sit. According
to Hardman et al (2007), parents should develop a positive attitude in the child, help in scheduling
time, guide the child about the layout of the school, teach him about a safe place to go to and a safe
person to approach if needed, in order to help the child get adjusted in school. While autism was
once thought to be a form of schizophrenia, it is now understood as a spectrum of conditions with
varying severity. Much has been written and said about the nature and consequences of autism for
children. Any parent of an Autistic child can relate to these stories. According to Sigafoos et al
(2004), overreliance on pre-linguistic skills in. Though there is little evidence concerning the
effectiveness of discipline-. Further studies show that this increase can only be explained partly by
improved awareness and diagnosis of autism. The three-year prospective outcome study using a
quasi-experimental design consisted of the sample group of 21 children which received early
intensive behavioral therapy (EIBT) from a community agency, and the other control group of 21
children who of equal age and IQ as compared to the first group, and belonging to special education
classes at local public schools. Moreover, they cannot also use non-verbal language which causes
frustration. Statement of Significance Autism spectrum disorder is a neurobehavioral disorder, and it
requires a sophisticated approach especially in childhood. In every aspect of life, it is quite impossible
to attain success without, so does the principle applies for early intervention for Autism Spectrum
Disorders (Shire et al., 2015). Remarkably, timeline defines when the most appropriate time to train
the child is. Conclusion This paper has highlighted current treatments for children with autism, and
investigated their effectiveness. If you want expert help with getting resources for your individual
project, feel free to place an order at.
In the 18th century there were medical texts containing descriptions of people who probably
suffered from autism (though the term was not used yet) - they could not talk, were excessively
secluded, and possessed extraordinary good memory. Subsequently, the manual ought to include
innovation research that allows the researchers to propose new ways of making the intervention more
effective. Through a comprehensive examination of the scientific knowledge underlying educational
practices, programs, and strategies, Educating Children with Autism presents valuable information
for parents, administrators, advocates, researchers, and policy makers. While we have since amassed
a substantial body of research, researchers have not adequately communicated with one another, and
their findings have not been integrated into a proven curriculum. Instead, there are several ways of
improving the child's ability to grow as well as learn new skills. In such a way Stephen Wiltshire,
contemporary painter, is able to recreate the panorama of New York after looking on it from
helicopter for twenty minutes. Statement of Significance Autism spectrum disorder is a
neurobehavioral disorder, and it requires a sophisticated approach especially in childhood. Caregiver-
conducted experimental functional analyses of inappropriate mealtime behavior. Buntinx, and L. In
order to use these resources in PEACE, it is necessary to establish a budget that will cover
expenditures on training courses for specialists involved in the program, educational materials,
seminars, and individual counseling. Assess the legal situations of autistic people in different
countries. The practice in the classroom would also be highly affected from this reading because after
reading this book it has become possible to figure out the right way of treatment of children with
ASD. It is believed that two to six of every thousand people on the Earth suffer from autism. Itard
suggested separating the children described by him from mentally retarded children. A subgroup
with a history of Kanner's early childhood autism could be identified reliably but shared many
abnormalities with other socially impaired children. Scientists are currently trying to find out what
part of the reduction of these cells causes all of Autisms many symptoms. Usually children with
Autism are born with a smaller head 5 than normal, and experience great growth in their first year.
Special Education Programs, gathered for school-age children since the. Autism is a general term for
complex brain development disorders. Some parents will lose sleep and seem very anxious, leading
the doctors to believe there is something wrong with them and not the child. The teacher should use
furniture partition the areas that are off limits and establish boundaries using colored tapes and also
let the students have fixed place to sit. As you can see, there is an array of other symptoms that can
accompany Autism. Lovaas (1993) discovered that early identification of the environmental variables
that controlled the extent of treatment gains, was essential. Well, Early Intervention emphasizes that
the early the disorder is recognized, the better. If interested in autism biology, here is a list of topics
to consider for your research paper. These goals imply continuous progress in social and cognitive
abilities. Hence, evidence-based multidimensional treatment plans should be used for achieving
optimal outcomes in children with autism. Comparisons of means indicated consistent differentiation
of autism and PDDNOS from nonspectrum individuals, with some, but less consistent,
differentiation of autism from PDDNOS. Place the board in one fixed place of the classroom, and
the classroom should also be structured with clearly defined areas. Within the sciences,
mathematicians scored highest. People with less severe forms of autism may appear to be perfectly
normal, except in certain social situations where the impairment becomes more apparent. Because it
is UNCORRECTED material, please consider the following text as a useful but insufficient proxy
for the authoritative book pages.
It is believed that 40-50% of children suffering from autism also suffer from gastrointestinal reflux.
Some families will try to cure their child through various immunizations. Moreover, parents,
caregivers, as well as guardians, always find a hard time when choosing an early intervention
program for their children. Their stories really helped me empathize and get into the minds of people
with Autism. It's very easy. If you need help, our support team is always ready to assist you. They
have difficulty interacting with other people—often failing to see people as people rather than simply
objects in their environment. The history of autism research dates back to the beginning of the 20th
century, when scientific interest in the physical and natural sciences, as well as professional interest
in psychology and social sciences rapidly increased (Schopler, 2001). Upload Read for free FAQ and
support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Most
Autistic children don’t develop their language as early as normal children would. Caroline
mentioned that crowds caused him to have meltdowns and one of her “tricks”. If you want expert
help with getting resources for your individual project, feel free to place an order at. Citation
weighting depends on the categories and prestige of the citing journal. There is also a sense of
abnormal communication linked to Autism. A subgroup with a history of Kanner's early childhood
autism could be identified reliably but shared many abnormalities with other socially impaired
children. In the same way, Ingersoll et al (2012) noted that interventions. Sign up for email
notifications and we'll let you know about new publications in your areas of interest when they're
released. This approach is commonly considered to be the most effective in treating autism in
children. Some suffer from echolalia, which is repeating what is said but not actually replying or
responding to a question or statement. Hennessy, D. (2012). How Autistic Artist Stephen Wiltshire
Made it Big, The Forbes. For example, when you write your paper and hit autoformat, our system
will automatically update your article as per the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
citation style. Children suffering from autism are deficient in the normal desire for social interaction
and contact. If it happens that the child takes too long to respond, repeated trials are encouraged at
that time. It is important to note that every case is different, and some children can present with
none of these symptoms, while others will seem to have all of them. Once I got the completed paper,
my last doubts were gone. The proposed schedule is what experts considered as the best way of
(Salomone et al., 2016) achieving excellent intervention outcomes. Some families will turn to drug
therapy, which has been reported to reduce 8 some repetitive behaviors. Similarly, visual simulation,
being a common challenge with children who have autism, should be minimized and as such, the
windows, lighting, ceiling, and floor covering should be set appropriately to minimize sensory
stimulation. Teachers should also get rid of unused furniture or items which no longer serve a
purpose in the classroom and use visuals to define spaces and increase independence among students.
Well, Early Intervention emphasizes that the early the disorder is recognized, the better. If we take
into account available statistics, which convincingly testifies to the surge in the number of autism
cases, as well as of other disorders of childhood and adolescence, during the recent decades (Comer,
2003, ch.

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